Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3369 This and That

Chapter 3368 This... That...

Inside the Cao army camp, the fire flickered.

The night was dark.

The heart was heavy.

In the fire, Cao Hong's face was a little pale.

Right now, what Cao Hong faced was not only physical pain, but also a series of problems.

They were short of food and grass. Even if they wanted to take some money and food to stabilize people's hearts, it was not enough to spend.

And even if they took it out now, it would be useless.

The transportation of food and grass queues was five days later than originally scheduled, and it was not known when it would arrive.

Cao Hong suddenly lost confidence in completing his task.

To pull, there must be pulling and pulling, and there must be wins and losses. Only by consuming the power of the cavalry as much as possible can the next plan be smoothly implemented...

But all these goals now seem to be becoming more and more distant and more and more difficult to achieve.

What to do?

What is happening to the Han Cao Co., Ltd. now?

Not to mention the turmoil of shareholders at the management level, now even the middle and lower levels are beginning to be in chaos and are not in the same mind as the upper level.

The employees who were originally obedient and hardworking no longer talk about blessings, and even start to talk about remuneration and conditions, which is simply the opposite of the heaven!

All the instructions and performance targets, after being broken down and issued, can't be completed.

For this year's semi-annual and full-year financial statements, do we have to think about where to start telling stories?

Can't these cows and horses be obedient so that the boss can be at ease?

Is Cao's company easy now? The economy is down, the business is bleak, and it's in a precarious situation!

There is simply no sympathy!

Why can't these cows and horses continue to empathize with capital? !

Why can't they just consume honestly and have children obediently?

Cao Hong took a breath of cold air.

It hurts.

The flesh hurts, and the head hurts.

He had to admit that this task was unprecedentedly difficult!

But think about it the other way around, if it wasn't a difficult task, why would Cao Cao insist on letting him execute it?

Cao Hong, a professional rear guard, looked down at the wound on his calf and couldn't help but think of Xu Chu's amazing knife!

Knife flashed, blood splashed!

Horses trampled, people panicked.

Everything seemed to be because of this knife, and it seemed not just this knife...

'General, wrap it up...'

The guard whispered.

Cao Hong gritted his teeth, 'Put on armor for me! I have to patrol the camp! '

'General...' The guard hesitated, 'Your wound...'

'Go get armor! ' Cao Hong waved his hand, 'These wounds are not a problem! '

To say that they are not a problem is of course a lie.

Cao Hong's knife missed at that time, which meant that he knew it was not good. His many years of battlefield experience made him instinctively make some evasive movements. Otherwise, he would not have injured his calf now, but might have lost a leg!

Although Cao Hong's calf was protected by shin guards, Xu Chu's sword was also refined and refined, so Cao Hong's calf was cut open, deep into the bone.

Although it is bandaged now, it is still slowly oozing out.

'General, you are not able to move...' the guard whispered, 'I'll go to patrol the camp! '

Cao Hong took a breath, 'No, I must go! Riding a horse without walking should be fine! '

Seeing Cao Hong's insistence, the guard said nothing more, helped Cao Hong to get up, put on armor, and then carried Cao Hong on the horse.

Cao Hong was also tough, enduring the pain, gritting his teeth, and not saying a word.

To say that it is 'no problem', how can it really be 'no problem'?

Not to mention this kind of wound that is almost deep enough to see the bone, it is painful to move, even ordinary pain, often makes people collapse directly.

Well, for example, the skin on the finger is broken...

But now Cao Hong dare not even call the doctor, so he can only let the guard bandage it.

Of course, as Cao Hong, he naturally has to have the best gold medicine around him.

His guards also have some treatment methods for some minor wounds.

But after all, they are a little different from professional wound doctors.

However, Cao Hong didn't dare to call a doctor now...

Otherwise, who knows what rumors would spread in the camp!

『Commander patrols the camp! 』

『Stray people, stay away! 』

Cao Hong's guards raised the flag and led the way.

