Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3360 Small improvements with big effects

Chapter 3359 Small improvements have big effects

Hussars' artillery is very destructive to walls of the size of a camp, as well as general rammed earth city walls.

Not only the wall, it also does great harm to the human body. Not to mention some people who were directly hit, they were lucky to find some chunks, but more of Cao's soldiers were scratched, bruised, and injured by flying sawdust and stones, and then screamed in agony. .

Strictly speaking, this kind of damage cannot be counted as the direct damage of the artillery. At most, it can be regarded as a kind of splash damage. This kind of damage can be completely avoided by simply running farther away or finding a safer bunker. It's just that because of the fear and discomfort with artillery in this era, many Cao Jun soldiers had seen and heard about artillery, and some were taught how to deal with it, but they forgot all about it during actual combat.

Someone discovered that Xu Chu's infantry had climbed over the outer trench, and they couldn't help shouting in fear: "The Hussars are coming, they are coming!" 』

"Fire the arrow!" Shoot the arrow quickly! 』

The general of Cao Jun's military academy shouted.

Because I yelled so urgently, it inevitably sounded like I was shouting "I'm a bitch"...

The archers of Cao's army didn't know whether it was because they were embarrassed to "offend" in public, or because they felt that they were decent people, and the killing was not in line with their status. Anyway, after the general of Cao's military academy shouted at the top of his voice several times, he still couldn't. He didn't move until Cao Jun's military academy broke out and killed several archers who were sluggish. Then he let out a roar and rushed up to some relatively intact stronghold wall boards in the direction of Xu Chu's infantry. Boom boom random shots.

Arrows whizzed down.

Even if it is random shooting, it has a certain degree of lethality at such a distance.

Two or three infantrymen were hit by stray arrows and immediately fell to the side. Immediately, shield hands came forward to cover the injured. Someone in the queue stretched out his hand, pulled the wounded's armor straps, or grabbed his hands and feet, and sent them to the rear of the line.

The other infantrymen lowered their bodies, bent their waists, and marched in a semi-curved posture, quickly passing through the dangerous area under the cover of the erect shield hands.

Many people in Shandong thought that the Hussars were only dominated by cavalry, but they forgot that there was a period of time when the Hussars had no cavalry and could only rely on infantry to fight against Baibo Heishan and other soldiers and horses...

From a certain perspective, the cavalry infantry also grew up in high-intensity confrontation. When the Han Dynasty was still dominated by pig-attack tactics, Fei Qian began to experiment with a variety of different equipment and tactics. Some tactics were abandoned after a short period of actual combat, while others were retained.

For example, Modao, this thing was abandoned.

This thing is very powerful, but the requirements are very high. Not only the damage to the equipment is very severe, but the damage to the soldiers is also ridiculously high. Without high arm strength and good waist strength, it cannot be played. It's like the Odachi in Monster Hunter. If you play it well, you'll be very coquettish, and you'll be invincible all the way. But if you don't play it well, it's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, why is it like a cat car again...

In the end, Feiqian finally decided that the most common one was the most practical.

Knives, guns, tomahawks, hammers or iron rods have become the most important infantry lethal weapons on the battlefield.

Instead of continuing to focus on innovative weapons, the main focus is on improving the strength of armor materials and the convenience and practicality of the most common weapons.

This change in guiding ideology has also led to the strengthening of hussars, infantry, cavalry and other arms to varying degrees.

Especially heavily armored units.

These heavy-armored sword-shielders, who support the shield outside and act as guard infantry, not only strengthen the strength of the stainless steel covering on the shield, but more importantly, there is an opening between the shield and the body, similar to a butterfly shape. tripod support.

This kind of triangular support frame usually folds up and sag, like two or three extra pieces of external armor that cannot be sewn. But when needed, you only need to nail the movable pin on the iron piece to the breastplate. The deliberately left holes can form a bracket that is sufficient to support the temporary suspension of the shield, providing some support for the shield soldiers. Although it cannot completely replace the shield soldier's arms to support the shield, it can provide the shield soldier with a relief or breathing space.

Small improvements like this, as well as the small hook on the edge of the shield, the gun strap on the left shoulder of the pikeman, the dagger on the calf of the cavalry...

They may seem inconspicuous at first sight, but they are all "gadgets" that were proposed by the soldiers during actual military combat, and were improved many times by craftsmen before they were finally added.

At this moment, these "gadgets" are exerting their due effect.

The shield soldiers in Xu Chu's infantry line seemed to be small in number, and the layers were not thick enough, but they continued to hold up the large shield under Cao Jun's bow and arrow attacks, providing protection for himself and his comrades, which seemed strong and durable enough...

Xu Chu's infantry rushed through the area attacked by Cao's archers, and then entered the blind spot of shooting. They quickly crossed over the collapsed camp walls and broke into the camp.

When the soldiers of Cao's army saw this, they couldn't help but scream.

