Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1647 Mo Shang Sang

Sure enough, just as Yang Xiu expected, Marcus, who was originally the highlight, became Cao Cao's foil. No one paid attention to any irregularities in etiquette. After a hurried cutscene, it was over. This time the celebration ceremony.

Xu County was originally just a medium-sized county town, but after so many years of expansion and repair, it has doubled in size. In the city, there are not only ordinary people, but also the emperor's palace and It is the residence of hundreds of officials, so overall, Xu County can be said to be the current political and economic center of Yuzhou.

After the celebration, a dinner was held in the main square.

This was supposed to be a happy time, but due to the special circumstances at the moment, many officials who participated could not laugh at all, and the whole scene seemed a bit embarrassing.

Banquets in the Han Dynasty usually lasted from afternoon to evening. In addition, a lot of money was invested in holding this celebration. Therefore, after dark, many bonfires were lit around the square and on the corridor in the middle. , firstly, it provides lighting, and secondly, it can also ward off the cold.

The bells and drums were beating slowly, and the feast had already begun. The sound of silk and bamboo was melodious, and fragrant dishes were placed on the table one after another. However, many people's minds were not on the banquet dishes at all, but frequently looked at them with their eyes. Glancing at the situation in front of the main square...

Except Marcus.

In order to prevent Marcus from making mistakes, Yang Xiu basically accompanied him throughout the entire process, and this time was no exception.

Sitting in the square, listening to the elegant music, looking at the dishes on the table, and looking at the maids walking around like butterflies in flowers, Marcus was somewhat dizzy. It was his first time to attend such a grand event. This scene made Marcus somewhat excited and nervous at the same time.

Marcus reached out to grab the copper chopsticks. Marcus was not used to the heavy copper chopsticks. One of them fell with a clang and landed on the mat under the table. Marcus quickly grabbed it again, held it in his hand, and then looked around, only to see that the officials around him had withdrawn their glances after hearing the strange noise.

Yang Xiu turned his head and couldn't help but rolled his eyes, then stretched out his hand to hold down Marcus' arm, "Wait, wait and eat... You can drink some of this first... Don't touch the chopsticks yet..."

"What's the matter? Is there any food left?" Although Marcus put down the copper chopsticks like an exile, he still couldn't help asking.

"In an occasion like this, you can't eat have to wait...didn't you see that everyone was eating without moving chopsticks?" Yang Xiu knew that Marcus had to talk to Marcus about etiquette and procedures. He couldn't remember it at all, so he told Marcus in the most rudimentary way, "Anyway, just follow me. You can drink whatever I drink, and you can eat whatever I eat... Do you understand?"

"Uh, haha..." Marcus sighed and replied.

Yang Xiu held down Marcus who was about to move, and then turned his attention to Liu Xie and Cao Cao again, with a playful look in his eyes. He didn't expect that when he came to Xu County, he would see such a big show...

And this scene doesn't seem to be over yet.

Soon, the emperor Liu Xie picked up the wine cup under the loud chant of the guest of honor praising the event. Everyone quickly straightened their clothes, then stood up and sat upright towards Liu Xie, bowed their heads and listened.

Liu Xie had been preparing for this day for a long time. Even what he wanted to say for the banquet in the evening was done alone in the harem, practicing and revising by himself, but now, when he When he saw Cao Cao, who came first in the next song, he suddenly lost all interest. After simply saying a few clichés, the session was over.

Because Liu Xie knew that Cao Cao would speak on behalf of the ministers next. Someone may listen to Liu Xie's own words, but someone must listen to what Cao Cao says...

The guest of honour, Zan, once again shouted: "Your Majesty... courtesy..."

All the officials saluted Liu Xie, expressing their respect and gratitude to Liu Xie. Then Cao Cao slowly stood up, took a glass of wine, half turned around, and glanced slowly at each person. When he glanced at someone, the official couldn't help but straighten his shoulders and waist, and didn't dare to move.

"The Han Dynasty has been appointed by Heaven for more than 400 years. Its virtues have spread to the eight wastelands, and its teachings have spread all over the world. It has descended from neighboring countries and received the rituals and music of its people. Emperor Gaozu was about to have a great treasure. He obeyed Heaven and obeyed people, and established the foundation of Han Dynasty. Emperor Shizong, He defeated the difficulties and established the country, brought peace to the world, promoted the prestige of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the ancestors, cultivated literature and military affairs, and attacked all directions. He restored the Han Dynasty and rejuvenated the country.

