Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1675 Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce

Originally, there was a matter in Fei Qian's plan that required Cai Yan's assistance, so when he learned that Cai Yan did not come to Chang'an with Huang Yueying, the plan was disrupted.

Fei Qian actually felt a little apologetic towards Cai Yan.

In fact, from the beginning, Fei Qian knew that reputation was not very useful in the Han Dynasty. In other words, it was not until later generations broke the news that experts were called beasts, well, it cannot be called a break, but those guys who pretended to be fake did not cherish it and ruined the pot of soup, and the reputation of the academic community became worthless.

Fei Qian's reputation in the military and in the expansion of territory is now at the top of the Han Dynasty, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it can be said that Fei Qian is domineering, it can be said that Fei Qian is cruel, it can be said Fei Qian rebelled and deviated from the Tao. It can be said that Fei Qian occupied the territory and did not pay tribute to the court. However, when it comes to opening up new territories, even the hostile parties can only keep their mouths shut tightly and have nowhere to argue.

Since the day Cai Yan printed his name on the Book of Enlightenment, Fei Qian has actually been borrowing Cai Yan's reputation and cultivating Cai Yan's reputation in Confucian classics. Others are not suitable.

Just like except for Huang Yueying, other people are not suitable to be the leader of craftsmen. What kind of power will be unleashed by technological advancement is naturally the same as a mirror for Fei Qian in the future.

The same is true for the pinnacle of culture.

If it were someone else, they might not have much ambition in the early stages, but can they guarantee that they won't have much ambition when they become successful? So when the ambitions of these people conflict with Fei Qian's future direction, even if Fei Qian imitates Cao Cao and kills them with his butcher knife, he can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and hidden dangers will eventually erupt.

So Feiqian decided to go to Pingyang himself...

However, Huang Yueying was naturally a little unhappy about such a plan. This has nothing to do with understanding or not, being sensible or not. It is just a product of personal emotions. Some people hide it, and some people show it.

Since the past two days, Fei Qian has begun to deal with some matters in advance, and the arrangements for Qinglong Temple are the most important part of it. After all, Fei Qian's next step in political and cultural reforms can be said to start from Qinglong Temple. Start moving forward, so out of caution, Fei Qian called Pang Tong, Xun You, and Zhuge Jin to go over the arrangements of Qinglong Temple together, and discussed possible problems and specific response methods. After all, this There was no telephone network in those days, so information transmission was quite slow.

Even though carrier pigeons are used now, they are still somewhat lagging behind. And because carrier pigeons are only one-way, manpower is required to take the carrier pigeons out after being used once. Therefore, it is not a particularly important event and is basically not used, like in a movie. The practice of writing a letter about a big deal on TV may make people so angry that they want to kill someone in reality.

There was also an episode in this, that is, Xu Shu reported that the Tucheng Palace in Sichuan had begun to prepare to erect a statue of a god, and also wanted to erect a statue of Emperor Guangwu...

"Let's let it go for now..." Fei Qian smiled and said, "Also, let this guy come to Chang'an when the time comes..."

"Let this guy come to Chang'an?" Pang Tong nodded, "Could it be that, my lord, you want..." Black Bun's face was bright, not sure whether it was because of excitement or because of the oiliness from eating too much meat, "Haha , very good, very good, this will save us trouble..."

Xun You smiled and said nothing.

Then Zhuge Jin tilted his head and thought for a while, then smiled, cupped his hands and said, "My lord is very worried."

Fei Qian looked around, and the veins on his head popped twice...

I mean to ask this traitor to go to Chang'an to deal with the matter regarding the Guangwu Statue. This matter cannot be understood with simple letters and orders. Is it allowed? It means that I agreed privately without His Majesty's approval. If you set up a statue of a god with ulterior motives and don't allow it, then it means that I have an opinion about Guangwu, and I also have weird intentions, so it's better to find out in person. You can't let me go to Sichuan, right?

What are you three thinking about?

Forget it, forget it, Feiqian thought to himself, smart people don’t need to explain...


