Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3305: Counted Victory

Chapter 3304 Victory Calculated

Xu Huang's arrangement was quite appropriate.

He had never fought with Jiang Qin and Lu Xun before, so he took a relatively cautious attitude, which was his usual combat habit.

In the melee, some unnecessary casualties still occurred.

"Quick! Hurry up! The crossbow arrows are running out! Erhei! Go get them! '

"Get, what to get..." Erhei responded in a daze.

"Damn, are you brainless? Crossbow arrows! Crossbow arrows!" The military school stared at the Jiangdong warship in front, "In the cabin!"

Generally speaking, crossbow arrows and other consumables are stored in the cabin. If they are used up on the deck, they need to be moved to the cabin. This is almost the most basic knowledge and labor of all naval soldiers.

During normal training, no one will have any problems.

Isn't it just moving something?

What to move, just take it, or hold it, or carry it, the weight may not be much heavier than the burden of carrying water and firewood at home.

It can be said that it is a task with no technical content.

As a result, in the chaotic environment and tense combat, even this simplest thing inevitably leads to accidents.

Erhei, who was a little nervous and had some uncoordinated limbs, quickly responded and turned around to run, but forgot to put down the knife in his hand...

You must go into the warehouse to take things with empty hands.

This is the regulation of the manual, and there is no problem under normal circumstances.

When people focus on something, they often forget something else.

In the future, when someone is talking on the phone, he will subconsciously take anything handed to him, even if the object looks like a bomb or an ice cream that is about to melt. Similarly, when playing games, he would nod to any random questions, and would open his mouth to eat anything he was fed. Even if his brain had already figured out that the thing was inedible, his mouth had already taken it...

Erhei was like this. His mind was full of things to get things, so he forgot about other things. When he passed through the narrow and low hatch, he stabbed his comrade who was carrying a bundle of crossbow arrows from inside with his sword.

The hatch was narrow and lower than the deck, so it was not a big problem to get in and out normally. But now it was in a state of fighting and bumpy. The light changed when entering and exiting, and the crossbow arrows he was carrying also blocked part of his vision, so the soldiers coming out did not notice that Erhei was still holding a sword in his hand.


Blood spurted out, instantly dyeing the area near the hatch bright red.

Erhei realized that he had stabbed his fellow comrade, and he was so scared that he almost cried, and stood there at a loss.

『Why don't you bring the crossbow arrows over! 'The military school looked back and saw Erhei standing at the hatch, and he couldn't help but get angry, 'Hurry up! '

Erhei was slow on weekdays, so he tolerated it. Now he was leading his soldiers to fight for his life with the Jiangdong people, but he saw Erhei was still in a daze...

The military school saw the blood at the door of the cabin, but he didn't care at all.

In the fight with the Jiangdong army, where is there no blood?

Erhei heard the military school's shout, subconsciously threw away the bloody sword, and then picked up the crossbow arrow carried by the comrade who was stabbed to death by him from the deck. With a kind of bewilderment, he returned to the side of the military school and distributed the crossbow arrows to the comrades who were lying on the parapet and trying to shoot.

'That's it! 'The military school said casually, 'Simple! Don't shrink back! Just like in training! '

In the battles with the Jiangdong army, the Sichuan Army was not without any casualties.

Some people died, others grew up, and then mixed with the newly added soldiers.

This is the norm of war.

When bullets are flying, no matter beauty or ugliness, no matter men or women.

"I, I killed, I killed people..." Erhei was about to cry.

Military school subconsciously thought that Erhei killed Jiangdong soldiers. Although he was a little surprised how Erhei killed them, he didn't think much about it and encouraged him casually: "Well done! Killing is like that! Right? Don't be afraid, just stab it and it's over! '

Erhei's face was almost twisted, and he pointed at the door of the cabin, "No, no, no, no, I, I, I, I killed, I killed my own people..."

