Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3294: The Unchanging Items in the Changes

Chapter 3293 The Unchanged Project in the Change

In the middle of the night, Cao Xiu rushed back to Gufeng Mountain.

When he was about to reach Gufeng Mountain, Cao Xiu deliberately paused on the earth slope for a moment.

He looked up.

Gufeng Mountain under the moonlight has a different kind of beauty.

In the middle of the Yuncheng Basin in Hedong, Gufeng Mountain stands relatively abruptly on the earth. Under the night sky, it is like a thinker, quietly thinking about something.

The night is falling, and the sky that has not been polluted by later generations is pure and transparent. The stars dot the deep sky, as if the gods have sprinkled countless bright gems on the night.

Gufeng Mountain is not high, but because of the current angle, Cao Xiu feels like a tower to the sky, or a bridge between the world and the sky, connecting reality and dreams.

The night view of Gufeng Mountain is a quiet and profound picture, which tells the beauty of nature and the harmony of life in a unique way. Here, time seems to freeze, making people forget the hustle and bustle of the world and just want to indulge in this tranquility and beauty. War is cruel, but the beauty of this moment is heart-warming.


A subtle thought came to Cao Xiu's mind, but it was quickly choked off by himself.

Is this what he wants?

Before attacking Guanzhong, he thought this was it.

But after marching to Hedong and suffering setbacks, Cao Xiu began to think gradually. There was a subtle voice in his heart, like a seed that fell in the early years, now sprouting under the watering of flesh and blood.

Is it fighting for the emperor of the Han Dynasty?

Or is it fighting for the people of the world?

Or is it for something else?

Looking at the lonely peak not far away, Cao Xiu felt like he saw a silent giant, looking back at him at this moment.

The clouds in the night sky flowed, sometimes covering the moon, and the outline of the mountain was hazy. The clouds dispersed, and the moonlight shone on the rocks again, outlining soft lines. At night, every stone and every tree on Gufeng Mountain seemed to have life. They were sleeping quietly under the comfort of the moonlight, waiting for the arrival of a new day.

And what about Cao Xiu's new day?

Or, what about the new day of Cao's army?

Or, what about the new day of the Han Dynasty in Shandong?

Cao Xiu's cheeks twitched involuntarily.


Cao Xiu took a deep breath, put those disturbing thoughts behind his head, and continued to ride forward.

The battle situation cannot remain unchanged.

The camp at the bottom of the slope was quickly broken by Fei Qian, which brought about changes in the entire battle situation.

The original plan now looks...

Even Cao Hong dared not pat his chest to guarantee it.

So, if Cao Hong really couldn't stand in Anyi and couldn't stop the sharp attack of the cavalry, then Cao Xiu's so-called pincer attack strategy would become a colorful bubble, illusory and beautiful but empty and weak.

Therefore, Cao Hong and Cao Xiu had to make timely adjustments in response to the changes in the battle situation. Even if such adjustments seemed a little hasty and not thorough enough, they were the best they could do at the moment.

Efforts, struggles, hardships, and endurance, these were not a problem.

The problem was...

Cao Xiu rode his horse, and the sound of the horse's hooves, which was deliberately wrapped, was slightly dull, like a drumbeat pressing on Cao Xiu's heart.

Turning around the gully at the foot of Gufeng Mountain and passing the set guard post, you can see that in the southern col of Gufeng Mountain, there are many bonfires faintly lit under the slope.

Cao Xiu's camp was hidden in these cols.

Because of the need for concealment, the Cao army camp was not built in a square shape, but along the shape of the col, loose and fragmented.

Bonfires were the only cheapest warmth that Cao's soldiers could get at night.

Cao Xiu got off his horse and left his warhorse to the soldiers to take care of and feed. He walked up the not-so-obvious slope with his guards.

In the night wind, the gossips of the Cao army soldiers under his feet could be heard.

The bonfire, which had not been completely extinguished, flickered with the remaining flames, illuminating the melancholy faces of the Cao army soldiers.

They sat or lay down, or gathered in a circle, whispering something.

