"Yes, but I heard that Xiaofeng said on the phone that day that she was in a car accident to find Mr. Li. Li is always a kind person, and he would not ignore the life of a woman who saved him before, right? .” Aunt Dong still tried to persuade her.

"But if it wasn't Xiaofeng who called him that day, but someone else called him, would he have gone? No, this only shows one problem. What he cares about is Xiaofeng, and has always been. Besides, even if he knew It was very dangerous for Xiaofeng to have a car accident that day, and he could have let Leng Xue go there to save her. Leng Xue's skills were no slower than his. He ran away when he received the call, which only showed Xiaofeng's status in his heart. I'm not going to accept any more explanations."

  She also has a bottom line of principle, Li Zhenting has touched her bottom line, and more than once, she can't forgive him again! No one said it was useless!

   Aunt Dong stopped talking after hearing this, maybe Shen Ning was right, President Li has always been unclear about her feelings, this time, let him understand thoroughly.

   After lunch, when Shen Ning passed the living room, he couldn't help but look out.

  In the gazebo, Li Zhenting was sitting there with his head drooped.

  He has been sitting like this for a long time, since he cleaned up the roses in the yard, he has been sitting there, at a loss.

  He really doesn't know how to please Shen Ning! It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he didn't understand Shen Ning at all, and it seemed so difficult to find his favor. It seemed that there was a reason why Shen Ning ignored him!

  Shen Ning just gave him a cold look and then entered the bedroom.

  She would like to know how long he can spend here, to see how much patience he has!

  The sun is setting, and the clouds are like blood.

   After dinner, Zhang Xiaoxian came over.

   "Sister Ning, let's go for a walk." Zhang Xiaoxian walked in with a smile.

   "Okay, I want to go out for a walk too."

   "Then shall we go from the front or the back?" Zhang Xiaoxian asked after looking at Li Zhenting who was still sitting in the pavilion.

   "Front." Shen Ning glanced coldly, and replied indifferently.

   "Sister Ning, are you not afraid of him?" Zhang Xiaoxian blinked her eyes, whispered in her ear, and pointed to Li Zhenting who was sitting outside.

   "Why are you afraid of him? This is my home, should I be afraid of an outsider?" Shen Ning raised his eyebrows in disdain.

   "That's right." Zhang Xiaoxian covered her lips and smiled, "I didn't expect him to be so patient. He actually stayed here for so many days. This is really rare for the richest man in the imperial capital."

   "Do you know his identity?"

   "Sister, I am also a graduate student, I don't know how to Baidu, the richest man in the imperial capital is so famous, just look for it."

   "Yes." Shen Ning nodded.

"Sister, it turns out that you are the president of Gucci Perfume Group. You are really a master hidden among the people. No wonder the fragrance bag you made sells so well. The dignified Gucci perfume designer helped me design it. How can it be bad?" Zhang Xiaoxian smiled happily.

   "Ghost girl, you actually picked me out."

"Of course, when I saw you, I thought you were unusual and not an ordinary person. Sure enough, you turned out to be the woman behind the richest man in the imperial capital. You still have a career. I must have done good deeds in my previous life to have the opportunity to be with you." Sister Immortal together." She said as she took Shen Ning's arm, and put her cheek on her arm, very happy.

"Wrong, I'm Shen Ning, I'm not someone's woman, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll ignore you." Shen Ning tensed his face, "Xiao Xian, you probably know the story about the richest man in the imperial capital not loving his ex-wife, right? So, will you sympathize with me?"

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