After roughly finalizing the direction, and then leaving the specific matters to the three of them, Fei Qian prepared to solve the problem in the backyard. In view of the experience of later generations, and considering that his approach would indeed cause some harm to Huang Yueying, Fei Qian went there specially I went to the kitchen and cooked two side dishes and had them carried to the backyard.

Due to Fei Qian's experience in practicing two world-class famous dishes in later generations, coupled with his deep nostalgia for those dishes of later generations after the Han Dynasty, Fei Qian's cooking skills are at least a little better than those of later generations...

What world-class famous dish?

That is scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried tomatoes with eggs.

There are them all over the world, world-class, right?

Of course, there were no tomatoes in the Han Dynasty, so the two dishes Fei Qian makes now are just fruit platter and steamed egg custard...

"The core of this fruit has not been removed... There is still a pedicle on this..." Huang Yueying wrinkled her nose and said with some disdain, "Look at this, the eggs are not beaten evenly, and there are still yellow and white... There are so many bubbles...and..."

As she talked, Huang Yueying ate and cried again and again.

God, does what I cook taste so bad?

"If it tastes bad, don't eat it..." Fei Qian wanted to take back the bean plate.

"Woo!" Huang Yueying was like a puppy guarding its food, covering the bean plate again and again and glaring at Fei Qian, with tears on her face, not to mention how embarrassed she was, "No! This... this is Lang Jun...Lang Jun made it for me for the first time..."

Fei Qian was stunned for a moment. Is this the first time for Huang Yueying? So I’ve never done this before? Looking at Huang Yueying who was crying in a low voice and then eating hard, Fei Qian sighed softly, then touched Huang Yueying's head and said: "Slow down, don't choke..."

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

"Get some water!"

Not to mention it was okay, but as soon as Fei Qian said Huang Yueying, he choked, coughed immediately, and sprayed food residues all over the table...

"Okay, I don't want to eat anymore, just leave..." Fei Qian handed the water to Huang Yueying and persuaded, "Next time I will cook barbecue for you...I am quite good at barbecue..." After all, after his military career Among them, barbecue is also a cooking method that Fei Qian has practiced a lot, of course, if you ignore the part that is often burnt.

Of course, Fei Qian's actual requirements in life are not as bad as his craftsmanship, but just like giving advice on the dishes in a restaurant, Fei Qian is a talkative man, he gives advice, and then others do the research. He made it, but his actual hands-on ability was not very good.

"Ahem... keep it! Keep it for me to eat at night!" Huang Yueying took a few sips of water, calmed down a little, and then ordered hurriedly.

The servants and maids with quick hands and feet quickly cleaned the table, then bowed their bodies and retreated silently, leaving the space to Fei Qian and Huang Yueying.

"You are very important..." Fei Qian said the famous saying of scumbags in later generations, "She is also very important..."

Huang Yueying lowered her head, her eyes seemed to be staring at her fingers, and she seemed to be distracted and not looking at anything. After a moment of silence, with some thin whimpering, she said rather incoherently: "... ...Go on...Lang Jun, go on...I just, just...I don't know either..."

Fei Qian didn't say anything, but sat next to Huang Yueying, gently took her hand and held it like this. After a while, Huang Yueying gradually calmed down, and held Fei Qian's hand with her back. Qian said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry...I just, just...Sister Cai, no, Sister Cai is pretty good too..."

Although Fei Qian also had other concubines, Huang Yueying didn't care about them because she knew that those people were insignificant, except Cai Yan.

"Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, this is what our ancestors summed up. Although it is a bit metaphysical... well, it is simple and one-sided, but it still makes some sense..." Fei Qian said while holding Huang Yueying's hand, "Just like It is the four wooden boards that make up the bucket. Only if they are improved, the bucket can hold more water and have more weight... and the big man will be better..."