'How many months have you been out? Half a year, right? '

'Yes. '

'This war... when will it be over... '

'I don't know. But... I miss my mother, the soup noodles she made... '

'Alas. I miss the food at home too. Eating a mouthful of loess and a mouthful of soup every day is really not a life for human beings. '

'I heard that Linfen Pingyang is opposite Emei Mountain. If we take Pingyang, we can go home. '

'Haha, take Pingyang? What to fight with? '

'Stop talking... go to sleep! '

The night breeze blew gently, and their conversation drifted in the wind.

As the war slowed down and became unfavorable, the atmosphere in Cao's camp became increasingly heavy, and even the most noisy soldiers on weekdays gradually became silent.

Suddenly, some tiny sounds of blowing leaves were heard. Melodious and sad, as if telling the homesickness in everyone's heart.

Leaves are the simplest and oldest musical instruments.

During the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was even the music of the court. It was also called "Xiao Ye". It is said that musicians who are good at blowing leaves can even blow two leaves at the same time, without the help of fingers, and can also play moving tunes.

As soon as the music sounded, the soldiers of Cao's army listened attentively and stopped talking.

The people playing in Cao's army were, of course, ordinary soldiers who had not received any vocal training. The tone did not have so many subtle changes, but the simple emotions contained were common.

In later generations, people's hearts were too complicated and chaotic, so not only colorful pictures, but also intense music, and even provocative actions were needed to make some people in later generations feel interesting, and those simple music would only make them feel like noise.

In the relatively lack of entertainment in the Han Dynasty, music was definitely not something that ordinary people could enjoy, so having this simple music could make these Cao's soldiers forget their current sorrows and think of the golden wheat fields, the winding river, and the familiar village in their hometown.

The music gradually stopped soon after.

The Cao's soldiers were silent.

"When the war is over, we will go home together." Someone suggested.


"That's natural! '

Everyone responded in unison. Although they knew the road ahead was unknown, this promise seemed to give them some comfort this night. In this long night, their dreams were entrusted to the night wind, drifting towards that distant land.

Cao Xiu stood there, silent, like a stone on a lonely mountain.

They needed to hide and not attract the attention of the cavalry. This kind of music would undoubtedly bring uncertain risks to Cao Xiu and others...

Originally, Cao Xiu's guards were going to step forward to stop the discussion and playing of these Cao army soldiers, but were stopped by Cao Xiu.

Although Cao Xiu's surname was Cao, his family was not good, and he suffered many disasters in his early years. He was more or less from the bottom. For these Cao army soldiers at the bottom, he also had more understanding and tolerance. After a moment of silence, Cao Xiu walked away silently without stopping this unknown performer.

Perhaps among these ordinary soldiers of Cao's army, there is still an idea, or a fantasy, that after a period of fighting, they will definitely win, and then after the cavalry is defeated, they can return home...

As for the changes in the entire battle situation, these ordinary Cao's soldiers are not clear at all.

And those who know the battle situation will never say anything to these ordinary Cao's soldiers.

Just like Cao Xiu, at most he will talk to his trusted guards around him. As for those ordinary Cao's soldiers, Cao Xiu only told them two words-


They are divided.

Cao Xiu has tried his best to understand what kind of generals the grassroots soldiers need, but the Cao family has only a general like Cao Xiu, can he change the current state of Cao's army?

What's more, some habits are difficult to correct. Even if Cao Xiu is a little emotional at the moment, what will happen in the next moment, or in a new day?

Now the entire Han Dynasty has undergone new changes under the leadership of Fei Qian, and in this change, there are still some people who stubbornly try to stand still.

After a while, Cao Xiu said nothing and continued to walk up.

'General, you have worked hard...' Cao Xiu's confidant came forward to greet Cao Xiu, secretly glanced at Cao Xiu's face in the moonlight, and then his heart sank, and he quickly handed over the water bag, 'General, don't you rest first...'

Cao Xiu drank two sips of water, glanced at his confidant, and said: 'The camp below the slope has been broken. '

'What? ! 'Although everyone had some premonitions in their hearts that the camp below the slope would be broken sooner or later, it was indeed surprising that it was broken so quickly, 'This is not... two days? '


Cao Xiu snorted.

He didn't say that in fact it couldn't even hold on for a day, otherwise it would be too...

