Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3177: Hidden mines will explode eventually

The raid tactics of the Hussars have been effective many times, showing their power in various small-scale battles. Even if the Hussars and horses do nothing, Cao's army is still frightened.

Cao Hong felt that he would be attacked by hussars, just like he thought Sima Yi was a villain and a despicable person. Therefore, Cao Hong not only arranged external hidden sentries, but also arranged iron caltrops, bell cordons, ghost sticks, small traps, etc. outside the unfinished camp.

In order to arrange these things, Cao Jun didn't even bother to rest in his own camp.

The scouts from both sides were still chasing and intercepting each other in the cold wind and snow, and they slowly withdrew until the night gradually settled, leaving some corpses in the field, which were quickly covered by the wind and snow in the vast white land.

At night.

In Cao Jun's camp, Cao Hong did not rest, he was checking the map.

The traditional maps of the Han Dynasty are really hard to praise, but they are still an important basis for Cao's generals to judge the geography of surrounding mountains and rivers. On the map, Zhang Yangchi is obviously a strategic point. Whoever controls this important water source can deploy his troops more abundantly without being restricted by water sources.

Cao Hong stared at Tuyu, his eyes flashing constantly. Sima Yi's actions on the opposite side showed that this area was also the focus of the Hussars' defense. Cao Hong has never been to Hedong and is not very familiar with the terrain of this place. Although Cao Jun also found some guides who were familiar with the terrain of Heluo when he was in Heluo, but before...

Cao Hong's expression showed a trace of sadness, but he quickly hid it deeply.

From a certain perspective, Cao Hong was unwilling to admit that his son was inferior to others.

This kind of psychology is easy to understand. Just like most Chinese parents will talk about their dogs when they meet others. If the other person really talks about their dogs...

So if Cao Hong's son is not a dog or a fool, but now he has died in the land east of the river, then there can only be one explanation. It was Sima Yi who used despicable means to kill his upright child.

Therefore, will Sima Yi use despicable methods again?

Cao Hong thinks the possibility is very high.

Therefore, he was actually betting that Sima Yi would come to rob the camp at night.

"How many days has it been?" 』

Cao Hong suddenly asked.

Zhang Xi looked at the engravings placed beside the tent and said, "Reporting to the general, the first watch has just passed." 』

Cao Hong nodded.

Killings and setting fires in the middle of the night.

It will have to wait a little longer.

Outside the tent, the cold wind howled.

Cao Hong tried his best to focus on the map in front of him.

"Here..." Cao Hong pointed to a certain place and asked Zhang Xi, "Do you know the name of this mountain?" 』

Zhang Xi stepped forward, took a look, and shook his head, "I don't know." 』

" comes someone," Cao Hong ordered without even raising his head, "Send the message for Mr. Yang. 』

The son of the Yang family is not Yang Xiu, but Yang Wei. He is a member of the Yang family, but a side branch, and he is relatively familiar with Hedong.

After a while, Yang Wei came.

Cao Hong waved to him, then pointed to a certain mountain-shaped location on the map and asked, "Come on, what kind of mountain is this?" 』

Yang Wei stepped forward tremblingly, glanced at the map, and whispered: "This place is called Dongpo." 』

"Dongpo?" ” Cao Hong was stunned and said, “It’s interesting. 』

It's not a mountain, but a slope.

"Is it possible to walk on this east slope?" ” Cao Hong asked again.

Yang Wei quickly said: "You can walk." 』

Cao Hong snorted.

This east slope mountain is not high, but it extends for about two miles to the north, so it can naturally hide soldiers and horses.

Cao Hong asked some more about the terrain conditions around Zhang Yangchi, and then let Yang Wei go without even saying thank you for your hard work.

Cao Hong thought about it silently for a while, and then asked Zhang Xi if he had seen the hillside during the day.

Zhang Xi said he saw it.

Cao Hong asked him what the terrain was like in that place and what he should do if he used troops.

"General...this place, my subordinates thought..." Zhang Xi whispered, "This mountain is like a screen. If we cannot hold it, our army will be under the watchful eye of its mountain. If we march towards Zhang Yangchi, our right wing will be guarded from beginning to end." Being restrained by it... But if we divide our troops to seize this mountain, if there are too many people, we may not be able to control it from the front. If there are few people, we may not be able to take this mountain... I am afraid that this battle will not be easy to fight..."

