"Principal, I want to know about the situation of a female teacher who supports your teaching here. It seems that she called Teacher Wu." Li Zhenting immediately stopped to find Principal Wang and immediately called.

   who knows

  Principal Wang is even less reliable than Teacher Li.

  He thought for a long time after hearing this, and asked: "Mr. Li, which teacher Wu is he? We don't have a female teacher named Wu here."

   "How is it possible? She was helping us save the injured children in the emergency room last night, and she has been busy all the time." Li Zhenting almost yelled.

   "Rescue room last night?" After holding back for a long time, the principal said, "Then you have to ask Teacher Li. She is in charge. I have been doing rescue work in the disaster-stricken places."

   "You..." Li Zhenting was so angry that he almost picked him up and threw him away. No wonder this school has become like this, can it get better with such a principal!

   "Li, Mr. Li, don't worry, I'll call Teacher Li right away to make sure." After speaking, he hurriedly went to find Teacher Li.

   Li Zhenting was speechless and asked the sky.

"Cold-blooded, you immediately take someone to look for Shen Ning's whereabouts nearby. Last night, she must have been here to help rescue the children. She has already left now. She doesn't want to see me, so she hides. Hurry up, otherwise, she will be here." She will slip away." He immediately ordered in a deep voice to Leng Xue who rushed over.

  Leng Xue was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, agreed, and led several subordinates to search for it in a hurry.

   Soon, Principal Wang ran over with Teacher Li.

"Principal Wang, listen to me. I want to find out the female teacher surnamed Wu who helped the children clean the wounds in the rescue room last night. I want her details, so I have to find out as soon as possible." Li Zhenting iced A sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "Okay, okay, we will try our best to investigate." The principal made a series of promises, looking at Teacher Li: "Mr. Li, you are usually responsible for this. Where is Teacher Wu, what is the situation?"

  Mr. Li realized that this Mr. Wu might not be an ordinary person.

   "Principal, Mr. Li, I really don't know where Teacher Wu went?"

   "Then you tell her in detail, from the beginning to the present." Seeing that she still couldn't get to the point, Li Zhenting yelled anxiously.

  Ms. Li was startled, took a few steps back, and said timidly, "Mr. Li, I don't really know her very well..."

   Li Zhenting's eyes were sharp on her face like knives.

  She was so frightened that she almost fell down, and finally sorted out the information in her brain before speaking.

It turned out that Mr. Wu was not a teacher of this school. There were only three regular teachers in this school. One day, Mrs. Li was teaching a class. Suddenly, a man and a woman came to the school. The woman was pregnant. After inspecting the school, I asked the school what difficulties it had.

After Mr. Li gave a general account of the school's situation, they came again the next day, this time by car, and bought a lot of things, including many medicines, such as Yunnan Baiyao The powder was brought by her that time, as well as many children's food and school supplies.

   In this way, Teacher Li became familiar with her.

   Later, the female teacher came again several times, each time bringing something for the children, either to eat or to play, and to play games with the children and teach them to learn.

This school is originally remote, and there are some caring people who come to give things. Sometimes the school will record it, and sometimes it will not record it. And this Ms. Wu is not willing to reveal her name at all, and Teacher Li is not good. Reluctantly, nothing was recorded.

She said that her surname is Wu, and she likes children. Every time she comes here, she plays with the children and teaches them homework. Teacher Li usually calls her Teacher Wu kindly. The principal rarely pays attention to these things, so she doesn't know much up.

   At this point, Li Zhenting asked about loneliness. Apart from knowing that there was this person, he didn't know where she lived, what her name was, and where she came from.

  However, he also got an important signal, that is, Teacher Wu is pregnant.

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