Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3328 I will post

Chapter 3327 I will post

Everyone will inevitably be asked a question in life.

Who are you?

Or who am I?

Except for some particularly fucked-up times, when some disadvantaged groups ask the people to prove that you are you, your father is your father, your mother is your mother, etc., there will always be a trance when asking this question...

Because this question means to determine the identity, and a person's identity is often related to his position, political status and other social attributes.

Of course, for the untouchables, there is only a name left.

Otherwise, we would not see some feudal officials in later generations being asked by the people "Who are you", and they would be furious and say, "I represent the Ming Dynasty and the East Factory to warn you..."

Because these feudal officials will not say their own names, but their positions.

And they also like others to call him by his position.

So in short, this "who" is not asking about the name of the person, but the position and status.

So when someone asks you "who are you", don't just say your name. Unless your name is as bad as ***, and even the platform has to block it, you should put your social status and position in front.

This is not just a simple self-identification question, it may have some special meaning or background.

Although whether it is the feudal dynasty's claim that the emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people, or the capitalist advocacy that everyone should be respected and treated equally, in fact, the answer to this question is always so bloody...

It's just that there may be a layer of covering cloth on the surface.

And now, when Bao Zhong asked him "who are you", he didn't say his name, surname, first name, and then a person from a certain place, but laughed in a low voice: "General, you asked the wrong question... It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is what the general wants to do now..."

"What am I..." Bao Zhong was startled, and then his face showed anger, "You are so bold! !"

Never blinked.


I didn't say anything...

However, this also made Conglai understand Bao Zhong's thoughts.

Conglai suddenly sighed softly, "Even if we can defeat the Hussars this time, what can we do? We will also die a lot of people... Look around, most people here may die... Then what have we gained? Even if half of the Hussars are killed and consumed, what can we do? Can we conquer Guanzhong? Can we enter Linfen? The army has been short of food for a long time... Retreat and wait for the next time? How many new troops have the Hussars trained? You know, the Hussars now not only have Guanzhong, but also the Western Regions have surrendered... If we really compare the training of soldiers, we can't compare. Think about how many troops the Hussars had back then, and how many troops are there now..."

"This..." Bao Zhong's eyes flashed.

"Fighting for a few years, dragging for a few years, of course, is not a big deal for some people..." Conglai said softly, "But... Chang'an is the only medical clinic..."

"Hiss..." Bao Zhong took a breath of cold air.

He never spoke again, then shrank back slightly, lowered his head and smiled foolishly, as if he had never said anything before.

Bao Zhong's son was seriously injured.

Baiyi Clinic is only in Guanzhong.

These two things that seemed to be completely unrelated before are now suddenly connected.

Birth, aging, illness and death are the norm of life.

But most of the time, parents treat their children and children treat their parents differently.

In humans and other animals, parents will provide protection and resources at all costs to ensure the survival and growth of their offspring. This instinct is the basis for the continuation of the population and the result of natural selection. Mothers begin to provide food for their children through pregnancy and breastfeeding at the beginning of pregnancy, while fathers provide protection for the family more through labor to ensure the safety and stability of the overall life. Therefore, human instinct is to create better conditions for the continuation of offspring, and Bao Zhong obviously cannot avoid this.

Don't look at him picking on children and scolding them for being pig-headed when he sees them on weekdays, but when his children are really injured, his heart hurts more than anyone else!

This is also a manifestation of Shandong culture. After all, a filial son is born under the stick, which is a "good" experience passed down for many years.

In fact, this "stick" is not really based on beating and scolding, but strict education.

Everything has its pros and cons. Strict education may cultivate more successful individuals, but they may keep emotional distance from the family. Gentle education may promote emotional closeness, but children may prefer comfort in the future, and it is unlikely that there will be much material to give back to their parents. Unless the child is particularly outstanding, there is the advantage of both, and ordinary children are very good if they do not learn from others.

So this sentence in Shandong is actually more about the difference between elite education and happy education, but some ordinary people, such as Bao Zhong, think that simply beating and scolding can make children successful...

But no matter what, his child is now injured, and it is very serious, like an invisible knife, cutting his heart all the time.

Obviously, the doctors in the rear camp of Cao's army even have difficulty treating ordinary soldiers, let alone dealing with burns like Bao Zhong's son.

"Inside the Baiyi Clinic," the voice from the beginning was like the devil's temptation, full of charm, "The treatment of this kind of injury is unique in the world...even the flesh and bones of the living dead..."

Later generations will know that the most important thing for burns is to prevent infection.

Once infected, especially large-scale infection and inflammation, it would undoubtedly be fatal to the Han Dynasty when there were no anti-inflammatory drugs.

And if the inflammation of the burn can be controlled, generally speaking, the recovery from the burn will be ideal, and at most it will be ugly.

After hearing this, Bao Zhong couldn't help but swallow his saliva, his throat sliding up and down.

After looking at Bao Zhong's expression, he felt more and more settled.

Bao Zhong looked around and suddenly whispered: "Brother Cong, you... to be honest... how sure are you?" 』

He always replied in a low voice: "It's hard to say!" If you want to get treatment, the sooner the better... If you continue like this, you will definitely get nothing. 』

Bao Zhong's face looked a little gloomy.