Cao Cao almost didn't pause at all, and his loud voice spread throughout the square.

Liu Xie twisted his body slightly. Although Cao Cao's words were all good, they still made Liu Xie very uncomfortable. Every word seemed to tell Liu Xie that compared with famous emperors like the Han Dynasty, now Who do you think you are? What does it count for?

Amid the crackling sounds of the campfire, Yang Xiu listened quietly and watched quietly, but a strange smile couldn't help but appear on his face. He had already guessed what Cao Cao would say next...

"...Now Your Majesty has inherited the great teachings of the saints and the ancestral lineage of the ancestors, and is working hard and not daring to slack off. In the past years, the Yellow Turbans were in chaos, and now the north of Hebei is rebelling. The clan will be destroyed, and the country will be in turmoil. Fortunately, all of you have worked together, and have succeeded one after another. Clean up, eliminate evil, come here with Yan..."

Yang Xiu grinned silently. As expected, after talking about his own achievements, he should criticize Liu Xie next, right?

"... At present, the Central Plains is fortunate to return to the army, and the army returns to Digong, which is a blessing for the great Han Dynasty. Since then, you have to take care of the common people and work diligently, so that you can be worthy of heaven and earth and repay Your Majesty's kindness. If you have ears and eyes, Those who are not clear about it will cause troubles from thieves and bandits internally and externally, shield their ears and eyes, drive away loyal and good people, or steal authority, or enrich and enrich the wealth, just like the ant soil becomes a drain!"

Cao Cao's voice was so loud that it seemed that all the surrounding voices were suppressed. Only Cao Cao's words kept rolling over the square...

"... If you behave improperly or act improperly, you will cause harm to the country, invade the Central Plains, overthrow the Heluo River, disturb the Han River, cause the clothes to run in the grass, and the common people to be embarrassed in front of the grass, it is an unpardonable crime!" If you are not talented, you will receive divine grace and be promoted to a high position, but you will always sleep in the dark, fearful and fearful, walking on thin ice, fearing that you will be ashamed of heaven and earth, be ashamed of people below, be ashamed of the barbarians on the outside, and be ashamed of the nine tribes on the inside! A gentleman works hard all day long and is vigilant at night, and there is no blame! Those who are responsible for ordering disasters must rely on you, and those who can manage the country must first consolidate its foundation and bring peace to the world, then there will be glory! I hope you will encourage me!"

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine!

There was silence in the square. After Cao Cao had sat down, the guest of honor, Zan Shou, suddenly woke up and announced loudly that the next step was to proceed...

Now it's finally time to start eating, but almost no one in the square is thinking about eating. Cao Cao's words just now are lingering in their hearts, and then they can't help but exchange looks with each other...

Except Marcus.

Cao Cao said something. Did Marcus understand? When he saw someone touching the chopsticks, he turned around and saw that Yang Xiu was still motionless. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He glared at Yang Xiu and coughed again.

Yang Xiu came back from his thoughts, couldn't help but smile, and immediately picked up the copper chopsticks, signaling that he could start eating.

Marcus was overjoyed when he saw this. He hurriedly grabbed the copper chopsticks and took a chopstick at the dish he had been staring at for a long time. Then he opened his big mouth, stretched out his head, spit out a large section of his tongue, and started chewing with satisfaction. …

Marcus ate deliciously, but Yang Xiu just followed custom and etiquette and put a little bit on each dish. After a brief taste, he stopped using his chopsticks and stopped eating.

While Marcus was feasting, he suddenly saw Yang Xiu stop eating with his chopsticks. His eyes widened immediately, thinking that he couldn't eat anymore, so he ate so much, and he was catching the greedy bug out. If he couldn't Continuing to eat seemed to be killing him, and he felt that he was losing face by always asking this and that, so he coughed again and pointed to Yang Xiu repeatedly with his eyes.

Yang Xiu laughed dumbly and said softly: "It's okay... you can eat... It's just that the dinner will last for two hours. If you eat like this, you will be full soon, and you won't be able to eat the delicious food later... "

"Ah?" Marcus looked at the dishes on the table hesitantly, "What's going on next? Why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"I've already done it. I'm afraid I didn't remember Ni, right?" Yang Xiu scholar Marcus replied with a smile, "Let's watch the singing and dancing first. Don't worry, don't worry..."

In the center of the square, a group of dancers had appeared at some point. They were singing and dancing to the beat, playing tambourines or stepping on the beat, with graceful postures.

