Chapter 1013 Is Shen Ning pregnant with twins?

At the routine meeting in the afternoon, the manager of the marketing department reported to Li Zhenting that a piece of raw material needed by the Auto Parts Company in Qingshan Town next door was monopolized by a middleman, and the land next to it and another hilltop were also taken over by the middleman. Everyone bought it and completely blocked their way out of the factory.

  Originally, Li Zhenting planned to buy all the land next to the factory building and vigorously build the factory building. He had already made an agreement with the village party secretary, but because the time was too tight and he hadn't had time to go through the formalities, he didn't want to be cut off.

  He immediately decided to go to Qingshan Town.

   In the afternoon, he came home from get off work very early.

   "Hey, hey." Before entering the living room, he heard a few heavy sighs.

  He was taken aback, isn't this Li Jiaojiao's voice!

   Sure enough

  When he walked in, he saw Li Jiaojiao sitting listlessly on the sofa and sighing, her whole body was lazy, as if her essence had been sucked out.

   "Jiaojiao, what are you doing here?"

   "Cousin, have you found your cousin?" Li Jiaojiao finally regained some energy when she saw Li Zhenting, and immediately opened her mouth to ask.

   Li Zhenting's face darkened, and he remained silent.

   "Cousin, let me tell you, my cousin is definitely pregnant. She is pregnant with your child. If you don't hurry up and find her, you will regret it later." Li Jiaojiao said solemnly.

   "How do you know she's pregnant? It's still my child?" Li Zhenting's black eyes flashed, and he immediately asked back.

  So, Li Jiaojiao told the story of Shen Ning's hospitalization in the gynecology department.

   "At first I believed her words, I only thought she was Gong Han, but later when I went there to find that **** Ji Qingshan, a nurse said that my cousin was pregnant." Li Jiaojiao said while recalling.

   Li Zhenting looked at her with serious eyes: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

   "Tell you?" Li Jiaojiao sneered: "Cousin, you divorced your cousin at that time, and you were so fascinated by Xiaofeng. Let me tell you, so that Xiaofeng can come and harm your cousin?"

  She remembered what Ji Qingshan didn't let her tell anyone at that time, she is also a smart person, of course she knew his intentions.

   Li Zhenting immediately looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, his whole body was wilted, and the expression on his face was painful.

   That woman Xiaofeng is so vicious that she tried to kill his child over and over again. She deserves death!

That day, on the cruise ship, when Xiao Feng was killed by Renes and Li Xuexi, he had heard the news. Originally, he could have followed her to save her life, but such a vicious and greedy woman had committed her own crimes and could not live. What to save!

"Hey, my cousin is so pitiful. When she was pregnant for the first time, she had a baby with three treasures, but she was pushed into the sea. She almost killed half of her life. This time, she had a baby with two babies, and she was killed again It's so pitiful for a woman like this, my poor cousin." Li Jiaojiao said miserably, and began to cry as she spoke, wiping her tears with a tissue, while sneaking a glance at Li Zhenting.

  The muscles on Li Zhenting's face twisted, excruciating pain.


  He grabbed Li Jiaojiao's arm, almost lifted her up, and asked, "What did you say? Shen Ning is pregnant with twins?"

   "Oh, cousin, let go, it hurts so much." Li Jiaojiao broke his wrist with one hand and rolled her eyes at him.

   "Quickly tell me, is Shen Ning pregnant with twins?"


"How did you know?"

   "What the nurse said, can it be false?"

   "Ah, that's great." Li Zhenting's dark eyeballs shone brightly.

  He has two more children, Shen Ning's belly is really good at giving birth.

   "Hey, what are you happy about?" Li Jiaojiao shook off his arm and taunted, "Cousin, cousin will never forgive you. Now you should think about how to find her and get her forgiveness."

  The words made Li Zhenting quickly sluggish again.

  He put his head in his hands, in great pain.

  (end of this chapter)

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