
   Butler Luo's eyes turned red, and he shook his head.

   "What do you mean?" Lin Shouyu's face was very ugly, "I have a serious business to find her."

   "But sir, madam, madam, she has been away from here for a long time."

   "Why? Where did she go?"

   "She divorced the young master, and I don't know where she went." Butler Luo answered truthfully after a long while.

  Lin Shouyu's face froze, his eyes flashed, and there was inexplicable anger in his heart.

   What a Li Zhenting, he dared to divorce Shen Ning!

  Shen Ning is such a good woman, can she not be worthy of him?

   "It must be your young master who bullied Shen Ning." Lin Shouyu asked angrily.

   Butler Luo bowed his head and remained silent.

   "Hmph, Li Zhenting, you are really deceiving people too much." Lin Shouyu left after throwing down a sentence.

   Originally, when he returned to the imperial capital this time, he had to find out whether Shen Ning was his lost sister!

  Based on his intuition, she felt that Shen Ning must be!

  If he has doubts, he must investigate. He didn't have time last time, but this time he came here specially and couldn't find Shen Ning, which made him very annoyed!

  In the house in Lijiang.

Aunt Dong came out with a plate of brown sugar baba, put it on the dining table, made several appetizers, brought out a bowl of noodles, and called inside: "Master Zhu, dinner is ready, come and eat quickly. "

   "Okay, thank you, Aunt Dong." Zhu Qixiong replied, and smiled at Shen Ning, "How is it? You can also accompany me to have some supper, I am embarrassed to eat alone."

   "Okay, let's go, but I want to tell you that you don't have alcohol with me." Shen Ning stood up with a smile.

   "Of course, as long as I'm with you, I promise not to smoke or drink!" Zhu Qixiong raised his hand and swore.

   "Come on, as long as you know." Shen Ning pursed his lips and smiled, and walked towards the living room, Zhu Qixiong followed closely behind.

   The two quickly walked into the living room.

  Zhu Qixiong squinted his eyes and looked outside. Li Zhenting was still standing in the yard, his straight body was like a pillar, and his face was black.

  An invisible smile floated on the corner of his lips.

   "Ning Ning, please sit down." He quickly walked to the table and pulled out the chair in a gentlemanly manner, and made a 'please' gesture to Shen Ning.

  Shen Ning sat down with a smile.

He sat down on the chair next to her, picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake with his chopsticks, brought it to Shen Ning's lips and said affectionately: "This one looks bright in color, very attractive, it must be delicious, you eat a piece first .”

   "Well, this brown sugar cake is very famous here. Made from refined glutinous rice, it's glutinous and sweet. It's very delicious and suits my taste. Thank you." Shen Ning smiled, opened his mouth to catch it, and started eating.

   "It's delicious, so eat more." Zhu Qixiong put the whole plate of glutinous rice cakes in front of her, and he picked up the noodles.

"I've already had dinner. If I eat too much, I'll feel uncomfortable. Aunt Dong made this for you. You have to finish it." Shen Ning pushed the plate in front of Zhu Qixiong again, "I'll eat a few more pickles alright."

   While speaking, he stretched out his fingers to pick up a pickle cucumber and ate it appetizingly.

"Take a good rest tonight, and I'll take you around tomorrow. The scenery here is beautiful, and you can see a beautiful scenery with just a finger. I'm sure you have never seen such a beautiful and fresh pastoral scenery. There are lotuses and moonlight in the neighboring villages." , you can row a boat, the lotus is very beautiful, the lotus root is very pink, and it is famous in Lijiang." Shen Ning introduced with a smile.

   "Really, that's great, I really came to the right place." Zhu Qixiong was very happy.

   "Well, you're right." Shen Ning nodded in agreement.

  The two of them were talking and eating, and the whole living room became more lively because of Zhu Qixiong's arrival.

Aunt Dong watched the two talking and laughing inside, and looked outside, only to see the man standing outside blended into the darkness, the black suit all over his body was shining sharply, his eyebrows and eyes were covered by the ruffled hair of the night wind , but couldn't hide those cold eyes.

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