"The sun rises in the southeast corner, shining on my Qin family building. The Qin family has a good daughter, and she names herself Luofu. Luofu likes sericulture and picks mulberry in the south corner of the city. The green silk is used as a cage tie, and the cinnamon branches are used as cage hooks..."

One person sings, and everyone joins in. The singing is beautiful and the dancing is graceful and elegant.

"Eh?" The song came, and Yang Xiu couldn't hold it back for a moment, with a look of thought on his face.

Speaking of which, this Han Yuefu piece is considered a common piece of music, but it is used on such an occasion, especially at this moment...

It's a little weird.

There are many kinds of music in Han Yuefu, but they are generally divided into four categories. The first category is suburban temple songs, which are mainly music and songs composed by noble literati for sacrifices. They are gorgeous and elegant, and are most suitable for use in current places. However, what is being sung now is "Mo Shang Sang", which is not a suburban temple song, but one of the songs of Xianghe. It is folk music collected from various places, and the lyrics are mostly "street street ballads". .

Of course, that doesn’t mean that “Mo Shang Sang” can’t be played in elegant halls. After all, having fun with the people is also an important indicator of the performance of imperial officials. It’s just the first song to open...

There are too many opening songs to choose from, such as "Hua Yeye, Gulinggen. God's Tree, Crossing the Gate of Heaven, Thousands of Chariots, Dun Kunlun" written by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, or written by Minister Kuang Heng "Only Taiyuan Zun, Goddess Fanli, longitude and latitude of heaven and earth, making up the four seasons" are all acceptable and good.

But I chose this song "Mo Shang Sang"!

The meaning of this is naturally remarkable.

To be honest, if you don't care about the meaning contained in it, this famous Chinese opera "Mo Shang Sang", with its melodious and elegant singing and graceful, graceful long-sleeved dance, is a high-level audio-visual enjoyment.

Blooming like bright flowers, groups of graceful dancers move like floating clouds and graceful giants. They raise or lift their long sleeves according to the beat, or open or close their dazzling long skirts. The gentle posture of leaning up or lying down, the swaying soft waist, the graceful figure, and the shy eyes can't help but attract people's hearts and souls, making them salivate...

Before Marcus knew it, the copper chopstick in his hand had fallen on his lapel. Without realizing it, Marcus opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth, stretched his neck, and straightened his body, as if he was about to get up and rush to the scene at the next moment. Go and capture these beautiful dancers who are like butterflies among flowers...

Yang Xiu had no intention of enjoying the music and dance. He kept turning the wine cup in his hand, looking at the wine in the cup, and fell into deep thought.

"Qin's daughter?" Yang Xiu's eyes moved and he looked towards the top of the square, "This is not only sung for His Majesty, but also for the Qiaoqi... Huh, huh..."

On the other side, Guo Jia, who had been paying attention to Yang Xiu, caught Yang Xiu's expression, lowered his head and said to Xun Yu beside him: "The son of the Yang family, it seems that he heard it..."

"Yang Dezu rarely has a reputation for intelligence..." Xun Yu also whispered, "It's not surprising that he heard it, but I don't know...if he heard it over there..." Xun Yu's eyes turned to the top of the square.

"Haha..." Guo Jia shook his head with a low smile and said, "What if you can hear it? What if you can't hear it? It would be great if you thought about it before. If all the prisoners of war were beheaded immediately in front of the Ancestral Temple, and blood sacrifices were made to the ancestors, there would be at least one The decisive gesture of killing...and now...hehe, hehe..."

Xun Yu was silent, lowering his head and looking at the table.

Guo Jia glanced at Xun Yu, sighed lightly, and said nothing more.

Although Xun Yu was usually very taciturn back then, he was not as silent as he is now and spoke very little. When they were still in the Xun Family Courtyard in Yingchuan, Xun Yu and Guo Jia also talked and argued about their country and the world. They also had longing for the future. Absolutely, but now, all the looks seem to have disappeared, only a few white hairs appeared on Xun Yu's temples...

In the past years, Guo Jia believed that the world was no different and that no matter what difficulties he faced, he could find some solutions and regarded it as a kind of fun and challenge. But now, facing the loss of time and the loss of people, he can find some solutions. The body is aging, but there is nothing to do and no ability to resist...

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and patted Xun Yu's arm gently.

Singing and dancing Youman.

"...a minor official in the fifteenth house, a senior official in the twentieth dynasty, a middle-ranking minister in his thirties, and a resident in the forty-year-old city..."

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