"Ah ha?" Fei Qian couldn't help but flicked Huang Yueying's head, "I've said so much, but you only remember the third place? What's more, originally, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce were not arranged in order of importance... …Hey, it’s not a question of who is important or not at all…”

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, under the repeated exaggeration by later Confucian scholars, seemed to be like some kind of list, arranged from top to bottom, and then scholars were naturally at the first place, and as a "scholar" the greatest As constituent elements, these Confucian scholars can be superior to others...

In fact, the four words "scholars, farmers, industry and merchants" come from "Guanzi Xiaokuang": "The four people who are scholars, farmers, industry and merchants are the stone people of the country."

Then he wrote in "Huainanzi Qi Su Xun", "This is why people do not hold official positions, and officials do not hold concurrent jobs. Scholars, peasants, industry and commerce, and towns and states are different. Therefore, peasants and peasants talk about their power, scholars and scholars speak and behave, and workers and merchants are different. The word "gong" is skillful, and the word "business" is the number." Among Huainanzi, they talk about agriculture, industry and commerce, but in the explanation, agriculture is ranked first, and the order in name is not very important.

Others say that the ancients ranked scholars, farmers, industry and commerce in order of their contribution to society. In fact, this is not the case, because all four aspects are actually important.

Some people talk about scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, which does not refer to the status, but the four aspects of governing a country, and also refers to the priorities. This is not the case. If the priorities are really divided, it will also be divided into top and bottom.

If we really want to make a ranking, when Guanzi was writing the book, this sorting should take into account the relationship of time. In other words, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce were arranged according to the time of their appearance and their importance. Nothing to do. Just like the ancient people first used animal fur to make protective clothing, and then now they know how to use silk to make clothes. Can it be said that the fur that appeared earlier is more important than silk?

In ancient times, primitive people had little experience and little wisdom to speak of in production and life, but the earliest group of people shouldered the task of passing on experience and wisdom. These people were "witches", and then these "witches" The "witch" gradually became a "scholar".

Because of experience and inheritance, primitive people began to understand what crops could be eaten and what animals could be raised, and two routes of full-time breeding and planting gradually emerged, becoming the two paths of nomadic people and farming people today. , "Nong" gradually emerged and entered the stage of history.

Among the farming people, with crops, there must be tools for storage, and the situation of running around began to end, and people began to build houses, fences, and other utensils and tools, so people who specialized in making tools basically Along with the emergence of "farmers", they became an important part of various tribes at that time.

"Shang" appeared last after the ancient people had a certain amount of material accumulation. However, without "Shang", there would be no China in later generations, because China's recognized main line "Xia, Shang and Zhou" "Businessmen" were the first merchants among primitive tribes.

However, because merchants were not engaged in production, had no fixed residence, and were highly mobile, they were extremely unstable factors for the rule of the feudal dynasty. Therefore, all dynasties naturally spared no effort to suppress merchants, which was also the fundamental reason why they were discriminated against.

"Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce" are the four units of society. Their order is based on the time of their appearance. They have no special meaning. However, due to the influence of the rulers of the feudal dynasty for thousands of years, they gradually became a unit. This kind of relationship of superiority and inferiority has always affected later dynasties.

"...So, don't worry about this..." Fei Qian said seriously to Huang Yueying, "They are all important, all important... Do you know?" This time, Fei Qian knew how good he was in discussing scriptures in Qinglong Temple. If you want to suppress these heirs of scriptures who have spent their whole lives drilling in books, you are not satisfied with half a bucket of water. And Pang Degong is old and can't stand the tossing, so the only thing he can bring out is, That is Cai Yan, who is known as the Library of the Han Dynasty.

I would like to ask, who else in the world has read books that can compare with the Han Dynasty Library?

Huang Yueying nodded, "I know...I understand...You, go ahead..."

Fei Qian patted Huang Yueying's hand and said, "Okay, when I come back, I will cook barbecue for you..."

Watching Fei Qian leave, Huang Yueying was stunned for a while, then lowered her head and pulled out four fingers, then pressed down two of them, feeling sad, "Shi Nong, Industrial and Commercial... alas, Shi Nong, Industrial and Commercial... alas, alas..."

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