"Ah? Huh? ! ' Military school finally reacted and turned back to stare at the door of the cabin, "Fairy board! I told you to move the crossbow arrows! I didn't tell you to rob the crossbow arrows that your own people were carrying! '

Erhei's tears flowed down, "No! I, I didn't rob, I just bumped into it! '

"Bumped into it by accident?" Military school asked.

Erhei nodded vigorously.

It seemed that at this moment, all the sounds disappeared, and there was a brief silence.

The military school turned his head and said, "Win the battle first! Do you understand? Win the battle first! Go get the crossbow arrows! Go! '

Erhei wiped his tears and hurried back to the cabin.

When passing the hatch, Erhei paused. He looked back at the military school, and then did not continue to walk in, but moved the body of the dead comrade aside, as if sitting against the hatch. He knelt in front of the body, kowtowed three times, and then mumbled something before getting up and going into the cabin.

Many times, when people pay attention to war, they think that war is the stage for heroes, but they forget that the wood and nails that built the stage are actually bloody and painful.

Without these ordinary wood and nails, no matter how tall or handsome the hero is, he can only stand on the ground and cannot be looked up to by others.

On the other side, Lu Xun's wood and nails gradually set up the stage.

The reason why Lu Xun took the risk to personally investigate Xu Huang's movements was to ensure that his own strategy could be implemented.

Xu Huang is indeed stable, but not foolproof. Xu Huang's fault was not on the water, but on land. This is why sometimes when an army marches, even though a certain route is more convenient, it still has to move slowly by land and water.

If Xu Huang also advances by land and water, then Lu Xun will have nothing to do.

But the speed of advancing by land and water is slower, which also means giving Jiangdong more time to prepare. The army had to cross mountains and set up camps. It couldn't go very far in a day. Not only did it need a lot of food and grass, but it also lost the effect of raiding the barbarian roads. Therefore, Xu Huang finally chose to focus on the attack on the water, and did not choose to advance both by land and water. The way.

Xu Huang's small flaw would be no problem if he were to face others, such as Zhou Tai, even Jiang Qin and other navy veterans. Because these generals are focused on the phone just like when they are on the phone, their attention is also on the naval forces. Only guys like Lu Xun who are not brave in battle do not take the usual path and set up a trap for Xu Huang. A trap.

Jiangdong also has catapults.

Although there is a certain gap between the technology and standards of the Hussars' catapults, it is generally sufficient, especially after being inspired by the Hussars and not only being able to throw stone projectiles...

A real enemy will never be rigid and fight according to the previous attack methods and attack routines.

While Xu Huang and Jiang Qin were fighting on the river, Lu Xun received a signal indicating that the catapult on the hilltop had been turned and calibrated...


More than a dozen fireballs streaked across the sky, and then fell diagonally downward toward the river.

With a "boom" sound, one of the fireballs landed on a warship belonging to Xu Huang's rear army.

"careful! Get out of the way! 』

The soldiers on Xu Huanghou's warship roared loudly.

But it was too late.

The flames of the fireball not only devoured the bodies of the nearby soldiers, but also ignited the items stacked on the ship.

Normally, the rear army will not directly participate in the battle, but is used to store baggage and consumables, and now these things are being targeted by Lu Xun...

Another fireball fell, and fragments of flames flew.

The soldiers burned by the flames let out bursts of screams, which immediately made the soldiers in Xu Huang's rear army panic. Most of the Sichuan-Sichuan naval forces placed in the rear army were not as powerful as the front army and the Chinese army.

This is a normal configuration. Unless there is some special strategic arrangement, who would put the most elite combat forces in the rear army to stare at the food and grass in a daze?

But now Xu Huang did not advance by land and water. At the same time, as soon as he entered the battlefield, he was caught in an entanglement with Jiang Qin and did not have time to divide his troops and go to the shore to check. The most important point is that Xu Huang did not follow Zhuge Liang's advice. He felt that his troops could overwhelm Jiangdong, so he wanted to make a quick victory and sent troops immediately after receiving supplies.

Xu Huang's rear army was attacked, and the ship array was suddenly in a panic. Jiang Qin seized the opportunity and pounced on the entire army.


