Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3326: Human Heart

Chapter 3325 The heart of the people

The sun is releasing more and more enthusiasm, causing the temperature of the ground to continue to rise.

Xu Chu pushed his pocket, looked up at the sun in the sky, and frowned.

The camp he chose to build was on an east-west plateau.

The plateau is less than three miles long from east to west and only about ten meters high. Both the north and south are gentle slopes, so both soldiers and cavalry can go up and down the mountain smoothly. After all, they are the attacking side, and what they need to consider more is the speed of entering and exiting troops, rather than the difficulty of defense.

The only thing that has an impact is that there are some woods and shrubs around the plateau. Xu Chu has ordered his soldiers to cut down all these woods and shrubs. Firstly, they can be used as fuel. Secondly, these woods and shrubs will not affect the passage of the army, and at the same time, it will reduce the number of troops passing by. Cao Jun's hidden dangers.

But after Xu Chu settled on the camp, he suddenly discovered a problem. This relatively safe location also had a bigger problem, that is, it was far away from the Sushui River, so it was a bit troublesome to fetch and transport water back and forth.

But if it is said that Xu Chu chose the wrong location, that is not necessarily the case.

Because the current location has not been damaged by Cao's army on the one hand, and on the other hand it has deviated from official roads, so it naturally does not have the "special scenery" it had before. Except for the slight trouble with water, there are no problems elsewhere.

But will this issue become Cao Jun's subsequent method?

Xu Chu sent additional scouts early in the morning to conduct reconnaissance up and down the Sushui River.

At three o'clock in the morning, the scouts who went to investigate the Sushui River came back. When they saw Xu Chu's recognition of the flag, they quickly arrived in front of Xu Chu and reported: "General!" Footprints of humans and horses were found on the Sushui river beach! It is certain that Cao Jun has been active recently. In addition, some scattered wooden fragments were found in the upper reaches of Shuishui River. I don’t know what they were used for... The rest of the situation is still being investigated! 』

Xu Chu's heart moved, and he immediately said to the guards around him: "Immediately report to the Chinese army and report this news directly to the lord!" 』

About twenty miles behind Xu Chu's front army, Fei Qian's middle army had already arrived at the camp.

The camp occupies the high ground on the left and right sides of the official road and is scattered into a roughly shaped plum blossom camp. In the middle is Fei Qian's core guard, surrounded by the left, right and front divisions.

Different people have different feelings about the war that is about to break out.

For ordinary soldiers, some people will feel nervous, but others will be excited. Those military academy non-commissioned officers gather together to talk more about meritorious service and how many points are needed to meet the conditions for promotion to the next level.

Going up a level further, middle- and high-level military generals, such as Xu Shuxunchen, are under a bit more pressure, because they need to make major decisions and assume the responsibility for the war.

As for some of the medical staff accompanying the army, they were anxious because they could not find the herbs they needed. They distributed some samples to Dian Dian and asked the scouts who were out to help find and collect them.

As for Huang Dou, who is in the rear army, he has not been nervous about the war at all these days. Instead, he has been busy studying artillery tracks and has some ideas. Unfortunately, he is limited by materials, so he can only use wood to simulate the movement of the tracks. The situation made him somewhat anxious, wishing that the battle would be over immediately, and then he could return to the workshop and have whatever materials he needed...

So on the whole, even if you are in the same place, in the same camp, and facing the same thing, you will still have different ideas and different expectations. This is an unavoidable problem for humans.

Fei Qian can only serve as the central core to coordinate and deal with these problems arising from individual differences as much as possible.

After Xu Chu reported the location of the camp, Fei Qian immediately marked it on the map.

The distance between the front army and the center is twenty miles, which is a relatively suitable distance, and there are a large number of cavalry units in the Fei Qian army, so they can attack, support, and outflank and intercept at certain positions at any time.

Lord Cao Cao's main force was deployed near Anyi and did not go further down the slope or attack Emei Mountains. Naturally, this was because Cao Cao was short of food and grass, and on the other hand, the morale of his soldiers was almost exhausted. If Cao Cao attacks Emei Ridge and fails, then the Yuncheng Basin will become a huge swamp that he will never be able to escape from, which is even more terrifying than the glimmer of hope on Huarong Road.

