Chapter 1011 The baby is amazing

  When eating at night.

   Li Zhenting sat next to Xiao Xiao, kept holding her various delicious foods, and asking her how she was.

  Every time he picks up a dish or snack, as long as the little novel says "don't eat", he will immediately change it to another one, just like serving the little ancestor, it is very precious.

  Lan Lan pursed her lips, stared at Xiaoxiao resentfully from time to time, and ate her meal listlessly.

   Ding Ding took a few mouthfuls of food and ran to the sofa to play with his mobile phone.

Ke Ke has also developed a lot of bad habits. Although he would eat more, he became picky eaters. Little ones basically don't do homework assigned by kindergarten teachers.

  Lai Wanqing looked at this scene, feeling extremely bitter.

"Zhen Ting, I know that you want to take good care of your children and give them the best life out of guilt for Shen Ning, that's all right, but you also have to teach them correctly, you can't be too obvious, After all, there is another Lan Lan, she is also your daughter." After the meal, Li Wanqing went to Li Zhenting's study, earnestly said, "Lan Lan is certainly wrong today, but you can't treat her like that, her eyes are swollen like that, You still have to physically punish her and make her stand, her eyes need rest, if there is a problem with crying, wouldn't it hurt her for the rest of her life?"

   Li Zhenting was silent.

"You can keep your love for children in your heart and let them eat well and live a good life, but you still need education. Now that Keke and Ding Ding have changed, and you play with mobile phones all day, you should also take care of many aspects. Necessary You also have to consider Lan Lan's inner feelings, after all, she is only a child." Li Wanqing tried to persuade her lightly.

   "Mom, I understand, but Lan Lan's stabbing Xiaoxiao with scissors is too bad. I must discipline him so that no one can hurt Xiaoxiao." Li Zhenting replied persistently.

He was ashamed of Shen Ning, he just wanted to atone for his sins, wanted their children to live better, and gave them more of his love. As for Lan Lan, he had always given her enough love, but she was too pampered Well, today, if she leaves a scar on Xiaoxiao's face, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life and must punish her.

   "Hey." Li Wanqing sighed upon hearing this.

   I don’t know when this kind of day will be the head!

Monday morning.

  Linshiyun Technology Group.

   Li Zhenting took Fang Xianyun to stand in front of Yun Chaoyu's office.

   "Sir, who are you looking for?" The secretary stopped them.

  If it was just Fang Xianyun who came, it would be understandable for the secretary to use such an unfamiliar tone.

   But now Li Zhenting is here.

  In the imperial capital, is there anyone who doesn't know him?

   But the secretary's tone was neither humble nor overbearing, and his attitude was indifferent.

   Li Zhenting immediately sensed Yun Chaoyu's lofty and aloof character behind the secretary.

  However, the more talented a person is, the more eccentric his personality is, he doesn't care.

   "I want to find your manager Yun Chaoyu." He was very polite.

   "I'm sorry, our Manager Yun is in a meeting and we don't see any guests for the time being." The secretary refused indifferently.

   Li Zhenting smiled slightly: "Okay, then we will wait, please go and report that I am coming."

  The secretary left calmly.

   Li Zhenting took Fang Xianyun and sat down in the reception room, waiting for Yun Chaoyu's arrival with peace of mind.

   This wait is a full two hours.

  For ordinary people, this time is nothing.

   But for the busy Li Zhenting, these two hours were a waste of hundreds of millions of orders.

   But he just sat calmly, without a word of complaint.

  (end of this chapter)

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