"The boat is coming!" Get ready to dock! 』

"boom! 』

The two ships collided hard.

There was a tooth-breaking creaking sound, and sawdust flew everywhere.

The soldiers who failed to stand firm on the deck fell into the water.

"Up, up, up!" "Jiang Qin roared and jumped onto the Sichuan-Sichuan navy's warship first.

Several Sichuan and Shu soldiers came to kill him.

Jiang Qin swung his sword across the board, causing a bloody light, and roared: "Kill!" Anyone who stands in my way will die! 』

While he was slashing, an arrow suddenly whizzed in and pierced Jiang Qin's chest.

Jiang Qin yelled and staggered immediately.

The Sichuan and Shu soldiers on the battleship thought that Jiang Qin was dead, so their morale was boosted. They shouted and pounced on them again, trying to kill Jiang Qin and Jiangdong soldiers under Jiang Qin off the ship.


As a result, before the Sichuan and Shu soldiers could kill Jiang Qin and others, Jiang Qin rushed up again, still carrying half of the broken arrows, and rushed into the Sichuan and Shu soldiers, as if wounded. Like a tiger, it chops wildly.

If the general is like this, Jiang Dongbing will also attack them like crazy.

The Sichuan and Shu soldiers did not know what was going on, and some thought that Jiang Qin was invulnerable or that he had come back from the dead. They were shaken and felt that Jiang Qin was invincible, so they turned around and ran away.

Due to the bumping and shaking of the ship, the arrows in water battles can only be scattered within a general range, and their strength is not as good as that of longbowmen on land. Moreover, as a general, Jiang Qin's armor protection is also limited. Not bad. Although the arrow penetrated the body, it was not too deep. Jiang Qin fought with injuries and was very brave.

Xu Huang's front army was suppressed and beaten by Jiang Qin, and the rear army was hit by fireballs, and the entire army formation collapsed.

Blood and fire dance together.

Xu Huanghe...

Xu Huang couldn't fly now.

Xu Huang knew that he was careless and fell into an ambush by the enemy.

There are only two choices now. One is to defeat Jiang Qin and destroy the Jiangdong Water Fortress under the arrow fireballs from the mountains on land, so that the Jiangdong soldiers on the shore will naturally collapse. The other is to retreat temporarily and fight again after regrouping.

After thinking for a while, Xu Huang decided to retreat temporarily.

He felt that the Jiangdong navy in Yidao was not worth fighting hard.

『Withdraw! 』

Xu Huang ordered.

The sound of the gong sounded on the water surface, and along with the ripples of blood and river water, it also reached the ears of Lu Xun on the high platform of the water fortress.

Lu Xun closed his eyes, the flesh on his cheeks moved, and then opened them. Some apology and grief flashed in his eyes, but soon turned into determination, 『Now! Attack with all your strength! 』

The flag waved.

In the water fortress, dozens of boats were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, rushing forward madly along the gaps in the warships on the water!

Because of the water flow and wind, it is easy to go downstream, but when you want to turn back, the often mentioned phrase "small boats are easy to turn around" will naturally appear.

When Xu Huang attacked, the battle formation formed by large and small ships was able to maintain the original array, but when it came to going back, the large and small ships could not maintain the original state. The small boats must turn around first and retreat, so that the large ships can have space to turn around.

And Lu Xun's last attack was to reveal the dagger in the end.

The whistling fireballs can only disrupt the array and burn and damage some materials on the surface of the ships, but the success rate of burning the tower ships directly with fireballs is actually very low. If the Jiangdong Army cannot seize the opportunity to destroy these tower ships as the core of the surface battle, then the Sichuan Army will replenish and repair some minor damages at any time, and then come back.

The manufacturing cycle of the big tower ship is physically constant and long, and it will not be shortened much even if manpower or financial resources are added. After all, it was the Han Dynasty, which was restricted in many aspects such as materials and technology. In particular, the shipbuilding craftsmen in Sichuan and Shu were far behind those in Jiangdong.