Because Liu Bei in history did not have cavalry, but today's hussars do.

Cao Cao chose the Linyi area of ​​Anyi, which was relatively close to the Zhongtiao Mountain Camp, as the battle area. It is also a relatively thorough consideration. It can not only show Shandong's "strength", but also pose a posture of accepting the battle. If Fei Qian could not reach the Emei Mountains, then Cao Cao could have returned to Shandong after capturing Anyi, and he would not have lost his "meritorious service" and saved his face.

So as soon as Cao Cao appeared in the Yuncheng Basin and set up an array in Anyi, Fei Qian was bound to appear if he wanted to fight this battle...

Fei Qian walked out of the tent and looked south with his hands behind his back.

This may be the fork in the road that determines the final fate of the Three Kingdoms.

Just like the Battle of Chibi in history. If Cao Cao had won in Chibi, there would have been nothing to do with Liu Bei and Sun Quan, and there would have been no so-called Three Kingdoms.

The most important reason why Cao Cao was defeated in the Battle of Chibi was of course not Zhuge Liang's Dongfeng, but that Cao Cao was not ready at the time. After Cao Cao captured Jingzhou, he inexplicably won without a fight. He suddenly obtained a large number of soldiers, baggage, and warships, and then disappeared.

So now, Fei Qian also asked himself softly, "Are you ready?" 』

The final battle in the Three Kingdoms?

After coming to this era, what Fei Qian is most unaccustomed to is not that it is too cold in winter or too hot in summer, but that there is no mobile phone. But after he put down his cell phone, Fei Qian discovered that after taking out his cell phone from his life, he suddenly had a lot more time, which he could use to read books, practice calligraphy, think, and explore...

So Fei Qian tried to guide the Three Kingdoms in another direction.

This feeling of using one's own power to change the world makes Fei Qian obsessed, intoxicated and inspiring.

The north and south of the Yuncheng Basin, with Anyi as the line, can be said to have assembled the most powerful force of this era.

Not to mention the affiliation of the hussar, even the Qingzhou Army under Cao Cao in the south direction, which spanned the Central Plains for decades, was not disbanded until Cao Cao's death. If Fei Qian hadn't arrived, Cao Cao would have swept across the entire north with this army, occupying two-thirds of the world, and finally exhausted Brother Zhu's lamp oil and Sun Quan's bloody courage.

But now, only Fei Qian knows these things, and the other civil and military personnel under the Hussar have strong confidence in the victory of the Hussar, believing that the Han Dynasty will return to the time when Guanzhong was the core and ruled the world.

Fei Qian couldn't help but look back at Xun Chen's tent, where the army was handling chores, and the clerks lining up outside the tent.

It was precisely with the help of advisers like Xun Chen that Fei Qian was able to withdraw from the complicated and specific affairs and think about longer-term and more ambitious goals.

The faces of Pang Tong, Xu Shu and others appeared in Fei Qian's mind.

None of these people were surnamed Fei, and Fei Qian... well, except for Pang Tong and Huang Zhong, most of the others had no relationship with Fei Qian. And even the kinship relationship between Pang Tong and Fei Qian is connected by twists and turns.

If it weren't for Fei Qian, perhaps Pang Tong would have died from thousands of arrows, Xun Chen would have disappeared in obscurity after the Battle of Guandu, Xu Shu would still have wandered around, and Huang Zhong could only survive to Dingjun Mountain to become awe-inspiring in the world...

Nanyang Lushan will not become a world-famous holy place, and Guanzhong will not attract batches of Jingxiang gentry.

Fei Qian shook his head gently, stopped his thoughts, turned to the guards behind him and asked: "After defeating Cao Jun in this battle... what do you want to do most?" 』

Several guards looked at each other, and then one of the guards named Fei Changfu said loudly: "I follow the master!" Whatever the master tells his subordinates to do, they will do it! The Lord said that we will attack Shandong tomorrow, so I will go to Shandong. If I go to Xu County tomorrow, my subordinates..."

