Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1079: I just want to bring back my wife and kids

"Then you wait here first, I'll go and tell Sister Ning, no matter who you are, she is pregnant now, and you didn't bring a marriage certificate, there is no evidence that you are real, she is now Living alone, I have to get her consent." Zhang Xiaoxian said sternly.

   "Okay, you go." Li Zhenting lowered his head, "She probably doesn't want to see me."

   "Don't want to see you?" Zhang Xiaoxian sneered, "Why doesn't she want to see you? There must be a reason. You know it well, and you speak out loudly. No matter what your status is, you should be despised."

   Li Zhenting didn't speak.

  Zhang Xiaoxian turned around and walked in.

   In the living room.

   "Sister, the man outside claimed to be your husband, and said that you are pregnant with his child..." She went in and whispered.

   "No, he is not, he is nothing." Shen Ning was emotional, "Please drive him away, he has a purpose and plots evil."

"Sister Ning, I can't drive him away anymore. Dui Wang called and said that he is your husband and you are pregnant with his child. Moreover, the man also said that you were forced to divorce at that time, so it doesn't count." .” Zhang Xiaoxian spoke weakly.

  Shen Ning's face was pale, and he was curled up on the sofa. Suddenly, he held his face in his hands and burst into tears.

  It seems that Li Zhenting will definitely not let him go.

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked at the painful Shen Ning, and suddenly understood everything.

   Sure enough, all this is true.

  The man outside must be her ex-husband.

   As for what happened in the middle, she didn't know, but it could be seen that the man outside still hurt Shen Ning a lot.

  She clenched her fists, but there was nothing she could do.

"Sister Ning, don't cry, tell me quickly, do you want to see him? As long as you say you don't want to see him, I'll go over and drive him away, fight and go shopping with him." She sat down and helped Shen Ning up, feeling distressed Open your mouth.

   "No, Xiaoxian, let's go, go home and take care of your parents first, and bring the spices back, you can't beat him."

  No one can stop what Li Zhenting has made up his mind to do, she knows him better than anyone else!

   "Sister, but you..."

   "Don't worry, I have my own measure, he can't do anything to me." Shen Ning raised his head and wiped away his tears.

   "Okay then." Zhang Xiaoxian had no choice but to listen to Shen Ning's opinion.

   "By the way, Sister Ning, is he really your ex-husband and not some other bad guy?" Zhang Xiaoxian asked worriedly before leaving.

  Shen Ning slightly closed his eyes and nodded.

   "He won't lose control of his emotions and beat people?"

   "Not yet."

  Although Li Zhenting has an arrogant temper, he never hits a woman!

   "Well, I'll go first. If you need anything, you can call me at any time, and I will come over." Zhang Xiaoxian had to pick up her things and walk outside after giving instructions.

  If the man outside is really Shen Ning's ex-husband, then it can only be a private matter between them, a housework matter, and it's not easy for an outsider like her to get involved.

   But she was worried about Shen Ning, so she could only walk out with a heavy heart.

   Li Zhenting was standing outside the fence waiting for her.

"Warning, if you dare to bully Sister Ning, I will never let you go, even if I kill you and go to jail, I will not let you go." She slowly walked in front of him, threatening .

   "Don't worry, I just want to bring back my wife and children, fulfill my responsibilities as a husband, and never dare to bully her." Li Zhenting was very sincere.

   "Huh." Zhang Xiaoxian snorted coldly, glared at him, opened the fence and left without locking it again.

   Li Zhenting adjusted his clothes, raised his long legs and walked inside, his heart beating excitedly.

   Finally he can meet Shen Ning, the woman he misses day and night!

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