This meant that if Jiangdong, which had suffered heavy losses, urgently recruited or purchased the tower ships of some local noble families and started building new tower ships in the shipyard at the same time, the speed at which Jiangdong restored its surface combat power could be said to be unparalleled in the world at present.

Moreover, because Jiangdong had a dense network of waterways, many people in Jiangdong lived on the water since they were born, so like the northern Hu people, they had a bonus for a certain combat mode.

This led to the fact that in history, Sun Shiwan of Jiangdong clearly sent 100,000 on the left, but after a while, he could send another 100,000 on the right. He sent 100,000 in front, and after a while, he gathered another 100,000...

Time passed little by little.

The distance between Zou Ke and the tower ships of the Sichuan and Shu army was also shortening little by little.

The sun gradually set in the west, stretching the shadow in front very long, shining directly on the surface of the Yangtze River...

Jiang Qin had already retreated from the front-line fight and took off his armor under the protection of his guards. The bloodstained battle robe had turned red in large areas, and the doctor Jinchuang on the side hurried up to treat the wound.

Originally it was just a puncture wound, but because the arrowhead could not be removed in time, Jiang Qin fought with the wound, causing the wound to be pulled, and the arrowhead stirred and cut in the flesh, now forming a hideous large wound.

Jiang Qin, who had lost a lot of blood, looked a little pale, but his attention was not on his wound, but staring at the battlefield in the distance, and suddenly said: "We are going to win."

The surrounding guards were stunned, and they all looked up and looked far away, but they could only see the broken fleet in front of them, the corpses and ship wreckage floating in the river.

"Didn't you see it? Those Zou Ke went up." Jiang Qin said, "As long as the Sichuan Shu building ship is destroyed, we will win. ."

"It is considered a win", even if this victory is "calculated", but at the moment, it is also a "great achievement".

Just like the Chinese national football team in later generations, it is not because of their own strength, but because they should thank God and their allies for showing mercy.

'We won? ' The guard was also a little excited, 'Really? '

Jiang Qin watched the doctor bandage the wound, touched it lightly with his hand, stood up, put on a new battle robe, and said, 'Send the order, move to the south bank. '

There are many shipwrecks tangled together in the middle of the river, many of which are still burning on the water, and the black smoke is blocking the view. The fleet deviated from the middle of the river and moved to the south bank. After the warships that blocked the view in front moved away little by little, Jiang Qin saw the scene in the distance. Just as he expected, the Sichuan Shu building ship that fell behind was chased by Zou Ke...

Zou Ke installed a ram filled with kerosene.

Once the Sichuan Shu building ship is nailed, it can instantly turn the ship into a large burning sea of ​​fire!

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes, looking at the mess on the Yangtze River, and also saw the ships in front of him, and the Jiangdong soldiers on the ships...

Tears suddenly fell from his eyes.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and disappeared into his beard.

This was not only the result of his life and blood, but also the blood and flesh of his troops, his private soldiers, and the ordinary Jiangdong soldiers.

The Jiangdong soldiers in the ships were all dead.

Although in theory there is a chance to jump off the ship and dive to escape before the fire, in reality, due to one reason or another, if you are a little slower, you will be burned by the fire or even burned to death.

Even if it was a small-scale burn, in the Han Dynasty, soaking in river water after skin burns was basically a game of cards with the god of death.

『One, two...』

Jiang Qin slowly counted the Sichuan-Shu tower ships that were surrounded, bitten, and then set on fire by Zou Ke.

The Sichuan-Shu front army was originally entangled with Jiang Qin's troops, so when they evacuated, they naturally fell behind and were soon caught up by Zou Ke. The tower ships of the Sichuan-Shu front army lost a lot of escort ships and soldiers in the previous battle, and the rudders and oars of the ships were inevitably damaged. Even if they wanted to go faster, they couldn't go faster.

Zou Ke continued to move forward and caught up with Xu Huang's central army.

『Very good, the third ship...』Jiang Qin clenched his fists tightly and shook them in the air for a while, but soon he widened his eyes, 『What is that? 』

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