"Li Zhijun."


  The two men almost screamed when they saw each other.

   "Cousin, why are you here?" Li Zhijun reacted quickly after being stunned for a moment, and rushed towards Li Zhenting, about to hug him with both hands.

   Li Zhenting stretched out a hand to support his chest.

   "Stop and talk." He said in a deep voice.

  This guy is sissy, and Li Zhenting doesn't want to be **** with him.

   "Cousin, I miss you so much, it's great, I, I'm so happy and excited to see you here." Li Zhijun exaggerated his expression and pretended to be excited, and kept getting close to him.

   Really, his money is very tight recently!

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips twitched when he was so cowardly.

   No wonder I haven't seen this guy for so long, so he ran here.

   "Li Zhijun, what are you doing here?" He asked.

   "Cousin, I came to see Brother Pei, and I have been here for a long time." Li Zhijun said helplessly.

In fact, since the last time he held a party and almost killed Shen Ning, he was hated by the Li family's grandma, but not long after this incident, he actually made another girl's belly bigger , causing the girl to come to the house to make noise and spoil the family style. The angry Grandma Li also ordered him to be sent to the frontier, and she was escorted to Licheng.

After Li Zhijun arrived in Licheng, he had nothing to do, so he found Pei Jinchen, and the two had similar tastes, so he stayed in the hotel opposite him, singing and dancing in his free time, and soon became restless, and started flirting with others. Just to find him.

  Of course, he will not tell Li Zhenting the real situation.

   "Brother Jun, it turns out that you live across the street. I got the room number wrong." At this moment, the girl was stunned for a while, and after figuring out the situation, she rushed towards Li Zhijun coquettishly.

   "Get out." Li Zhijun raised his hand and pushed her away with a serious face, "I don't know you."

do not know?

  The girl was pushed back a few steps and almost fell, she froze there, her face full of grievances

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips curled up in a mocking arc: "I just arrived in Belvedere and want to take a rest, let's talk about it when there is something else."

   He closed the door.

   "Brother Jun, why do you say you don't know me? Why do you treat me like this?" Outside, the girl had tears in her big eyes, feeling aggrieved.

   "Little fairy." Li Zhijun walked over and put his arms around her waist, and smiled, "I was just joking with you, don't be angry."

   "I hate it, people just miss you, let's come and see you."

   "Baby is so good, are you thinking from above or from below..." Li Zhijun grinned, walked towards the suite with his arms around the girl's waist, and closed the door behind him.

   Li Zhenting shook his head when he heard it inside. It seems that this Belvedere is quite lively, and all these dudes have come here.

  He walked to the computer and continued to study the geographical location of Belvedere.

  The next day, Licheng Police Station.

"Mr. Li, Licheng is such a big city. It's really hard to find a foreigner just by one name. After all, all our files are registered with local household registration. For some foreigners, unless they have a temporary residence permit, it is difficult to find them." of."

   Li Zhenting contacted the local police station through Zhongju, but the director of the police station also looked embarrassed.

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting probably knew that this was too difficult for others, so he thanked him immediately and walked out.

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