After a slight pause, he finally said: "But...this opportunity is all earned, it just depends on what the general does..."

Bao Zhong raised his head in shock, only to see that the smile on his face had disappeared and he looked extremely serious.

"Brother,, you, you..." Bao Zhong grabbed the handle of the knife and held it tightly.

It could be said to be "chatting" before. Although there are certain factors involved, on the whole it can be regarded as a father eager to seek medical treatment, grasping the floating board or straw that appears around him, but if it continues, it will undoubtedly be It is equivalent to taking off all disguises, nakedly expressing his identity, and also forcing Bao Zhong to express his attitude.


What to do?

Beads of sweat rolled down Bao Zhong's head.

There were still a lot of people around and flags waving.

Bao Zhong and his personal bodyguards were also staring nervously at this place and at the other Cao soldiers nearby. While I am afraid that I will hear something less, I am also afraid that other unrelated people will hear something too much.

In normal times, Bao Zhong and this tense and abnormal state around Bao Zhong would definitely attract some people's attention, but now, other soldiers of Cao's army are also nervous, and some are even more nervous than Bao Zhong and others. It was so outrageous that it naturally attracted the attention of the central leaders and central guards who were the governors.

As for what Bao Zhong said here, as long as he didn't hear the specific content clearly, he would probably think he was discussing the upcoming battle...

The messengers carrying the flags were still running left and right, passing on Cao Hong's orders.

Bao Zhong gritted his teeth, and the handle of the knife creaked as he squeezed it.

But there seemed to be an invisible force pressing on the back of his hand, making his sword feel like a thousand pounds and unable to be pulled out.

Even though there was Cao Jun's camp behind him and Cao Cao's banner was flying in the middle of the rear, Bao Zhong felt as if he was standing alone in the middle of the battlefield.

Taking a step back, there was Cao Jun, but in the distance in front of him, there were three-color war flags flying high.

Even though he was unhappy under Cao Cao, Bao Zhong never thought he would have to make a choice like today...

But, what if...

Bao Zhong stared at him intently.

There was never any movement, and it seemed that Bao Zhong didn't see the veins on his hand holding the handle of the knife at all.

"What if..." Bao Zhong's voice was hoarse, as if he had just swallowed a handful of sand alive, "How can I protect my child?" 』

He always smiled, still with his usual flattering expression, "It's easy to say... I just need to find an excuse to send him to the rear, and make an appointment at a certain crossing of the river... And in the rear camp, the general needs to know, actually... Haha, Those elites rarely go there..."

"No, no no, no no no..." Bao Zhong shook his head slightly, "This, this won't work, this won't work..."

He said he couldn't, but in fact Bao Zhong's hand holding the handle of the knife was no longer as tight as before.

"General." Think twice. ” He always said softly, “What we want is nothing more than wealth, fame, fame, and a family legacy... So it’s all the same, but the first thing is to have life... Without life, there is nothing. Even if it is a fortune of thousands of dollars and a thousand acres of fertile land, what is the use? If the general is worried, he can kill me after Cao Jun's victory... Otherwise, wouldn't he be cutting off his own path? 』

Bao Zhong's eyes swayed from side to side. His personal loyalty to Cao Cao was definitely not as firm as he said verbally. Now that he heard Chiang's words, he had already been shaken in his heart. He was just afraid that Chieng's person was Cao Cao or the Cao family. It's just a test by a school official.

I have always looked at Bao Zhong, thinking that if I can't reveal some real methods, I'm afraid I won't be able to win Bao Zhong's trust...

No one wants to die in vain, and no one wants to die in vain.

Sacrifice is actually a kind of transaction. In ancient times, three animals were sacrificed to the gods. These solid-colored animals used for sacrifice are called sacrifices. So in fact, people put forward some conditions to the gods and sacrificed them, hoping that the gods would agree.

If the gods give a "response", such as it happens to rain, the sky is sunny, etc., then humans will conduct sacrificial transactions again next time. If there is no "response" for a long time, then it is very likely that another god will be replaced. Or simply throw the sacrificial wizard into the fire...

If you never take the initiative to communicate with Bao Zhong, then in the process of fighting against the hussar vanguard, Bao Zhonghe, who has never been in the ranks of the central leader and central guard, will probably act like this before the battle. The first dish or soup is an appetizer for the generals on both sides.

If the food doesn’t taste good, you can return it, dump it, or make it again.

But if a person dies, there is no way to come back.

At least this is true for people like Bao Zhonghe.

Chang Li raised his chin slightly and said: "If the general is willing to send a signal to the messengers on the opposite side... then when the opposite side attacks, they will most likely avoid this place..."

As he spoke, he raised his head to look at the bright sun in the sky, then flipped up his sleeves, revealing a small bronze mirror.

"..." Bao Zhong stared at Yi Cheng, pondering for a long time, and finally said through gritted teeth, "I won't say it." 』

It’s not that I don’t know how or that I don’t understand, it’s that I don’t send it.

