As the sun went down, Li Zhenting's eyes were stained with blood, his hands were holding on to the railing, his face desperate.

   "Ningning, where are you? Are you coming back? I will make it up to you."

  He yelled at the sea over and over again, at the top of his lungs.

  But the sea is vast and misty, and it is silent. No matter how loud he shouted, there was no echo.

   "Ningning." He crossed his fingers into his hair, tears streaming down his face.

  For the first time, he couldn't help crying like a child!

   She was pregnant again, with his child.

  But what did he do? !

   That woman Xiaofeng actually wanted to hurt her several times, and wanted to abort the child in her stomach, and it was still under his nose.

   And as a husband and father, he actually helped the elbow! Is he even a man?

  If he didn't think that Shen Ning was still alive, he still had a chance to confess to her. If he didn't have three children, he really wanted to jump into the sea like this.

  A man who can't even protect his wife and children, what kind of man is he?

   What a wimp he is!

  We must find Shen Ning, go up to Qiongbiluo, go down to Huangquan, and die!

   He clenched his fists tightly.

  President Office of Li Group.

"Cold-blooded, from now on, you don't have to go to work. You can choose as many people as you want, and search for Shen Ning all over the world. If you can't find it, don't come back." , Zheng said loudly.

   "Yes." Leng Xue agreed, but sighed in his heart, sure enough, President Li fell in love with Shen Ning a long time ago, this is a good time, Shen Ning doesn't know where he went! Boss Li even lost his soul!

   But can this relationship be redeemed?

  He shook his head and left.

  Next, Li Zhenting personally organized a search team to search every day and night. His footprints covered all possible places, but no matter how hard he searched, Shen Ning just disappeared.

  He could never find her again.

  Decadence, frustration, and loneliness made him look haggard, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

  Shaw Villa.

  Aunt Dong stood at the door of the villa, looking out constantly.

   It's been a month, and Shen Ning hasn't been seen for a month.

  She left quietly, without even telling her, she could understand her leaving, but she didn't even tell her, which broke her heart and blamed her for being cruel.

   This month, she did not know how many tears she shed.

  If she had told her, she would not be in such a hurry since she knew it.

  Every day, she would stand at the gate like this and look around, hoping that Shen Ning would come back and call her Aunt Dong.

  Footsteps sounded at the door.

   She looked up.

   Li Zhenting is here again!

  He has been here several times!

  Every time I was lonely and frustrated, I came to ask her, where is Shen Ning?

   As for this young master, the richest man in the imperial capital, since he divorced Shen Ning twice, she no longer has any affection for him!

  Seeing him, she walked in coldly, her face expressionless.

   "Aunt Dong." Li Zhenting stood behind her with a humble attitude!

During this month, his aura has become more and more eccentric and elusive, with good times and bad times, he will suddenly be furious, and sometimes he will be as cold as frost. No one knows that he, who is still smiling reluctantly at one second, will be in the next second. What expression is it.

  His snarl often filled the office.

  All the employees avoided him like a plague god, and the company employees trembled when they saw him!

  Ke Li's Group is like a rising star, everyone can see the future of treatment, no one is willing to resign because of the CEO's temper, on the contrary, he has a deep understanding of his love for his wife.

"You don't need to look for me anymore. I don't know where Shen Ning is. I also want to know where she is. She didn't even tell me when she left. She is determined not to contact me." She said coldly Finished, walked in, unwilling to say a word with him.

   Li Zhenting lowered his head.

  Aunt Dong is currently his only elder who is willing to humble himself.

  Just because she is Shen Ning's natal family.

When he was still walking over, he saw Aunt Dong standing at the door wiping tears, and he knew she would never hear from Shen Ning, but he didn't come here entirely to ask about Shen Ning's news, he just wanted to come here to get some comfort, It seemed that when he saw Aunt Dong, his heart would be at ease, as if knowing that Shen Ning would also be at ease.

  He hopes that his woman is living well and happily with his child now.

   After an unknown amount of time, he turned around and left.

  Aunt Dong stood in the living room looking at his lonely figure, and sighed secretly, man, you only know how to cherish it when you lose it.

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