Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2641 Bearing the burden in life

On the building ship, Zhou Yu moved his eyes.

He saw the river in the distance and Wu Jun nearby.

There are also the soldiers and people waving their arms above and below the city.

He also saw the young man wearing rough linen on the city wall raising his head and meeting his gaze.

He even saw some guys trying to curl up and hide behind others, like those guys trying to huddle in the shadows, and seemed to smell the smell emanating from those rotten guys.

Then he knew that this rotten smell might not come from some guy...

Countless eyes were focused on him.

Zhou Yu raised his hand and smiled as if to say hello.

"Jiang Dong, you're fine..."

After getting off the boat, Zhou Yu sat on his horse and slowly entered the city under the armored guard.

The welcoming people and soldiers along the road were like the river in the distance, coming from the horizon and then connecting to the horizon.

The people who had endured a night of fear and anxiety came out of their hiding places, carrying some fear after the disaster and some meager hope. There were babies with bare buttocks, there were white-haired old people, there were some. There is a pole porter who never forgets the guy eating wherever he goes, and there is also a woman with disheveled hair who is holding a child and looking at him with a silly smile...

Their shriveled, yellowed faces, and their somewhat cloudy eyes were filled with awe and fear, as well as a hint of expectation and hope.

The sunlight fell on Zhou Yu's body and reflected on his blood-red cloak. His whole body seemed to be in flames, burning bright red.

Some elders from Jiangdong who were old and dim-eyed narrowed their eyes.

Through the scene in front of them, the old people seemed to see that many years ago, when they were not so old, they had also seen Zhou Yu burning so passionately, and the young and handsome man beside Zhou Yu. , another high-spirited young man showed a confident and fearless smile to the people at that time, as if he wanted to embrace a bright future.

The sunshine at that time seemed to be as bright as today.

In the corners where the sun doesn't shine, there are also some people who huddle their faces and bodies under the shadows, looking at Zhou Yu and sneering.

"He is really good at lying..."

"That's right, how can we be honest if we do this?" 』

"Toying with our emotions, deceiving our feelings. 』

"That's right, and insulting our intelligence..."


They were hiding in the corner like mice, rustling, and their eyes revealed the kind of shrewdness that came from their mother's womb.

"No matter what he says this time, you can't believe it!" 』

"Yes, I can't believe it!" 』

They are resentful, hiding in the shadows and spewing poisonous foam. In fact, only they themselves know whether their hearts are full of envy and jealousy, and they will never reveal it anyway. They claim to be businessmen, rational people, and the ones who pay the most attention to rules and regulations, but in fact, every one of them knows in their hearts that the reason why they pay attention to rules and regulations is because they are following the rules. Crawling according to the rules, he is always looking for loopholes in the rules, looking for sewer pipes and dark sewers under the ground.

From beginning to end, they held high the sign of freedom and talked about the importance of the law, but their high tones and fanatical expressions did not affect their hearts, so when they saw people walking on the ground, they were always filled with excitement. They had low self-esteem, and then evolved from inferiority to arrogance. They called themselves a "human spirit" and turned finding loopholes in the rules into their skill and a tool to make money. But they didn't know that they had really become the so-called "human spirit", and they gradually became "human spirits". out of humanity.

"Captain, you're fine..."

Sun Quan met Zhou Yu.

Sun Quan noticed that many people were watching here eagerly, including his personal guards, ordinary soldiers, and servants. The eagerness in these people's eyes was not for Sun Quan, but for Zhou Yu.

"Gong Jin, is this plan a bit risky? " Sun Quan greeted Zhou Yu to sit in the hall, and after driving away the soldiers and servants around him, he whispered, "Have you ever thought about it, the governor, if we fail, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Although the Jiangdong nobles are basically watching the show this time, if they end up, there will definitely be more than just Sun Hao...

After all, there is a fence-rider Zhu Zhi around Wu County. If he completely falls in line with the Jiangdong nobles, or falls in line with Sun Hao, then the consequences may be disastrous.