This was an abnormal patrol under abnormal circumstances.

Cao Hong sat on the horse, trying to maintain his dignity as much as possible, but every bump of the warhorse would bring him pain.

But this physical pain could not cover the pain in his heart.

This camp may not be able to hold on for a few days...

The night deepened.

In the camp, lights flickered.

Now in the Cao army camp, any good position is resting soldiers.

Camps are nested in camps, and walls are connected to walls.

Traps and flip boards, chevaux de frise and antlers.

Everything is the result of the hard work of Cao Cao and Cao Hong, especially Cao Hong.

This is a huge masterpiece that he created almost by himself.

The suspension bridge on the earth plateau is the best channel for launching surprise attacks and flank attacks.

Under those flaps and traps, there are also some hidden underground passages that allow Cao's soldiers to appear behind the cavalry unexpectedly.

Cao Hong once believed that even if a hussar general could capture such a camp, he would have to pay an extremely heavy price, but now, he suddenly felt a little faint...

But this road is your own after all, and you have to walk it to the end even if you endure the pain!

Along the way, countless eyes were watching Cao Hong and his party secretly and silently, either in the gaps in the tent, between the fences, or in the dark corners of the night.

Cao Hong rode his horse and walked slowly along the hillside and ravines. From time to time, he would nod to a certain commander or smile at a military academy he knew. When he saw a familiar soldier on duty, he would stop and say a few words. A few words of condolence.

After Cao Hong walked around like this, some sounds disappeared.

From this perspective, Cao Hong's persistence is indeed effective, but it is difficult to say how effective it is...

The night is dark.


The night has just begun, but the darkness seems to linger for a long time.

Everything seems to be the same as before, and everything seems completely different.

Halfway through, Cao Hong suddenly pulled his horse.

"What's wrong? General? 』

The guards were a little nervous. They stood tightly around Cao Hong, looking around, as if enemies would jump out of the darkness at any time!

"Well..." Cao Hong suddenly smiled, with some relaxation and confidence, "Nothing!" Nothing! Ha ha ha ha! Go, give... well, give an order to Bao Shuyi and ask him to meet me at the camp! 』

Cao Jun's camp is a large camp within a small camp, one after another.

Asking Bao Zhong to leave the camp naturally does not mean asking him to leave the main camp, but asking Bao Zhong to come out of the small camp where he is stationed to meet...

After a while, Cao Hong met Bao Zhong at the half-section of a bare tree stump.

Bao Zhong did not wear a douchi, but wore simple armor. He did not wear a douchi and shoulder armor, let alone the belly swallow, robe belly and other parts. Bao Zhonglue's somewhat disheveled hair was floating in the air, and he was waiting with two or three guards. When he saw Cao Hong coming, he bowed his hands respectfully and saluted.

Because I don’t know why Cao Hong suddenly summoned him, and it was still at night. Bao Zhongxin was a little weak, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his back and forehead, which shimmered under the starlight and moonlight.

Bao Zhong is indeed a little guilty.

Cao Sheng returned in defeat, and it is said that he was slightly injured, which was more or less related to Bao Zhong.

Although according to "custom", Bao Zhong stood up "bravely" after Cao Sheng's defeat, cleaned up the final mess, led Cao's soldiers to retreat slowly, and did what a defeated general could do. "Best effort", but the problem is...

What's wrong if it's discovered?

What is fake is still fake, no matter how you pretend, it is still fake.

Before he was injured, Cao Hong would have thought that Bao Zhong looked like a thief, but now for some unknown reason, Cao Hong's perception and attitude towards Bao Zhong had changed slightly. Maybe Cao Hong is also pretending?

So, although Cao Hong saw Bao Zhong sweating slightly on his forehead, he didn't think much about it and thought it was Bao Zhong who rushed out and left in a hurry...

And now most of Cao Hong's thoughts are thinking about one thing...

