"Mr. Li, you should leave as soon as you finish eating. I know Ning Ning's temper very well. She doesn't get angry easily, but she is very persistent when she gets angry." After Shen Ning left with a face full of anger, Aunt Dong immediately persuaded Li Zhenting.

   Li Zhenting was in great pain: "I would rather die from this illness than this result."

  Aunt Dong sighed: "Mr. Li, if I knew this earlier, why bother? Have you really seen your heart clearly now?"

   "Of course, this time, I definitely see my heart clearly, Aunt Dong, I really love her, and I can't live without her." Li Zhenting suddenly choked up.

  Aunt Dong looked at him, narrowing her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

  After lunch, Shen Ning was sitting on the bed drowsy when Aunt Dong walked in.

   "Aunt Dong, has he left yet?"

   "Let's go, I drove him away, this time I didn't even leave the yard for him, let him get out immediately." Aunt Dong looked at her face and spoke carefully.

   "Hmm." Shen Ning had no expression on his face.

  Aunt Dong hissed inwardly, men don’t know how to cherish when they get it, and it’s painful to lose it.

  Thinking of Li Zhenting's painful appearance, she couldn't bear it, but at that time, Shen Ning was pregnant and was almost aborted several times. This crime was too deep.

  In the canteen at the head of the village.

   Li Zhenting bought a bottle of high-quality Erguotou, took a bag of peanuts, and sat under a big tree to drink with his head held high. He didn't know how long he drank before he stood up staggeringly and walked towards the corner there.

   "Ningning, the baby is due in less than 20 days, do you want to go to the hospital in advance?" Aunt Dong sat by the bed and chatted with Shen Ning.

   "I'm going to wait for Qing Shan to come over. He is a famous doctor and knows about my physical condition." Shen Ning replied after thinking for a while.

   "When will Professor Ji come over?"

   "It's about a week away, and his academic seminar is almost over."

   "Oh, that's fine."

   "Aunt Dong, did you meet Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao when you were in the imperial capital?" Shen Ning thought of the children and missed them inexplicably.

In fact, when Zhu Qixiong took her to Qingshan City at first, she did not tell Aunt Dong. Later, after Li Zhenting found Qingshan City, Zhu Qixiong took her to escape. In Hua County, she thought of Aunt Dong and called her At that time, I decided to come to Belvedere, and entrusted Aunt Dong to visit the children in Li's Castle when she had time.

   "Yes." When Aunt Dong heard her mentioning the three little guys, a loving smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she told the story of Li Jiaojiao bringing the three little guys to the Shaw Villa that day.

  Shen Ning smiled slightly, but when he heard them ask about Mommy, his heart was so sore that he bowed his head and shed tears.

  She didn't know when she would see them again, and she didn't know if they would recognize her as a mother when they saw them again.

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning, open the door and come home with me." While they were talking, suddenly, there was loud knocking on the door and shouts of tongue rolling outside the yard.

   Shen Ning's face changed color.

   "Why hasn't he left yet?"

   "I don't know, he was already driven out of the yard."

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning, please, open the door and go home with me, the children are waiting for us at home." Li Zhenting cried in a crying voice, staggering on his feet.

  Shen Ning's eyes flashed with cold air, it seems that he has drunk a lot of wine.

  Just after the fever subsided, he actually went to drink again, what a killer!

   "I'll go out and have a look." Aunt Dong stood up.

   Outside the yard.

   Li Zhenting's face was flushed, he was hiccupping, and he still held a bottle of wine in his hand.

   "Mr. Li, why are you drinking again because of your health?" Aunt Dong sighed as she looked at him.

   "Aunt Dong, open the door and let me in. If Ningning doesn't come with me, I won't leave here unless I die." Li Zhenting hiccupped heavily and shook his body.

   "Hey, Mr. Li, Ning Ning is even more unhappy after seeing it like this, why bother."

   "I can't think about it anymore. No matter what I do, she just won't forgive me. I feel miserable." Li Zhenting suddenly supported the wooden fence and cried loudly, crying like a child.

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