After all, Zhou Yu was "dead" before.

What if Zhu Zhi believes it and has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, such as thinking that he can be called the boss around Wu County?

Then Cao Cao in the north received the news and raised his troops to go south...

Sun Quan was a little scared at this moment.

At the time of the incident, Sun Quan had no time to think about so many what-ifs, but now he was calm. Looking back, his scalp felt a little numb. He couldn't imagine what might happen if something went wrong during the planning process, and then Chain collapse, the consequences of total failure.

Zhou Yu glanced at Sun Quan.

"Gong Jin has already made arrangements?" 』Sun Quan thought he understood the other person's eyes.

Come to think of it, it's Zhou Yu after all. Under such circumstances, there must be some basis for daring to do this.

Zhou Yu glanced at Sun Quan again.

It was a look that looked at his naughty child, or showed concern for the mentally retarded.

"If it fails, everyone will die together. Zhou Yu said calmly, "Since everyone is dead, who cares about the consequences? Can you imagine it?" 』

Sun Quan was stunned.

Zhou Yu raised his head and seemed to see himself following a figure...

"Bo Fu, you have to think about the consequences..."

"Brother Bo Fu!" If you want to lead these people, you cannot speak too straightforward words all day long. You need to appear mysterious... righteousness and loyalty, these words sound empty, but they are actually very important..."

"Bo Fu, you have to convince those who don't follow you, so that they can feel the power from your words, so that they will be afraid, and then these people will not cause trouble..."

"Brother Bo Fu, you have to make everyone believe in you, including your enemies..."


"Oh, Gongjin, stop nagging. If you fail, you will probably die. By then you will be dead. How can you think about so many things?" Ah ha ha ha ha... let's go hunting..."

"Bo Fu, you're fine..."

Zhou Yu whispered slightly, laughed, then coughed a few times, and then the coughing became more serious. Finally, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and felt that the world was darkening, shaking and tilting, and he fell down.

"Captain!" Brother Gongjin! " Sun Quan shouted, rushed forward, picked up Zhou Yu, "Doctor! Send the doctor quickly! 』

Zhou Yu reached out and grabbed Sun Quan's arm, "Seal, block the news..."

……_(|3 ∠)_……

Sun Quan gave up his backyard to let Zhou Yu rest.

All those on duty around him or serving him are Sun Quan's most important people.

Sitting next to Zhou Yu's bed, Sun Quan frowned and looked sideways at the treetops in the courtyard that were swaying in the wind.

Zhou Yu took some decoction and seemed to feel better.

It just seems...

The doctor kowtowed in apology, his scalp was bruised, and he said that the most he could do was to suspend the treatment, not to cure it, and even if it was to be suspended, it would not last long...

This made Sun Quan surprised, angry, and a little scared at the same time. The complex emotions were mixed together, knocking, and washing away, causing the shell of personal defense and prejudice against Zhou Yu in his heart to finally crack, and then Being impacted and falling...

Only then did Sun Quan realize that this person turned out to be so important.

Sun Quan had never seen such a weak side of Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu's hair is already a little gray.

Zhou Yu's body was actually very thin. His thin body seemed to be so light that it would be blown away by the wind.

The doctor who treated Zhou Yu was a family member of the Sun family. He trembled and said that Zhou Yu's vitality was almost exhausted and he might enter eternal sleep at any time...

Sun Quan was extremely angry, almost arrogant, and brutally issued an order, asking the doctor to save Zhou Yu at all costs, otherwise he would be buried with the doctor!

Sun Quan knew that such an order was unreasonable. He knew that some illnesses were so terminal that no medicine could save them.

Before, Sun Quan liked to reason. He feels that everything should have some truth. Just like as the lord of Jiangdong, shouldn't he be supported by everyone? He wanted to march into the Northern Expedition to meet the emperor and defeat the rebels. In principle, shouldn't everyone respond with joy and obey the situation?

