Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1077: it's very likely all of this is true

   As night fell, Shen Ning stood up with his hands on his waist.

   Today Zhang Xiaoxian was very fast, **** a lot of sachets, and went back early with them, and wanted to sell them online!

  Shen Ning went to the kitchen to make corn bone soup and some gruel. The weather was getting hotter, and she didn't have much appetite.

  When she walked out of the room slowly, she raised her eyes slightly, and her eyes looked outside involuntarily.

  He has been taken away, so he probably won't come again.

  The richest man in the imperial capital, Li Zhenting, was taken away by the villagers in such a small village. It was an uncomfortable feeling. If he was as proud as he was, he should have retreated in spite of the difficulties.

  She stroked her stomach and took a walk in the yard for a while.

  As long as Li Zhenting stops harassing her, she doesn't have to move.

  Aunt Dong is already on her way back, and Ji Qingshan also said that she will finish the academic seminar at hand as soon as possible and rush over.

  With their help, everything will be fine.

   There was a slight smile on the corner of her lips. After walking for a while, she turned around and went in to drink some porridge and pork rib soup, and went to rest early.

   the next day.

   "Open the door, open the door quickly." Li Zhenting touched the bag on his face, very annoyed, and said sharply, "If you don't open the door, I will sue you."

   After a long time, someone came outside.

   "What is it called? Don't do bad things if you have the ability. If you do bad things, you have to be punished."

   Li Zhenting's tone was sharp: "Why do you say that I have done something bad? Is there any evidence? Is it because I am looking for a wife and children? Tell you, this is called illegal detention. Give me back my mobile phone quickly, and I will sue you."

   "Yo, you have a big temper." The people outside laughed, "If you have the ability, tell our village chief."

   "What's the name of your village chief?"

   "Ask yourself, the king team will come later."

  The man walked away swaggeringly.

Li Zhenting, who has always been neat and tidy, was locked up in a small dark room last night without washing his face, and his whole body smelled bad. In addition, he just got sick and was weak. He hadn't eaten all day and was dizzy from hunger. dazzled.

  He was really angry.

  Even if he climbed the wall yesterday, they didn't find any evidence that he was going to do something bad. Why should he be locked in a small dark room like this?

  He suddenly raised his foot and kicked hard towards the door.

  The door was kicked open with a bang.

  He walked out.

  Village Committee Office.

  Captain Wang walked in swaggeringly, smoking a cigarette.

  Suddenly, he was startled.

  In the office, a man with sharp eyes was standing in the middle of the room, staring at him.

  He was dazed for a while before he remembered the bad man who was arrested and locked up last night.

   "Where's my phone?" Li Zhenting asked angrily.

   "You still want a mobile phone? Tell me, how did you get out?" Captain Wang stood up straight and stopped drinking.

  A person who did bad things is still so righteous, what a hell!

   "Captain Wang, let me tell you that you illegally shut down my small black room last night. This is against the law. If you return the phone to me now and let me go, I'll forget it." Li Zhenting really didn't want to make trouble, he just wanted to calm down.

   But Captain Wang is very principled, this matter has not been investigated yet, how could he let him go so easily.

"Hey, you still have the confidence, let me tell you, if you don't explain clearly what you are going to do, I won't let you go." He smiled, "Hurry up and write the letter of repentance and reflection, and write your letter of repentance and reflection." Its purpose and intentions are clearly stated.”

   At this point, Li Zhenting was angry and hated but helpless.

   "Okay, I'll write it right away, how about this, you give me your phone first, I'll just make one call, and I'll hand it over to you after the call."

   "Who are you calling?"

   "Call my family, you know I was locked up for one night, they must be looking for me everywhere, they will be very anxious."

   "Okay, I can only make a phone call." Team Wang thought for a while and threw the phone to him.

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