"Ning Ning, are you awake? Are you hungry? The food is almost ready, and you can eat it soon." Hearing the voice, Li Zhenting immediately turned around, seeing Shen Ning, his eyes were soft and pleasantly surprised , full of concern.

  Shen Ning only came back to his senses quickly after a moment of shock, his face darkened, and he asked sharply:

   "Li Zhenting, who let you into my house? Who allowed you to cook here?"

   "Ning Ning, I made it for you to eat." Li Zhenting knew that she would be angry, so he carefully accompanied her.

Shen Ning sneered: "Li Zhenting, you are so confident, why do you think I will eat what you cook? Why do you think I need you to cook? Tell you, I feel sick when I see you, let alone what you cook Something's gone, get out."

  She rushed over and dumped all the food on the stove into the trash can, and even dumped what was cooked in the pot into the swill bucket, without giving him any face.

   Li Zhenting's face turned black and his muscles stiffened.

   "Please get out, don't stay in my house." Shen Ning pointed to the outside and shouted.

   "Ning Ning, I just want to take care of you, it's too hard for you to conceive a child."

"It's only at this time that I said I was working too hard, why did I go early? I was pregnant with Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, where were you? What were you doing when I was pushed into the sea by Shen Mei? I was pushed by Xiaofeng again and again. Did you think about me when I was hurt once?" Shen Ning asked repeatedly, and became more angry, and said sharply: "Please leave my sight immediately and disappear from my sight forever, I never want to see you again in this life. "

   As she spoke, she rushed to the chopping board, picked up the kitchen knife, and pointed at him:

   "Get out, if you don't go out again, I will kill you and then commit suicide."

  The knife is shining, chilling people's hearts.

   Li Zhenting's heart was throbbing. He knew that he had hurt her too much, so he quickly raised his hands and said in a trembling voice: "Ningning, don't do stupid things, I'll go, I'll go!"

   "Get out of here." Shen Ning roared angrily, the tears in her blood red eyes were firmly held back by her.

   Li Zhenting turned around dejectedly, and walked outside, a pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow hit him, as if a knife was peeling off his skin and flesh, causing his heart to convulse in pain.

  He hurt her too deeply, it is unforgivable!

   There was a "boom", until Li Zhenting walked out of the yard, the knife in Shen Ning's hand fell to the ground, and she supported the stove with tears rolling down like spiders.

   Originally, she was already well, but this man came to harass her again, why? Did he think his face was big enough!

   After a while, Shen Ning stood up and wiped away his tears, cooked porridge and hot vegetables for himself, and sat in the bedroom in a trance after eating.

  She didn't know when Li Zhenting sneaked in, and she didn't know if she had left now. Originally, she wanted to take a walk outside, but as long as she thought of Li Zhenting wandering around, she lost her interest at all.

  This man is so lingering, when will he give up and leave? It seems that we have to find a way to get him out!

   While she was thinking, suddenly, the phone rang.

  She saw that it was Zhu Qixiong calling.

   "Young Master."

"Ning Ning, I can finally get through to your phone." Zhu Qixiong was very excited when he heard her voice, "I thought you forgot about me, since you left in Hua County, your phone can't be reached. "

  Shen Ning smiled: "Anyone can forget, how can I forget you, my benefactor."

"Really." Zhu Qixiong knew that Shen Ning's words were just a joke, but he was still very happy after hearing it, "Thank you so much today, I didn't expect that Manager Yao to call you and disturb you , Next time I see her, I will reprimand her."

"It's okay, of course I can help my good friend if he is in trouble, not to mention that it's just a matter of little effort." Shen Ning smiled casually, his face suddenly became serious, "Young Master Zhu, it's not good for your health to get drunk like this, you must pay attention Body, don’t think that you can squander it at will when you are young, many people’s bodies are left with the root cause of disease because they didn’t pay attention when they were young.”

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