Cao Hong nodded, "The surrounding areas of this mountain are all plains, which is good for the hussars but not good for our army." Only this mountain... It's just that the hussars can win with riding, and they will definitely not stick to this mountain... Nowadays, the Guanzhong thieves are against the trend, and their men and horses are growing more and more every year. If they don't fight at this time, how long will they stay? , this is a battle of life and death. If we fight to have the upper hand in everything, we would have no need to fight the Yuan family in the early years..."

Zhang Xi lowered his head and said he had been taught.

Cao Hong waved his hand and said, "In military discussions, there is no right or wrong." 』

Zhang Xi chuckled in his heart.

There is no right or wrong, but there are likes and dislikes.

When the boss hates you, right becomes wrong, so Zhang Xi said very bachelorly: "The general is really wise. He can tell at a glance that this hillside is a strategic location... This mountain runs from north to south, overlooking the official below the mountain." Dao, if we can occupy this place, we will definitely gain geographical advantage. Even if the hussars lead the army with thousands of horses, they will not be able to shake our army array. 』

Cao Hong nodded, looking quite satisfied, "If we take up this mountain, how will we defend it?" 』

Zhang Xi clicked on a village on the edge of the mountain on the map, "There is a village here..."

"Erdaogou Village." ” Cao Hong said while looking at the logo on the map.

Zhang Xi said: "Although this Erdaogou Village is dilapidated, the house walls are a natural barrier against horses. In addition, some traps have been dug. If the Hussar troops want to attack, they can only...Although the Hussar cavalry is good, But once they enter the village, they will naturally not form a formation. Then the hussars will have to guard against traps and deal with our army's attack. They will definitely suffer heavy losses! In addition, the village is at the foot of the mountain. If the Hussars want to attack the village in a large scale, they can attack it from a high position on the mountain. If they attack Dongpo Mountain, they can flank the village on its right..."

Cao Hong laughed loudly and patted Zhang Xi on the shoulder, "Very good, I thought so too... In this case, after entering Zhang Yangchi, you will be stationed here!" 』

Zhang Xi couldn't help but want to jump, but when the time came, he turned into a cough and his face turned slightly red.

Cao Hong's guard handed him a water bag, and Zhang Xi took it. After a few sips, he accepted the reality.

Cao Hong patted Zhang Xi on the shoulder and said, "You are my right-hand man. We must not make any mistakes at this critical moment." 』

"Subordinate... Ahem, I'm fine. "What else could Zhang Xi say, but he still wanted to try his best to give himself more chances of survival. "The general's troops far exceed those of his subordinates... But if we display the general's formation here, then we must pay attention to the hussars and horses. They will cut off our retreat... I feel that the military camp here should be built to perfection. First, it can provide the necessary supplies for the movement of troops and horses. In addition, it also has backup support. It will not be broken in one place or everywhere... Furthermore, if If the advance is temporarily frustrated, most of the troops can be saved to prepare for another battle. 』

Cao Hong murmured in a low voice: "If you don't win, you will lose." 』

Zhang Xi didn't hear clearly and hurriedly looked over and asked, "General?" 』

Cao Hong waved his hand and said, "That's it." But this military camp doesn’t need to be repaired anymore. It was originally meant to be..."

Before Cao Hong finished speaking, he heard some restlessness from the soldiers outside the tent.

Cao Hong immediately picked up his sword, lifted the tent curtain, and rushed out.

Zhang Xi followed closely behind.

Sima Yi is indeed here.

But instead of a person, it was a horse.

The horses stepped on Cao Jun's trap, and then howled mournfully, alerting Cao Jun's soldiers.

The injured war horse was quickly brought to Cao Hong, and then the sharp-eyed people discovered that there was a box tied to the back of the war horse...

The box was opened, and Cao Hong took a look at it by the light of the torch, and couldn't help but let out a heartbreaking roar.

"Sima little thief!" I swear to kill you! 』

In the box is the pickled Cao Zhen head.

Although Cao Hong already knew the bad news about Cao Zhen, when the head was placed in front of him, Cao Hong was still aroused by an unknown fire, which burned from the soles of his feet to the top of his head in the blink of an eye!

Of course, part of the reason may be that Sima Yi saw through Cao Hong's arrangement and failed to fall into the trap.

"Someone is coming!" Send the order, make food at the third watch, march at the fifth watch! Cao Hong couldn't suppress his anger and changed his original plan. Instead of going to Dongpo Mountain, he was going to attack Sima's camp. "I will cut off the head of Sima's little thief tomorrow!" 』

Zhang Xi on the side swallowed hard and answered.