So I always nodded, "I understand, then I'll send it." I hope the general can cover up a little bit. 』

The armies of both sides began to come into contact with each other, and of course the first thing to start was the scouting battle.

No matter which side the scouts were on, they were trying their best to prevent the other side from approaching their own lines for detection, but it was obvious that Cao Jun's scouts were gradually suppressed. Facing the sharp cavalry hussars, Cao Jun's confrontational behavior of these scouts was more like It is a way to show an unyielding attitude even if you are unable to resist...

The power of maneuver on the battlefield gradually shifted to Xu Chu's side.

Facing the Cao army's formation, Xu Chu did not immediately launch an attack.

Because Xu Chu discovered in previous observations that the infantry line of Cao Jun's soldiers was likely to start gathering in the middle of the night, which means that Cao Jun's soldiers had been standing still for at least two or three hours...

Xu Chu is not in a hurry.

Don't be in a hurry.

He is now the attacker. From his camp to Cao Jun's camp, he has to walk more than ten miles. If he cannot attack Cao Jun's camp today - it is obviously impossible to conquer it directly.

After all, the artillery has not caught up yet, so Xu Chu still has to walk more than ten miles with his troops back to the camp after today's attack. Therefore, as an army commander, he must know how to reasonably allocate the physical strength of his soldiers.

After Xu Chu gained control of most of the battlefield, he began to rotate, test, and consume.

That’s right, consumption.

The physical endurance of soldiers is also a consumable in a sense.

How to consume more of the opponent's physical strength and preserve one's own physical strength within an effective period of time is also a skill on the battlefield.

And there is another point, Cao Jun's camp is huge. If when he retreats, Cao Jun sends troops from another part of the camp, will he fight or not?

At that time, what will happen if I exhaust my stamina from the beginning, and in the end the soldiers lose their stamina and the horses lose their horsepower?

The hussars were dispatched in turns, and the smoke they rolled up covered the sky and the sun. Although they did not directly charge into the formation, who can guarantee that the hussars would not charge directly at the next moment?

Cao Jun was undoubtedly well prepared for the Anyi camp. All the surrounding wood had been cut down. Even if the Hussars wanted to obtain some wood to make treads for crossing the trench, they would have to go further, or even It was dragged from twenty miles away.

Therefore, it was certainly impossible for Xu Chu to fill Cao Jun's trenches and camps with flesh and blood.

On the whole, the formation of both sides was more like shouting at each other before actually taking action.

What are you looking at?

What do you think of you?

Would you like to touch me?

Just give it a try!

Both sides knew that the intensity this time would not be too great, but both sides were holding back their bad intentions and wanted to give the other side a cold blow, so they could take advantage first.

The Hussars now combine cold weapons and hot weapons, especially the earliest developed grenades, which have been used proficiently and have demonstrated their power many times in various small-scale battles. This time is of course no exception. Looking for an opportunity to make a move and let Cao Jun feel some of the passion of iron and fire.

Under the cover of the camp, Cao Jun held back his catapult, waiting for the hussars to approach, and then suddenly gave the hussars a surprise.

After suppressing the battlefield, the hussars began to gradually approach Cao Jun's infantry line, roaring back and forth, and from time to time they threw some arrows into Cao Jun's infantry position, and Cao Jun's line also fired back with arrows.

The arrows from both sides were tentative attacks, causing some damage, but basically it was negligible.

During this process, the Hussars cavalry were undoubtedly putting constant pressure on Cao Jun's infantry, and then trying to find their weak links and areas. For Cao Jun, the size of the Hussars cavalry running back and forth was not large. , and it is a moving target, so the catapult hidden behind the camp has been silent.

If the normal process continues, then as time goes by, there will definitely be one or more direct flesh-to-flesh collisions, and the exchange of body fluids between the two parties in the afternoon...

But this is the case on the battlefield, and plans often fail to keep up with changes.

Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was getting more and more tense, and when they were about to meet in hand-to-hand combat, something suddenly happened.

This change was noticed by the hussars on the ground, but at first, the hussars did not pay attention, thinking that it happened by chance in the Cao army's array, but the continuous and regular flashing of light made these hussars The scout suddenly became alarmed.

This is a signal that the Cavaliers are communicating with each other!

After being stunned and suspicious, the hussars discovered the signal again and immediately reported it level by level.

Li Li, who was commanding the cavalry on the flank of the battlefield, received a message from his subordinates.

"What did you say? Li Li wondered if he had heard wrongly, "Did you say any signals were found in Cao's army array?" Traveling contact? ! Are you sure about this? ! 』

The leader of the cavalry also felt strange, so he nodded and said, "I thought at first that my brothers saw it wrong, so I went to see it myself to make sure it was the signal we agreed on!" 』

Li Li's eyes widened, and then he nodded towards the team leader, "This is no joke!" 』

The team leader also nodded and wiped the sweat from his face, "Marquis, how dare you joke about this kind of thing!" 』

Li Li thought for a while and said, "I will immediately send someone to ask the general for instructions!" You go around again and send it to the other side... No, no, you can't use the light of the mirror... Let me think about it, let me think about it, what other methods are there..."

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