"But our Li always loves the young mistress, and now he just wants to make up for it. Can't you repent if you make a mistake?" Cold-blooded disapproval.

   "Ah bah, what a fart compensation, people are dead, is compensation useful? Your boss Li should take off a few layers of skin and kneel down to Ningning to apologize to be eligible to talk about compensation."

   "You ran away with the young mistress, but you didn't take good care of her. Instead, she was killed. You can't get away with it."

  Leng-blood is a straight man, not good at words, and at this time, Zhu Qixiong was so angry that he even scolded him in a rare way.

  The three men quarreled and fought, which really stunned the passers-by. In particular, the three men were well-dressed, and they looked like rich and distinguished people. It seemed that they were arguing over the drowned woman.

   Seeing more and more people around.

   "President Li, let's go." Leng Xue woke up with a start, and pulled Li Zhenting into the car.

   "Take Zhu Qixiong away." Before Li Zhenting left, his mind seemed to be clearer. When the car passed by Zhu Qixiong, he opened the door and pulled him into the car, and the car sped away.

  The three sat in the car silently, and the atmosphere was very sad.

   "Go to the police station." Li Zhenting still couldn't accept Shen Ning's death. He would only believe it after seeing her body and verifying it himself.

   "Okay." Leng Xue drove the car towards the police station.

"Shen Ning is so pitiful. No one cared for her before she was alive. A woman with two children suffered so much. Now she is pregnant again, but she ended up like this. Li Zhenting, you really deserve to die." Thinking of Shen Ning's tragic death, Zhu Qixiong sobbed aloud. She was the only woman in the world who made him think of getting married, but the ending was so miserable. He saw her struggling in pain, but he couldn't save her.

   Li Zhenting held his head in his hands, in excruciating pain.

   "Yes, I deserve death." He broke down completely, muttering in his mouth, tears streaming down his face.

   There was a sad atmosphere in the carriage.

   After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, the cold-blooded cell phone rang.

  Looking in cold blood, it was a call from the police station. He thought they were sent to collect the corpse, and he was also very sad, so he answered the phone with a hoarse voice.

   "Vice President Leng? I'm the police squadron."

   "Fang team, hello." The cold-blooded voice was deep and painful.

   "It's like this. Now the family members of the drowning deceased have been found, and the DNA comparison proves that the drowned pregnant woman is not your young mistress Shen Ning." The team's voice was extremely clear.

   After being stunned in cold blood, he suddenly became ecstatic: "Okay, I see, thank you."

  He hung up the phone and turned his head to Li Zhenting: "President Li, don't be sad, the pregnant woman who drowned is not the young lady, the police have already done a DNA comparison."

   "Really." Li Zhenting and Zhu Qixiong raised their heads almost at the same time, and there was light in their eyes.

   "It's absolutely true, it's verified by DNA." Cold-blooded happily affirmed.

  The two heaved a sigh of relief almost at the same time, and both looked at each other, seeing joy and concern in each other's eyes.

  The car stopped in front of a cafe.

  In the cafe.

  Li Zhenting sat opposite Zhu Qixiong.

   "Zhu Qixiong, where did you hide Shen Ning? Are you still unwilling to tell me? I love her." After the coffee was served, Li Zhenting stirred the coffee with a serious face.

  Zhu Qixiong lowered his head and remained silent for a while, then replied: "I didn't hide her."

"Zhu Qixiong." Li Zhenting elongated his voice, very angry, "You still want to hide it from me? How long do you want to hide it from me? She is pregnant with my child and is malnourished. She must get the best as soon as possible." Care and necessary prenatal checkups, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

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