'Could it be... laziness and slackness, not building fortifications? ' Cao Xiu's confidant found another reason for the defeat of the camp below the slope.

This way of finding reasons and excuses is actually to cover up one's own anxiety and fear.

Cao Xiu did not comment.

At this point in the war, victory seemed to be getting further and further away, and Cao Xiu did not have the heart to break the illusions of his confidants.

'General, then we are still here to ambush the cavalry? 'The confidant asked.

Cao Xiu put the saddle behind him and lay down, 'No, tomorrow morning, we will prepare to move the army... leave some decoys here...'

'Then... where are we going? 'The confidant asked.

'Wenxi. '

In an era, individuals are often deeply influenced by the era and social environment in which they live. Their behavior and choices are not only the embodiment of personal will, but also the reflection of the characteristics of this era.

When everyone feels that benevolence, righteousness and morality have nothing to do with themselves, the whole society will no longer have benevolence, righteousness and morality. When everyone feels that the responsibility lies with others, the whole society will also no longer have any sense of responsibility.

Cao Xiu still has a sense of responsibility. But unfortunately, his problem is still the habitual problem of Shandong, and he will not communicate with the soldiers at the bottom.

Did no one of the Cao army soldiers notice the changes in the war situation?

No, but these Cao army soldiers may have limited understanding of the entire battle situation and are not sure whether they are in an advantageous position. As for the high-level military academy, they are using false information to deceive these Cao army soldiers, making it impossible for them to make corresponding judgments and they can only blindly follow the main force.



Similarly, there are also people with dark eyes and no idea what they will do now and in the future, as well as the people of Hedong here in Wenxi.

Zhang Xiu drove and killed some Cao Jun soldiers and destroyed Cao Jun's camp at Wenxi, but he had no effective means of destroying Lu Zhao's camp and could only withdraw his troops first.

Similarly, Lu Zhao had nothing to do against Zhang Xiu's cavalry in the wild...

The two sides were like men shouting at each other on the street.

"If you dare, come out!" 』

"Come in if you dare!" 』

Then the two separated in dismay.

Zhang Xiu retreated to the Emei Mountains, and Lu Zhao hid in the camp.

After confirming that the hussars and horses had left, Cao Jun's soldiers divided into many small groups, like border shepherds driving away the scattered sheep, and then drove back the "cattle and sheep" that had escaped but not far away. .

These "cattle and sheep" were bleating, and their strength was obviously not much less than those of Cao Jun's soldiers, but they still crowded around obediently, crowded together, and then came back again, back to the camp built with simple fences. , back within the fence they once escaped from.

Lu Zhao couldn't even take a second look at these "cattle and sheep" that were driven back.

Lu Zhao wouldn't care how many cattle and sheep were killed or injured in this setback, and neither would Cao Cao.

Even those literati and poets in Shandong who shout "people's hearts and minds" every day are not even willing to write two more words in the history of youth...

"The road filled with corpses" may be the description these people have of the greatest casualties of the people, and it is very interesting that this description is often born to set off the cruelty of certain people, otherwise it is simply "death" "Tens of thousands", "deaths without reckoning", "many casualties".

So Lu Zhao completely ignored the casualties of these "cattle and sheep". Even the "cattle and sheep" themselves were also indifferent. Isn't it normal?

Lu Zhao was more concerned about Zhang Xiu's troops who "disappeared" on the Emei Mountains.

He stared at the dark Emei Mountains in the distance, like a black wall, hesitation and doubt surging in his heart.

"General, the scouts reported that no trace of the hussars was found in the direction of Emei Ridge, but some bonfire ashes were found. Apparently there were hussars stationed on the mountain not long ago. ” His deputy reported, “General, should we send more men to Emei Ridge to conduct a careful search?” 』

Lu Zhao shook his head and said, "How many people will be sent to such a large piece of land?" And they have horses... never mind. 』

Lu Zhao wanted Zhang Xiu to attack his camp, but it was obvious that Zhang Xiu, who did not carry artillery, did not want to attack Lu Zhao's camp at all.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Cao Jun's strategy, if the hussars only have cavalry and infantry.