"Ahem. The Emperor’s honor is in Xu County..." Fei Qian waved his hand helplessly, interrupting Fei Changfu's words, "What Xu County says must not be lied about. 』

Fei Changfu responded quickly, but obviously he didn't take the so-called emperor's dignity to heart.

As Fei Qian's power grows, the Fei family is also growing.

Some of them are the Fei clan members who stayed after Fei Qian's uncle died. After hearing about Fei Qian, they came here one after another. Others, like Fei Changfu, were not originally named Fei, but now they are After changing his surname to Fei, he is even more loyal than the ordinary Fei family members, even the die-hard new Fei family members.

In the early days when Fei Qian occupied Guanzhong, most of the guards around Fei Qian were from the Huang clan, and there was certainly no problem with their loyalty. However, Pang Tong later said that this was inappropriate, and then Huang Chenggeng was released and Wei Du was added. Later, Pang Tong said that this was inappropriate. Wei Du was injured, and Xu Chu was injured...

In the process of constant replacement and replenishment of the Cavalry Guards, the proportion of Huang family members gradually decreased, while the number of people with the Fei family name increased.

But these do not necessarily mean they are all good things.

Just like Fei Changfu, he is naturally qualified to stay by his side as a guard, but if he really wants to be sent out to serve like Xu Chu, there may be some problems.

The Feiqian political group has developed to this day. The people in this political group have basically been firmly tied together and have common interests. As the scope of this interest expands and the strength increases, it also inspires The instinctive desire of political groups to devour their surroundings is just like Fei Changfu talking about Xuxian County in Shandong Province.

This desire to expand has become stronger and stronger. Even if Fei Qian repeatedly reminds himself to be cautious, it is inevitable that he will be exposed to it frequently in daily life and then be affected. Especially in terms of population and business needs, Shandong has a huge population and business market, which are what Guanzhong so-called longs for.

Cao Cao's restrictions on goods in Guanzhong and the temporary severance of commercial exchanges due to this war will be like compressing a huge spring, either breaking the spring or causing a larger rebound. But now it seems that Cao Cao does not have the ability to break the spring, so Guanzhong Trading will definitely have a larger invasion of Shandong.

And by that time, even if Cao Cao can still be in Shandong's position, due to the serious lack of influence below the county level in Shandong's political model, even if Cao Cao and others want to resist, they will not be able to change the situation at the bottom. Big changes.

However, the various conflicts arising from this are naturally inevitable.

When there is a conflict, there must be a coordinator to standardize the order and weigh the pros and cons. Therefore, even if Fei Qian has no further ideas, he will inevitably be pushed to that position by his people in the end. Just like Cao Cao and Cao Pi's father and son in history, when they reached that point, they had nowhere to go. Therefore, even if Fei Qian stops him from making comments similar to Fei Changfu and others, it is inevitable that people will have different opinions and have their own calculations.

Fei Changfu took the lead, and the other guards were not far behind.

"My subordinates are as good as Captain Fei!" My father is a farmer. He never dreamed that he would be as proud as he is today! The fact that my subordinates can live such a good life now is all because of the master! My parents taught me that the lord is like the reborn parent of our family. I will obey the lord's orders and never frown even if I climb mountains of swords and seas of fire! 』

This is a cliche, but it is also true.

"Same for my subordinates!" I, my subordinates, remember my lord’s teachings and work hard for the peace of the world! My subordinates also want to do more for the people of the world, so that they can all live a good life like Guanzhong! 』

This is also a cliche, but it has a little more cleverness.

As for the guards who were lagging behind, they were usually less good at talking. Encouraged by Fei Qian's eyes, the last two or three people also plucked up the courage to say, "I, I thought... this can help." Buy a piece of land at home, the land that belongs to our family..."

"My subordinate, I just want to marry a mother-in-law, and then have... a big fat boy..."

Fei Qian couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and immediately laughed, "What a good wish!" really good! 』

The guards also laughed.

