One day and one night passed, and the door of the office was never opened.

  The secretary stood outside trembling with fear!

   Later, the executives also came over one after another.

   Everyone rang the doorbell, but there was no response from inside. In desperation, they had to call Leng Xue.

  Leng Xue heard the words and hurried over.

   "President Li, President Li." After he rang the doorbell for a while, there was a dead silence inside, his eyelids twitched, and he asked the secretary, "Are you sure that President Li is inside?"

"Yes, Vice President Leng, President Li went in last night and never came out. He locked the door and we didn't answer when we knocked on the door." The secretary said worriedly, "In case he needs someone to take care of him, we left someone on duty last night. But I haven't seen him come out until now, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol at the door last night, President Li must have been drinking all night, what's going on now?"

   "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Cold-blooded blackened his face.

  The secretary stammered: "I, we, were also very late last night, only to find out that he was drinking, so I don't want to bother you so late."

  Leng Xue took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Zhenting's mobile phone.

   But the mobile phone has been turned off.

what to do?

  Because the door lock can only be opened by Li Zhenting's fingerprints, there is basically no way for outsiders.

   After thinking about it in cold blood, he walked into the secretary's room next to him and opened the window.

  It turns out that there is a small platform between the secretary's office and the president's office, which are connected.

   "Vice President Leng, be careful." The secretary poked his head and saw the man as small as an ant downstairs, and his legs trembled in fright.

  Lengxue took out a rope with him, tied the rope to a pillar inside, and climbed down.

   Fortunately, the window of the president's room was not closed, and as soon as he got to the window, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

   He climbed in.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li." The president's room was in a mess, the ground was full of cigarette butts and wine bottles, and I don't know how much he drank last night, but Li Zhenting himself was lying on the sofa, falling asleep, cold blood hurried forward shout loudly.

  But Li Zhenting didn't even move after shouting a few times.

  Leng Xue was so startled that he bent down, only to see that Li Zhenting's face was flushed, and he had entered a coma.

   "President Li." The cold-blooded head slammed, and immediately shouted, carrying President Li on his back and ran towards the door.

  The door of the president's office was opened from the inside.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, they let go of their hearts and raised their hearts again. They saw Leng Xue running out of it with Li Zhenting on his back, with a serious face.

   "Quick, open the door for me, President Li has passed out."

  When the executives next to him heard this, all their faces changed, and they immediately followed him to the front of the building.

  Coldly pressed the door switch, the executive opened the door, put Li Zhenting in coldly, ran to the cab and started the car, and the car drove quickly towards the Imperial People's Hospital.

  After a busy check-up, the doctor concluded that Li Zhenting had a cold and a high fever caused by a cold after drinking.

  The nurse urgently gave him a bottle to reduce his fever.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning." After a while, the nurse told Leng Xue to take care of him after the IV injection. After going out to work, Leng Xue sat down beside Li Zhenting and watched Li Zhenting's lips purse, thinking that he wanted to drink water. When he listened closer, it turned out that he Calling Shen Ning's name in a low voice.

  He could not help but sigh.

Hey, Boss Li is an infatuated kind. In the past, when he loved Xiaofeng, he loved Xiaofeng with all his heart and soul. Even if he had never met him before, he loved Shen Ning without reservation. Because of Xiaofeng, he even turned a blind eye to Shen Ning. hurt her again.

   Now he finally fell in love with Shen Ning, but after Qian Fan died, Shen Ning was too deeply injured and disappeared, and Mr. Li found out that he actually loved Shen Ning belatedly.

   This relationship, I really don't know when it will end, at present, he can't see any hope!

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