Well, let’s change the scene first…

There is not only one method of night attack.

Just like near Yufu, the night attack and the night attack are actually happening at the same time.

Jiangdong Army set up camp sixty miles away from Yufu and built a huge water stronghold.

Even at night, it seems that you can see little lights in the water village in Jiangdong, spreading on both sides of the river, like a sea of ​​stars on the ground.

It's snowing north of the Yangtze River, but it's still sunny south of the Yangtze River, and it's even warmer than the normal climate.

Zhuge Liang reviewed all the arrangements in the Chinese army camp for the last time, issued the night order, and got up to patrol the camp.

Zhuge Liang first arrived at the rear camp in Yufu City.

In the rear camp, most of the soldiers had rested, but the workshops accompanying the army were still busy.

The workshop worked almost continuously for twelve hours. Whether it was repairing equipment or rushing to make items, the tasks were quite heavy.

But the hard work pays off well.

Gan Ning recently fell in love with the big yellow ballista.

Gan Ning can often be seen holding the big yellow crossbow that originally required two people to lift and fire, aiming left and right...

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but smile and shook his head slightly.

This invention that came from Tongguan in Guanzhong was now used in many tricks by Gan Ning.

The big yellow ballistae has a long range, a fast rate of fire, and is light to carry. If the Jiangdong navy does not dispatch a large force, it is obviously impossible to catch a guy like Gan Ning who is as slippery as a loach. At the same time, water wheels are installed up and down the river. Ships came and went quickly. Even if Jiangdong Army was really prepared, it was obviously impossible to seal the entire wide river at night.

So Gan Ning took turns taking his men to harass the Jiangdong navy with large yellow ballistae.

This kind of weapon has just the right range and just the right rate of fire. Although blind firing at night is not accurate at all, the problem is that Gan Ning and others don't need accuracy at all, they only want to harass.

Not everyone can get used to the roar of the explosion.

This kind of sound will continue to echo in the mountains and rivers even in the dead of night, filling the atmosphere of terror and causing the morale of Jiangdong soldiers to be depleted a lot, especially those soldiers who are temporarily pulled to make up the numbers, it is simply not easy to use.

If Jiangdong sent out a large number of soldiers to defend and expel them outside, then Gan Ning and others would not be able to find a chance to attack, and they would also make a profit. Anyway, sending out a large number of soldiers would mean that these Jiangdong soldiers would not get a good rest, and they would also be able to achieve what Zhuge Liang wanted. Effect.

After instructing the workshop stewards to pay attention to fire safety and other precautions, Zhuge Liang began to inspect the front camp.

Following Zhuge Liang was Faping.

The two of them led a team of guards, raised the patrol signal of the Chinese army, and headed for the camp in the east of Yufuxing City.

As soon as I arrived near the city gate, I heard someone shouting from the top of the city, "Password!" 』

Faping replied loudly: "Camellia!" 』

In the darkness of the city gate, some vague figures fell silent.

Zhuge Liang did not go through the city gate because according to military regulations, the city gate was not opened after nightfall. However, a ladder was built outside the city. On weekdays, the wooden boards were removed and used as a sentry tower outside the city.

The camp in the east of the city is brightly lit.

Not only did it light up the camp, it also lit up a large section of the city wall.

During the day, flags serve as commands in the camp, and at night, lights serve as commands.

Each team has a fire, and each team has a light.

Each team has a light signal with the name of the team written on it for easy identification at night.

Human beings are naturally more receptive to patterns, so in addition to text on lanterns, in order to distinguish them from others, each team's own patterns are often added to the outside of the lanterns. Zhuge Liang did not limit the designs each team could choose, so the lanterns had wild animals such as tigers and bears, as well as flowers and plants. Of course, some people painted "beautiful women" even more exaggeratedly.

Although the fine brushwork is not very good, the main character is a curvy front, long hair, and a voluptuous figure, which anyone can understand...

Zhuge Liang and his party arrived at the camp gate. After the side door opened, a watchman came out. After checking the password and token according to the regulations, he saluted and let them go. Of course, he only opened the side door to let Zhuge Liang and others in.

The soldiers' tents were in order, and the lights representing each team were hung on the poles in front of the tents.

Zhuge Liang walked past a team lamp with a beautiful woman on his face without changing his expression.