Some things, some things, some people, when they originally had them, many people didn't know how to cherish them. Don’t cherish love when you have a lover, don’t cherish your body when you have health.

At this moment, Sun Quan finally understood what Zhou Yu represented to him...

He is the only one, the most valuable, and the one who can best relieve the current difficulties he is facing. He is the core of Jiangdong and a role model for the soldiers.

He is irreplaceable.

No one can compare.

"Brother Gongjin..." Sun Quan murmured in a low voice, "Brother Gongjin, you have done enough... There is no need to risk your life for such a thing... Even if you can catch ten or a hundred thieves, Chief, how can he compare to Brother Gongjin..."

Sun Quan was suspicious.

In other words, people in power basically have to have a suspicious attribute, otherwise they will definitely be sold out. But on this day, at this moment, Sun Quan suddenly hated his own suspiciousness, and he put his suspicion on Zhou Yu. , this is simply a humiliation to Zhou Yu, and also to Sun Quan's own stupidity.

Before, Sun Quan felt that it was good to catch one Sun Hao and solve the hidden danger, but now he felt that it was not worth it at all. In his opinion, even a hundred Sun Hao could not compare to one Zhou Yu.

"Brother Gongjin, you don't have to go to this extent..." Sun Quan lowered his head and sighed, "You have given enough to Jiangdong." Just leave this kind of thing to others... I'm sorry for you..."

"Ahem..." Zhou Yu seemed to wake up a little and coughed twice, "No, ahem, there is nothing to be sorry for, it's just about doing well and not doing well..."

Zhou Yu saw in Sun Quan's eyes a guilt that he had rarely seen before.

But Sun Quan only saw Zhou Yu's calmness, like a calm sea with hidden waves, and all his emotions were hidden beneath the water. Even weakness and illness seemed to make no waves.

"Protect this Jiangdong, protect the inheritance left by your brother..." Zhou Yu said calmly, as if he was calmly treating the end of his own life, "After I die, the situation in Jiangdong will be unbalanced again. What are you going to do? How are you going to protect everything in front of you? 』

Zhou Yu's voice was very soft, as if it were like the mottled shadows of the trees falling under the sunlight, with form but no sound.

Zhou Yu remembered the promise he made before Sun Ce's bedside, "Brother Bo Fu, I will protect everything for you." "At that time, he chose Sun Quan and stabilized Jiangdong.

Now, this question arises again, but the person who answered it has become Sun Quan.

"Brother Gongjin!" Sun Quan sat on the side of the bed, his eyes full of sadness, "Brother Gongjin, you should cultivate yourself well...the doctor said it can be cured..."

Zhou Yu stretched out his hand and pressed it on Sun Quan's arm, "You haven't called me brother for a long time..."

Sun Quan, who was walking around behind Sun Ce, had a pure smile, like a piece of white cotton and linen cloth. At that time, Sun Quan just kept saying "brother Gong Jin", asking why this and why, and his relationship with Zhou Yu was even better than that with Sun Ce. Because Sun Ce would beat him when he was upset, but Zhou Yu would not.

Sun Quan was stunned, his eyes could not help but heat up, and he lowered his head, "Brother Gongjin..."

Sun Quan didn't know when he started to doubt Zhou Yu, wondering whether Zhou Yu's various actions had any other meanings. Just like last night, Sun Quan was still doubting...

This kind of doubt is like mold.

It was just a little bit at first, then it became a piece. Even if it is washed repeatedly, it will leave a deep mark.

It was not until now that Sun Quan discovered that Zhou Yu was still the original Zhou Yu, and he had never had the slightest hesitation or confusion.

"You didn't like me taking care of you before... It's fine now, you have to start taking care of yourself..." Zhou Yu comforted Sun Quan, "I can't walk on this road anymore, and you have to go on your own from now on." Let's go... cheer up, I still have something to talk about... Don't you think that Jiangdong will be peaceful from now on..."

"..." Sun Quan was startled for a moment, then sat upright, "Yes, please give me some advice from Brother Gongjin..."