"It's over!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Just like siege, before the walls or gates are breached and the enemy soldiers have not invaded, the resistance is often the strongest, but once the enemy has made a substantial breakthrough, most of them are left with meaningless crying, cursing, and passive escape.

In fact, the moment of rushing into the camp is the most dangerous time for Xu Chu's infantry. Because they lost the protection of the sword and shield soldiers, they were also exposed to the Cao army camp, and psychologically the infantry who rushed in would also be relaxed. If the generals in the Cao army barracks can organize a group of soldiers in time and prepare, they can often give a heavy blow to the opponents in the camp at this time.

This is like seizing the "T" head position during a naval battle, which is also consistent with the tactics of encirclement and siege on land, and they are all simple.

Everyone understands it when it is said, but they are all at a loss when it comes to doing it...

If the Cao army soldiers are like this, then the civilians in the Cao army's side camp will be even more unbearable.

The screams that rang out one after another made the civilians in Cao's camp, who had little combat experience, extremely nervous. They hugged each other and trembled. When they saw the Hussars rushing in, they shrank their heads, closed their eyes, and muttered something in their mouths, as if they were praying to the gods or some gods...

When Xu Chu rushed into the Cao's camp, he saw such a scene.

This was somewhat wrong.

But at first, Xu Chu didn't care.

Because he ran in blood and fire with all his heart!

If his troops were swords, then Xu Chu was the blade. If his troops were daggers, then he was the front end and the sharpest part of the dagger!

Xu Chu was even the valve of the steel torrent, controlling the speed of the troops and the rhythm of the attack...

He was the core of the assault troops, and he was also the guardian of the Hussars.

Divide and merge

The heat waves from the shells rolled around, and the blood spread in front.

Death and war.

Always twins who depend on each other.

Rushing into the wall of the camp was only the first step.

Xu Chu also needed to rush through the defense system in the camp, cross the earthen plateau, and even climb over the wall in some areas!

There were some Cao army soldiers in front. When they saw Xu Chu and others rushing in, they howled and turned around to run...

But few of the civilians were running.

The Cao army camp was not a flat land. There were many natural ups and downs, and some specially built and excavated corridors and earthen walls, like a simple maze.

Because you can still see the location of Anyi City when you look up, there is no possibility of getting lost.

Several Cao army soldiers disappeared at the end of the earthen wall corridor. A cavalry leader was about to rush over, but was stopped by Xu Chu.

Xu Chu said: "You are too reckless."

Corners, dark places, and inside tents have always been the areas with the most deaths.

Xu Chu did not stop, but just raised his sword, then stretched his hand back and said to the cavalry commander: "Give me the axe."

The cavalry commander was stunned for a moment, but quickly pulled out the axe from his waist and handed it to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu took it, weighed it, and then went to the end of the earth wall, and casually extended the axe a little...

The edge of the axe was sharpened and the light flashed.

This is the requirement of the cavalry army. The maintenance of the weapon is a daily homework that every soldier must do.

Then Xu Chu seemed to casually throw the axe...

Immediately, there was a sound of something cracking.

Xu Chu strode around the corner, and the cavalry commander hurriedly followed, and then he saw a Cao army soldier with a split head sitting against the earth wall, and in the hand of the Cao army soldier, there was a sharp spear.

The cavalry leader shuddered.

According to the posture of the dead Cao army soldier, he was half-crouching with his spear pointed at the corner...

Xu Chu casually pulled the axe from the head of the Cao army soldier and handed it back to the cavalry leader.

The cavalry leader looked up and met Xu Chu's even cold eyes, "If you lose your mind, roll to the back of the queue!"

The leader, whether an ordinary soldier or a middle-level non-commissioned officer, is very important. Some people will lead the troops to victory, and some people will only lead their men to death.

"Sorry... I, I was wrong..." The cavalry leader lowered his head.

"There will be no second time."

Xu Chu left a brief word and went forward.

The leader of the cavalry team looked at the back in front of him, first with respect and envy, and then quickly became determined...

The iron army rolled forward, even if it was occasionally scattered, it would regroup behind Xu Chu's figure and continue to move forward.

The goal is clear, and the divisions will merge!

In a slightly more spacious position in the middle of the camp, the guard of the Cao army's camp twitched the muscles on his face and blocked Xu Chu and others.

Xu Chu shook the blood on his sword, and felt that the handle of the sword did not slip because of the blood. He fixed his eyes on the camp general, "Come and tell me your name."

The camp general grinned, "An unknown person is not worth mentioning!"

Xu Chu nodded slightly and knocked the shield with his sword to indicate.

The soldiers on both sides subconsciously made some distance.

The two stood opposite each other.

One wanted a quick battle, and the other wanted to survive.


In the center of the field, the two sides collided.

Xu Chu obviously had the upper hand, but the desire to survive also made the Cao army general almost exert 120% of his ability, struggling to death, and the killing became bloody.

Blood flowed along the blade, and sparks leaped with the collision.

The roar was full of anger and sadness.

The blood and fire became the final tragic background of the Cao army general.