Something made Cao Hong a little excited, and he even thought it was a great opportunity to turn defeat into victory!

"Shu Yi, please get up. There is no need to be polite in the army." 』

Cao Hong waved his hand.

Bao Zhong responded.

Cao Hong sat on the horse. It was not convenient for him to dismount, and he was a little embarrassed, so he pretended to be calm and calm. "Now it is only a slight defeat, but our army still has a lot to do." 』

This is like saying that the economy will improve next year and the stock market is expected to be good.

"Yes... what the general said is..."

Bao Zhong replied.

Cao Hong ignored Bao Zhong's tone. He sat on the horse and turned his head to look north. "Shu Yi, tell me, will the Qiusi come to sneak attack at night?" 』

Hearing what Cao Hong said, Bao Zhong's heart suddenly jumped!

What does Cao Hong mean?

Cao Hong didn't look at Bao Zhong, he was staring north.

That was the direction of the Hussars' camp.

Cao Jun is a human being, and the Hussars are also human beings. After fighting for a day, they all need to rest...

But if the hussars ignored the fatigue of the soldiers and sent people to attack at night, would Cao Hong have a chance to deal with the hussars?

At the moment, Cao Hong really had no intention of testing Bao Zhong.

While he was patrolling the camp, looking at the excavated fortifications and defense systems, he suddenly thought of a question...

Just as Cao Hong was worried that if the news of his injury spread, it would destabilize the morale of Cao's army in the camp, so did the Hussars also feel that his injury was a good opportunity for a sneak attack?

This is Cao Jun’s camp!

It was Cao Cao and Cao Hong who spent a lot of thought, effort, and countless manpower, material and financial resources to build the huge military camp!

Cao Hong naturally knows how troublesome it will be if he really attacks this camp bit by bit, so if he were a hussar, he would definitely not want to choose to attack this camp honestly!

So now, the news of his injury will inevitably spread among the hussars, and how will the hussars react?

Will you be conscientious enough to wait until he recovers from his injuries before fighting again?

Obviously impossible!

So, the result is obvious...

"Night attack!" 』

Cao Hong's voice was resolute, "Tonight!" The Hussars will definitely send people to attack at night! Please also ask Shuyi to help me! 』

Bao Zhong was panicking in his heart, but pretended to be calm on the surface, patting his chest to express his determination...

The Hussars attacked at night, so why did Cao Hong come to me?

Could it be...

Most of the time, when a slice of bread is dropped, the buttered side always points down.

After a while, Cao Hong explained some matters, just said a few words of encouragement, drew a big cake again and threw it down, and left with his guards.

Bao Zhong was as confused as if he had just been pressed against the tree stump by Cao Hong.

Why did Cao Hong come specifically to find Bao Zhong?

That's because Cao Hong discovered that Bao Zhong turned out to be a very "steady, mature, and cautious" general!

It’s rare!

In the previous battles, every time Bao Zhong made a position that was unexpected by Cao Hong, he finally achieved results that were beyond ordinary people!

Others stood firm and were then beaten by hussars and suffered heavy casualties. However, Bao Zhong deviated from his original position. As a result, the whole army was sound and the troops were intact...

The others chased the hussars, fighting fiercely, and then they were attacked by the hussars, who suddenly started to cry and howl, and there were heavy casualties. Bao Zhong walked slowly, which at first glance would make people angry, but Bao Zhong stepped forward in the end. , take the lead in stabilizing the position and rescuing friendly forces...

Other people and pigs advanced suddenly, seemingly beautiful, and then were bombarded by artillery to pieces, and even the corpses could not be found. However, Bao Zhong came down several times in succession, almost going into battle again and again, but nothing happened...

When others attack, they only know how to attack, and when they retreat, they only care about their own retreat. However, Bao Zhong not only paid attention to the position of friendly forces during the attack, he even covered the friendly forces when retreating, walking at the back...

Tell me, how rare is it to have such a measured, steady and mature general, especially in the current situation? !