In history, when Cao Cao attacked Xiliang, the two sides stared at each other all the way. In the end, Cao Cao forced the Xiliang army to collapse. If Cao Cao holds a strong camp, Ma Chao will not be able to defeat him. However, as long as Cao Cao dares to fight in the field, Ma Chao will beat him to pieces and almost lose his head to Ma Chao.

Things are different now. Fei Qian has better equipment, more advanced technology, and more complete logistics, while Cao Cao is trapped in the historical predicament of Ma Chao, unable to seek war, peace, or retreat.

At first, Zhang Xiu was still wandering around the Emei Mountains, and then Lu Zhao did not dare to attack at will. However, as the soldiers from Wenxi County filled up the holes in the city walls, Zhang Xiu patted his butt and left. , leaving Lu Zhao and Wenxi's defenders staring with big eyes.

Wenxi garrison: "Are you coming again, sir?" 』

Lu Zhao: "..."

You’re not coming, you’re feeling weak, but you’re going to keep going, your wallet…well, we don’t have enough manpower…

So Wen Xi was very peaceful for two days.

The Wenxi defenders seized the time and worked desperately to repair their own loopholes, while Lu Zhao was busy arresting the fleeing civilians.

"Oh, it's all Pei's fault!" Lu Zhao said angrily, "If that loser had a little more strength at that time, we would have captured Wenxi long ago, and we wouldn't be so passive now!" 』

"General, do you want to... go to a place further around and bring in some strong men?" 』

Lu Zhao was silent for a moment and shook his head, "That's all for the surrounding areas, forget about the ones that are far away... I always feel that these grandsons haven't gone far... If we don't go out, they won't show their faces..."

"But General, we can't just sit back and stay like this!" 』

Lu Zhao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have sent people to the back... As soon as the reinforcements arrive, we can lure these grandsons out... Then, hey hey hey... Tomorrow, we will start attacking the city tomorrow, don't believe it... …These pigs have been eating in vain for several days, and it’s time to put them to use. 』

"Wen Xi has already patched up the hole, now we have to dig it out again..."

Lu Zhao burst out laughing, "How could I use that idiot Pei's method? This time, we have to use a new method..."

Outside Lu Zhao's camp, the people who were arrested one after another were waiting quietly.

Even though I don’t know how many people were killed and injured at the foot of Wenxi City last time, it seems like they have turned over a page. They can’t remember the hatred, and they don’t have much sadness. They feel numb as if they are not flesh and blood, but earth, wood, mud and stone. The constructed body.

This is the normal state of the ancient Chinese people who lacked knowledge. How could people who didn't even know how to write or read the word "resistance" understand what class and struggle are?

Lu Zhao's "new tactics" are not digging holes, but piling up earth slopes.

The walls of Wenxi are not high, so this tactic is also targeted.

During this period of time, there are many empty straw bags and food bags in the Cao army camp, and now they are put to use. If it is really not enough, the clothes of the dead bodies in the wild can also be used to wrap the earth and transport the earth. I believe that those dead people will not mind being naked.

No need to dig holes under the city under arrows and rolling stones, just transporting the earth to the city, obviously for those people, it is easier to accept, at least it looks easier.

After Lu Zhao resumed the attack, outside Wenxi City, it took most of the day to pile up a high mud pile. Although it was loose, the gradually increasing earth pile did put psychological pressure on the defenders in Wenxi City.

The scattered and damaged tools and weapons on the battlefield became the tools for these people to dig the earth. But when these common people were digging the soil, they never thought that these broken swords and guns, half-broken shovels, could also kill people...

The dead bodies were right next to them, men, women, old and young.

After a few days, the bodies had already smelled, and the whole battlefield was filled with a disgusting smell.

Flies and carrion-eating birds and beasts had already regarded this place as a grand banquet venue, calling friends to come here to have a party.

Flies were flying around in gauze, holding up wine glasses and humming.

Vultures were wearing tuxedos with their heads tilted up and biting.

The jackals wearing fur were the ones who smiled first and showed their eight big teeth stained with flesh and blood.

And the silent, numb, lowered heads, running back and forth were still this group of people enduring pain and sorrow, and still this group of hardworking cattle and horses.

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