Until Xu Chu chopped off his head, the Cao army general did not wait for the reinforcements from the Cao army camp.

Xu Chu raised the general's head high, but the subsequent situation made Xu Chu a little confused.

As a man who had fought with the Cao army many times, he was used to the situation that the opponent would immediately collapse after killing the opponent's main general, but this time, even if the Cao army general died in battle, his soldiers still did not retreat, but howled and ran towards death.

If it were someone else, it would be said that he would be stunned by such a situation, but Xu Chu still led his men to hold the line.

The Cao army soldiers who intercepted Xu Chu and others in the camp lay down one by one.

The battle situation was developing in a good direction.

But Xu Chu had more and more doubts in his heart.

Of course, not all Cao army soldiers were so "dead and fearless". There were still many Cao army soldiers who cried and showed the charm of twisting chrysanthemums when they saw Xu Chu and others, but after all, it was a big difference from before...

In addition, in all the areas where Xu Chu led the soldiers through, the civilians scattered in the dugouts would only shrink their heads and hug each other in the dugouts, and would not run in panic like the civilians in the previous Cao army camps...

Xu Chu didn't know that these civilians had been screened by the Cao army to some extent.

Now these civilians who can continue to stay in the Cao army camp are docile and peaceful, just like tenants who have moved to another place.

Refugees are refugees, and tenants are tenants.

When the tenants saw the refugees, they would laugh, "Look, these guys are such failures, they must not work hard, when they are in trouble, no master is willing to help them... We are different, different, different..."

In the hearts of these tenants, they all rely on the kindness of the landlords to survive. It is the landlords who gave them houses to live and places to work, and the landlords took away only cheap, insignificant labor. These strengths, after a good sleep, will not be available again the next day? So naturally, they need to repay the landlords well, from the body to the life, in order to repay the landlords' kindness.

So they came, working hard without complaint, even some of them knew that some civilians were abandoned, killed, and some did not know what became of them...

But as long as they are not dead, and the butcher knife is not falling on their heads, then it's okay.

Now death is around, and the screams are getting more and more, which makes these civilians feel the horror of the end of the world.

However, if the artillery fire stopped and the cavalry left, these tenants would find that they were not the ones who were screaming and injured, and many of them would return to their original state, and at most shout "Please show mercy, landlord", which would be the greatest resistance.

A little improvement in these people's cognition can have a huge effect.

Xu Chu didn't have time to think about it, but he felt it was a bit strange. His main purpose was to open a safe passage to help some people in Anyi City evacuate, and it was also a problem to contact people in Anyi City...

But when Xu Chu was still thinking about how to communicate with people in Anyi City, he saw that Anyi City opened half of the city gate, and a group of people with incomplete armor rushed out from it, also hacking and killing Cao's soldiers, and came in the direction of Xu Chu.

"Go up! Protect them!"

Xu Chu was overjoyed.

Pei Ji was quickly led to Xu Chu.

When Xu Chu saw Pei Ji, the sword in his hand was dripping with blood, and there were some broken bones and pieces of meat on his armor and shield.

Pei Ji's expression remained unchanged, "Hello, General!"

Xu Chu stared at Pei Ji's eyes, and did not see any timidity or fear. He looked at Pei Ji slightly, "Who are you?"

In ancient wars, communication inconvenience was common and the biggest obstacle to communication.

It was very difficult to get all the people in Anyi City out.

First of all, most of the people in Anyi City were not soldiers, but civilians, which inevitably led to delays and chaos in the command. Some civilians really didn't understand, and some pretended not to understand, and some would deliberately misinterpret or make a scene for their own little rags...

Yes, there are such people. They dare not fight against foreign enemies, but will be very brave to be arrogant and violent to those who come to save them. Regardless of ancient and modern times, China and foreign countries, it is common.

So Xu Chu was actually prepared to turn hostile...

Because Xu Chu knew that his actions would never save all the residents of Anyi.

That was a huge task, and it was absolutely impossible to complete it with just such a small number of troops...

It was also impossible to win a quick victory.

Unexpectedly, before Xu Chu made any explanation or communication, such a group of people came out of Anyi City.

And it seemed that there were only this group of people.

Because the gate of Anyi City was closed quickly.

What happened in the city?

Pei Ji replied, "I'm Pei Ji." 』

"Pei's son?" Dare I ask Commander Pei..." Xu Chu's eyes moved slightly.

He saw the beauty on Pei Ji's body.

Although this shabby veil was stained with a lot of dust, dirt and blood, and was a little mottled, it was still very obvious.

Pei Ji lowered his head slightly, "Xian Yan... fought at the top of the city and was seriously injured and died..."

"Please also express your condolences. ” Xu Chu said, then waved his hand, “Give me a pair of armor and put it on for him!” 』

Pei Ji thanked him and said eagerly, "General!" On the top of the city, I saw smoke and dust rising inside the Cao Jun camp. I was afraid that a large number of Cao Jun troops were coming! Please prepare quickly! 』

When Xu Chu heard this, his expression suddenly froze.

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