Aunt Dong was silent for a while and then said: "Ningning, Xiaofeng is dead."

"After Xiaofeng dies, there will still be Xiaocao and Xiaohua. Xiaofeng is just a pronoun. The woman he loves will always be hidden in his heart. It will never be me. I have married and divorced him twice. It's impossible to have three more times. Now he comes here, either out of responsibility and morality, or for the sake of the child. I will not agree to either. I also do this to be responsible to each other. If he really misses the old relationship , then treat Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao better, and I will be satisfied."

   "Hey, okay." Aunt Dong sighed, feelings are the most complicated thing, even an old man can't figure it out, the person concerned is the one who knows best, and she can't persuade her too much.

   But Li Zhenting's high fever is troublesome. This is just a small remote county town. He is the richest man in the imperial capital. If something happens, she can't bear it.

"Aunt Dong, I have already invited a doctor to give him a bottle. After his fever subsides, please let him leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to cause people to gossip. I just want to give birth to a child with peace of mind. From now on, we will be separated and cherish each other. That's fine." Shen Ning was expressionless, but the light and courage in his eyes were determined.

"All right."

  Aunt Dong walked out sadly.

   In the living room.

   Li Zhenting was lying on the sofa, his eyes were red, his cheeks were blue, and his hair was long and messy. It turned out that the delicate, clean and elegant man completely changed his appearance after only a short period of time.

  When the fever was severe, he murmured Shen Ning's name in his mouth, closed his eyes, and refused to eat or drink.

  Aunt Dong was anxious, brought him a blanket, and made him some medicine to drink, but he refused to take the medicine, and the injection was pulled out.

   This makes her very worried!

  In the past three days, since Aunt Dong helped Li Zhenting into the living room, Shen Ning just stayed in the bedroom and never came to the living room once.

  She no longer wants to have any entanglements with Li Zhenting, her heart is like stagnant water, calm and unwavering.

"Ning Ning, Li Zhenting is just calling your name, but he still doesn't want to take injections and medicines. How can this be good?" After a while, the doctor Shen Ning invited came, but Li Zhenting didn't want to hang the bottle at all, and he didn't cooperate. Aunt Dong was terrified, it had been burning for three days and three nights, even normal people would have problems.

   "He's not a child, you can reason with him, it's useless to ask me." Shen Ning was also a little anxious, what does this man mean, is he threatening her.

   "Hey, he's so dizzy, I won't listen to anything."

   "If you don't listen, just drive him out, whoever let him come here." Shen Ning replied angrily.

   "Ning Ning, he is also Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao's father."

   "Then what do you think I should do? He is unwilling to take injections and medicines, so what can I do? Let the doctor force him to do so."

  Aunt Dong walked out.

   "Aunt Dong, where's Ningning?" Li Zhenting opened his burning eyes and asked in a hoarse voice.

  At this time, what he wants to see the most is her, even if she just has a heart-warming word, he will feel that his illness will be cured, and there is no need for an injection at all.

   "Mr. Li, hurry up and finish the injection, and go back after the fever subsides and recovers. She won't come out to see you." Aunt Dong expressed her helplessness.

"No, if she doesn't come out, I won't get injections and medicine." Although Li Zhenting has a high fever these days, he knows that Shen Ning has never come out to see him, not even a glance. He was ashamed.

"Boss Li, why bother, she doesn't want to come out to see you, it's because you hurt her too much before, and you haven't seen your own heart clearly, you don't love her, let her go and let yourself go. "Aunt Dong persuaded.

   "Who says I don't love her? I love her more than my own life." Li Zhenting roared, "If she doesn't believe it, then let me die."

  He was extremely disheartened, no matter what he did, she would not forgive him, he could not see the hope of life! No desire to live anymore.

  Aunt Dong was terrified when she heard this.

  Oh my god, this young couple is unwilling to back down, so what if this stalemate continues!

   She really ran out of ideas.

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