The world, family.

Family, the world.

Some people talk about the world, but in fact they are all for their families.

There are also people who are busy for their families, but just like everyone else in the world.

Fei Qian smiled, but he saw an order coming from afar, raising a cloud of yellow dust. He raised his hand, and immediately soldiers came down the slope, stepped forward to meet him, and took the urgent report sent by Xu Chu. Presented to Fei Qian.

Fei Qian opened the emergency report, glanced at it for a few times, then his expression moved slightly, turned back to his tent, and ordered, "Go and ask Chief Xun to come to discuss matters." 』

The guard responded.

Fei sneaked into the big tent, sat behind the desk, then closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then opened Xu Chu's emergency report and read it carefully again. Finally, he couldn't help but sigh softly, "Brother Meng De, you are really in trouble." To this point? 』

Xu Chu rode his horse and stood on the hill.

His main task at this stage is to find out the movements of Cao Jun and to remove Cao Jun's defenses in front of the camp.

Examples include caltrops and horse traps that may appear anywhere.

This kind of thing is extremely low-cost, but it can cause the hussars to damage their horses.

Therefore, Xu Chu had to use his own camp as the center point and clean it out bit by bit, removing what could be removed and setting up warning signs on what was difficult to remove. These cleaning and inspection tasks are relatively easy and do not require too many riders, but there is another thing that is much more dangerous.

Ten miles away from Xu Chu's camp, Hussar scouts and Cao Jun scouts were fighting for control of the battlefield.

Cao's cavalry also chased and fought with the hussars and cavalry scouts on this last line, as if to save their last pair of underwear.

The closer they got to Cao Jun's camp, the more intense the resistance of Cao Jun's cavalry became. The original squad of fifty people began to evolve into a team of hundreds, or even a queue of two to three hundred people.

Therefore, although the number of cavalry invested by both sides was not large, maybe more than a thousand in total, the yellow dust and flying sand stirred up made the entire wilderness unpeaceful. There were battlefields everywhere in the mountains and fields, and they were fighting each other everywhere.

"General!" These bastards are slippery, should we send more troops to intercept them? ” Li Li of the Cavalry Military Academy reported, “As long as we send more men and horses to block both ends... Humph! Don't worry about not being able to catch these bastards! 』

Xu Chu thought for a moment and shook his head, "That's inappropriate." At the moment, the two sides are just testing each other, and it is not worth sending out an army. Moreover, Cao Jun's scattered troops were just to delay our geographical reconnaissance and clear out traps. 』

"This is exactly what I mean. Li Li said, "We can pretend to be a large army and pretend to catch these bastards. If they see the opportunity and run away, we will clear the trap. If they don't escape, it won't be a loss if we really catch these bastards!" 』

Xu Chu glanced at Li Li in surprise and said, "You're many troops do you want?" 』

Li Li cupped his hands and said, "Five hundred men and horses are enough!" 』

Xu Chu thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Repeat the key points of the battle." 』

Li Li said loudly: "The first thing is to detect geography and eliminate traps!" If Cao's army doesn't retreat, it will be a siege! 』

Xu Chu nodded, "I'm watching from here!" I'll give you five hundred men! Go! 』

Li Li was overjoyed and boldly accepted the order and left.

Xu Chu watched Li Li arrive at the foot of the hillock, ordered five hundred men and horses, and did not take the south ramp. Instead, he rolled up the flag and slowly walked out from behind the hillock. He couldn't help but smile, "This guy ...』

Xu Chu said to the Xu clan members beside him again: "Look, this guy was a soldier on the frontier before, but now he also knows how to use tactics!" Think about yourselves again! Don’t read the Martial Arts Hall’s newspapers all day long as stories! Learn more, you hear me? 』

The Xu clan members all agreed.

But Xu Chu knew that these guys would agree on the surface, but there was no guarantee that they would be able to produce a few people like Li Li in the end...

However, at this stage, Xu Chu's focus could not be placed on these people. He was thinking about how to compete with Cao Cao's front-line general, Cao Hong!

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