"I'm afraid you have known for a long time that I have a group of people who are hiding in the market and doing some spying..." Zhou Yu nodded, "No need to deny it...otherwise, what is your school secretary doing..." I didn’t intend to hide this thing from you when I set up this hidden assassination... I will transfer this manpower to you, but it is best to let Zijing take care of it..."

After Sun Ce was assassinated, Zhou Yu noticed Jiangdong's deficiencies in intelligence spying and countering spies and assassins, so he began to build up manpower in this area. At the same time, he also infiltrated, bribed, and even assassinated the princes in the north.

Sun Ce died in an assassination, is it possible that Zhou Yu still has to abide by any rules?

"I sent a hidden assassin into Guanzhong to investigate the situation... These information will be forwarded to you later..." Zhou Yu said slowly, "Guanzhong is the biggest enemy... Cao Mengde is not his opponent..."

"Hussars?" ” Sun Quan responded and said, “Cao Mengde...Cao Mengde is sitting in four states, with fertile land in Hebei and Henan, and millions of people, but he is... unable to guard against the hussars? 』

"right. The land of Cao Mengde's four states is actually the place of the four wars, plus Guanzhong... If you read the information I found out, you will know... Hussar is a strange species..." Zhou Yu nodded lightly, "So, if you join forces with Cao Kangfei... make good friends with Cao Mengde, and express your surrender to the emperor, Cao Mengde will most likely follow the trend and not send troops south... You can take this opportunity to develop in the east of the Yangtze River. Don't focus on the north, but Looking for opportunities to attack Sichuan and Shu... The Hussars have a large territory, but the core is Guanzhong, and the other is Sichuan and Shu... Only after winning Sichuan and Shu can Jiangdong be qualified to compete for the world..."

"Unite with Cao to resist Fei, advance and seize Sichuan and Shu..." Sun Quan repeated.

"Within Jiangdong... give up the fight with the Jiangdong surnames here in Wu County, and use this as a condition for them to support you in moving the capital to Moling. These Jiangdong surnames will definitely be willing to cooperate..." Zhou Yu continued, "There is nothing near Moling. The big houses are restricting you... The land reclamation, mines, workshops, and workshops are all in your hands. Only then can you compete with the big names... There are also talents. Remember, if I am no longer here, you must be good to Mr. Zhang and respect him. Veterans, they are your strength to compete with the Jiangdong family... Promote more poor families and let them train and learn under Mr. Zhang and the veterans, so that you can have people available..."

"You must remember, "If you are riding horses and horses, you will not care about chickens and dolphins. In a house that cuts ice, you will not keep cattle and sheep. In a house with hundreds of horses, you will not keep cattle and ministers who gather together. Rather than having ministers who gather together, it is better to have ministers who are thieves. The country Don’t use profit as a benefit, but use righteousness as a benefit.”…Ahem…”

Zhou Yu may have talked too much, so he started coughing again. Sun Quan was so frightened that he shouted repeatedly and asked someone to call the doctor quickly.

Fortunately, Zhou Yu didn't vomit blood this time. He just coughed for a while and then calmed down a little.

"It's okay, I should be able to survive for another year and a half..." Zhou Yu patted Sun Quan's arm and comforted Sun Quan, "If you don't understand something, you can still ask me... The responsibility of the Lord of Jiangdong, but not So light..."

"Logically speaking, I should have talked to you more before..." Zhou Yu said with a smile, her voice still gentle, "But at that time I always felt that I still had time, and you also needed time to grow, so... Now that I have no time, I realized that we haven’t had such a good talk for a long time... It’s okay, it’s okay..."

Sun Quan held Zhou Yu's hand tightly, tears streaming down his face, "Brother Gongjin, it's my fault, it's all my fault..."

If I were earlier, earlier, earlier...

If you could notice that Zhou Yu has more white hair on his head...

If I could notice that Zhou Yu's body had become thinner...


But there are all kinds of things in the world, but there is no "if".

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