The tents in the camp are neatly arranged, and there is a toilet pit between every two tents. If it is a temporary camp, it will be buried with soil when setting off on the second day. If it is a long-term camp, the soldiers on duty will be arranged to get up early to clean it, and then the camp gate will be opened and sent to a distant place to be discarded.

In addition to Zhuge Liang patrolling the camp, there were also soldiers from the camp patrolling the camp.

Generally speaking, the general in the camp needs to inspect the camp once every night, in the first half of the night or the second half of the night, while the generals need to inspect the camp twice, both in the early and late night. After all, in a military camp, if a fire, camp roar, or spies occur at night, it will seriously affect the safety of the camp. If the general sleeps unattended, it will be a big trouble.

When they reached the Chinese army tent in the east of the city, Faping asked in a low voice, "Should we call up Ambassador Huang and blow the whistle to gather the police?" 』

Zhuge Liang shook his head slightly.

Sometimes, in order to check the response ability of the soldiers in the military camp, there are also special night trainings, and warning gongs or bronze whistles are used to summon the generals. Normally, after the warning gong or whistle is blown, the military academies at all levels in the camp must gather together one after another. If anyone fails to respond, he or she will be whipped on the spot, and even during a battle. beheading.

However, this kind of whistle-blowing police gathering will more or less tire the soldiers, so generally speaking, they are not checked frequently.

Although no one was sent to call Huang Quan, Huang Quan still heard the news about Zhuge Liang's patrol and came out to see him.

Zhuge Liang waved his hand slightly to stop Huang Quan from lighting up the central military tent. Instead, he pulled Huang Quan's sleeves and motioned for him to go with him. Huang Quan understood and followed Zhuge Liang.

"Gong Heng governs the army with great magnanimity. Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment," Huang Quan was not too polite. He cupped his hands and said, "Zhang Zhi, what happened in Sichuan..."

Zhuge Liang nodded and said, "The matter in Sichuan is now worry-free... By the way, since Gong Heng is also here, why don't we go for a walk together?" 』

Huang Quan responded, "How dare you disobey your orders." 』

The two of them walked for a short distance before Zhuge Liang said slowly: "Yang confessed..."

"Linjiang Yang family?" ” Huang Quan asked.

Zhuge Liang nodded.

Huang Quan chuckled, "As expected." 』

Regardless of that era, people who are too greedy for money and have no respect for justice, who are unkind for the sake of wealth, or who even lose moral integrity and disregard the law are not very popular. Even if these people gain power for a while, they can only be tyrannical for a while at most. Once they fall, they will inevitably be despised by others.

Yang Song's reputation for being greedy for money has not changed for a day or two, so Huang Quan wouldn't be too surprised when he heard that Yang Song was behind the Sichuan incident. But Huang Quan looked at Zhuge Liang's expression and knew that this matter was not over.

"Engaged in..." Huang Quan asked, "But...who is involved?" 』

"Hmm..." Zhuge Liang nodded, then walked forward slowly, "Gong Heng might as well make a guess." 』

Huang Quan was stunned, guess? How do you guess this? But Huang Quan soon thought that he must be related to Yang Song...

"Could it be..." Huang Quan hesitated, "Is it shipping?" Well, this...Jiangzhou Bo family? 』

Zhuge Liang looked at Huang Quan and nodded.

"Is it really Bo?" ” Huang Quan was stunned.

This guess is actually not that difficult. Because Yang Song's character determines that anything he gets involved in must be related to money, and Yang Song's main business is selling Sichuan silk brocade, and his main competitor is Bo. Huang Quan often heard about the two families being nasty to each other on the dock.

Jiangzhou Bo family.

Jiangzhou, later to be known as Chongqing, was a place where many rivers gathered and it became a transportation and distribution center for goods from various places very early on.

The Bo family belongs to the crown clan of Jiangzhou.

Yang Song was originally just because the Bo family and the Yang family were competitors in business, and there was indispensable friction with each other on weekdays, so Yang Song made trouble at that time. He originally wanted to throw a basin of dirty water on the Bo family, but he just wanted to give the Bo family some dirty water. They were just looking for some trouble, and then took the opportunity to seize some of Bo's business. But what Yang Song didn't expect was that Bo's itself had problems, and Yang Song led him like this...

Just like the Yellow Turban Rebellion was detonated in advance by an undercover Tang Zhou who was a son of a noble clan, Jiangzhou is now in chaos!

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