So when Cao Hong thought that the Hussars were likely to attack at night, he almost immediately thought of Bao Zhong.

Because only such a "stable" veteran can bear the heavy responsibility of deceiving the hussars into a trap!

Other troops can only rush or flee. How can Bao Zhong control a group of second-rate, oh, maybe third-rate soldiers so "perfectly" and "orderly"!

That's right, it's "perfect" and "orderly"!

And the key point is that Bao Zhong's men suffered the least losses in previous battles...

Oh, siege warfare is an exception.

It is normal for siege ants to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. Therefore, Bao Zhong suffered a lot of losses during the previous siege. This does not mean that he has insufficient ability. Instead, after accepting those stragglers later, Bao Zhong Being able to quickly integrate these scattered soldiers into a team with a measured advance and retreat is the real skill!

Now in such an unfavorable situation, with such a capable person appearing under his command, Cao Hong must of course put an extra burden on Bao Zhong.

And others will be convinced.

Otherwise, it would be obviously inappropriate to find a general who had just violated military regulations and received a serious warning from the military to shoulder such a heavy responsibility in the blink of an eye!

If it weren't for the inconvenience of his legs and feet, Cao Hong would have dismounted, slapped Bao Zhong on the shoulder several times, and then expressed his high opinion of Bao Zhong and hoped that Bao Zhong could continue to serve for the throne... Oh, for the lord, for the big man, he would sacrifice everything...

What can Bao Zhong say?

Of course, I can only smile on my face and feel numb in my heart.

Bao Zhong was overwhelmed by such a "heavy burden".

I never knew when I came out of that shadow corner, "What did General Cao say?" 』

"General Cao wants us to go to the front of the camp..." Bao Zhong saw Cheng, as if he had seen a savior, "He said that at midnight tonight, there will be a night attack by the hussars... He wants us to pretend to be panic, Lead the hussars deep into the army so that they can be surrounded and destroyed... What do you think we should do? what to do? ! 』

Never answered immediately, but sniffed, "General, do you smell something?" 』

"What? ” Bao Zhong has not yet recovered from the previous shock.

"It smells like blood. ” Qiang said softly, “I see that General Cao has never dismounted... How is his demeanor and behavior? 』

Bao Zhong was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed, "You mean..."

"Well, Cao Zilian is probably really injured, but it's not too serious..." Changjiang frowned and said, "There's just one thing that I still can't figure out..."

"What? ” Bao Zhong didn’t realize that after what happened these days, he gradually lost his ability to think, “What’s the matter? 』

"Logically speaking..." Chang glanced at the high platform in the camp, "You said that Cao Zilian was injured. Logically speaking, shouldn't Prime Minister Cao come out to beat the drums and gather the generals to click the knot to appease the morale of the soldiers?" But it happened that only Cao Zilian patrolled the camp with injuries... Interesting, haha... And he also had to lure the hussars in, directly under the high platform..."

When Bao Zhong heard this, he turned to stare at the high platform, "You mean..."

"I mean, didn't you ask me when before... It should be the time now..." Chang Chang said with a smile, "This is really a good time... Are you going to make it fake? What if it becomes real by accident?" ? 』

Bao Zhong sweat rolled down like raindrops. Although he was more or less aware that this moment would eventually come, he still couldn't help but feel nervous and panicked when faced with such a choice.

The night was dark, the stars were twinkling overhead, and the world was quiet. In this environment without the pollution of later generations, no matter when you looked up, you could see the brilliant Milky Way, like a large piece of treasure scattered on the black and blue velvet. If you look carefully, you can still vaguely see the glare of the nebulae between these stars.

『General Bao! Tonight is the time to make a decision! 』 The eyes of the former were shining with an unspeakable light, 『If this is accomplished, it will be a great achievement! 』

『This...』 Bao Zhong's forehead was covered with sweat, 『That... I need to think about it, I need to think about it carefully...』

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