A small remote village in Belvedere.

  The boats around the Dongting Lake Wharf are dense but not messy, the sky is blue and picturesque, and unique in color, the winding path of the house facing south, the vegetation is as green as a reflection, and the flowers are bright red and purple.

On the tree-lined path, a young pregnant woman is carrying a simple and practical small bag, wearing a floral little maternity dress, and walking on the path with her face facing the sky. Beside her, a young girl is carrying a bag of food bought from the city. The two Talking and laughing while walking, very happy.

  The white fingers of the pregnant woman caress her belly from time to time, and the radiance of maternal love shining in her bright eyes can render the entire tree-lined path in the most intense color during the alternation of seasons.

   "Sister Ning, I guess you are pregnant with a daughter." The young girl looked at Shen Ning's stomach as she walked, and said with a smile.

   "Why? You can guess this?" Shen Ning smiled slightly, amazed.

  The young girl raised her head slightly, like a very experienced midwife.

   "Because I heard from the old people here, they said that if a pregnant woman has two characteristics, it is very likely to conceive a girl." She said clearly.

   "Really, let me tell you, which of the two characteristics of a pregnant girl do I have? Learn some experience, so that I can help others judge in the future." Shen Ning smiled happily.

  The young girl snapped her fingers and really spoke.

   "First, because you are very beautiful. The old man said that if you are pregnant with a girl, the pregnant mother will become more and more beautiful. On the contrary, if you are pregnant with a boy, the pregnant mother will become more and more ugly."

   "Secondly, I noticed that when you walk, you put your right foot out first. Generally speaking, when pregnant mothers walk, the one who puts out the left foot first is a boy, and the one who puts out the right foot first is a girl."

"By the way, there is another one. Your belly is round and big. Old people often say that the belly of a boy is pointed because boys have strong muscles, and girls are made of water. The belly is big and round. "


  The more she talked, the more excited she became, and she even said several things, seeming to conclude that the child in Shen Ning's belly was a girl.

  Shen Ning smiled: "You, a college student, also believe in this set. It seems that you haven't read well."

   "No, it's really effective. My grandma just guessed my mother and aunt correctly. It's super effective."

   "Really, it seems that folk experience is also very useful, so I have to study hard. No matter what, you got 50% of the answers right. Congratulations." Shen Ning teased Yu.

  This young girl is called Zhang Xiaoxian. She is a rare college student in the entire village with a radius of 100 miles. She graduated from the University in 1985.

Xiaoxian heard her voice immediately, and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't this nonsense, no matter if I say male or female, I can get half of the answers right, anyway, it's either a boy or a girl, but really, some folk remedies experience It’s still believable.”

   "Okay, I believe it." Of course, Shen Ning didn't want to argue with her, so he answered according to her words.

   "Sister Ning, do you like girls or boys?" Xiaoxian suddenly blinked her big bright eyes and asked.

   "I like them all, as long as they are my children, they are all my treasures, regardless of gender."

   "That's right. Mothers love their children the most. Mother's love is the greatest." Xiaoxian nodded approvingly.

   "You can experience this feeling when you become a mother in the future." Shen Ning sighed.

  Xiaoxian's face turned red, gradually covered with shadows.

In this poor country, although she is a rare college student, she is already an older leftover woman. She is already twenty-six after finishing her graduate studies and has not yet started looking for a job. After falling down, she can only stay in her hometown to take care of the two elders.

  Now at this age, even if you have studied, there is no suitable job to do in this kind of place, and you will inevitably be pointed at behind your back.

  Although Zhang Xiaoxian doesn't care, she grew up in the village, and the girl has a thin face, so she is still quite depressed.

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