"I know I was sorry for her before, but now I just want to make up and improve, but she never gave me the slightest chance." Li Zhenting sobbed.

"If you really want to make amends and improve, then you have to show sincerity and warm her heart first. A woman's hardened heart is not so easy to warm up. It will take a process, and there is no rush. Use." Aunt Dong explained patiently.

  In her heart, she didn't believe that Shen Ning really didn't have any love for Li Zhenting anymore. With her obsessive, love-minded, and children, she couldn't possibly forget it completely.

   Li Zhenting bowed his head when he heard the words, holding his head in both hands, helpless.

"President Li, it's getting late, go wash up and rest early, improve your image first, give yourself a haircut, restore your previous mental outlook, and have more confidence in yourself. Women have to take their time. As long as she is still here and is the mother of your children, she can't be so decisive, and she will definitely have concerns when making decisions."

"The most important thing now is that you must have confidence in yourself, so that Shen Ning can feel your sincerity and love, instead of going hard like this, it won't work, not to mention that the child in her belly is about to give birth. Now, if you are so reckless to provoke her again, if something bad happens, you will only regret it for the rest of your life."

  Aunt Dong continued to comfort him and persuade him.

   "Aunt Dong, thank you very much." Li Zhenting was very moved and thanked Aunt Dong.

Aunt Dong smiled: "I have long regarded Ning Ning as my daughter. I can see some things clearly, and I'm all for her good. Now that she is angry, I really can't rush, I can only take my time. You should wash up and go to bed first, take care of your body, and only then can you come up with a better way when you have energy and energy.”

   "Okay, okay." Li Zhenting agreed and walked towards the bathroom.

  Aunt Dong went out to Zhang Xiaoxian's house.

  In the room, Shen Ning sat on the sofa chair, trembling with fear and terror.

Tonight, when Li Zhenting hugged her, she resisted desperately. At that time, her mind went blank, she forgot everything except excitement and anger, and she forgot that she was still pregnant with twins. At that time, under her struggle and resistance , the whole person has broken free from Li Zhenting's arm and is falling towards the ground...

  Thinking about it now makes me tremble all over.

  If it really falls to the ground, the consequences will make her regret for the rest of her life!

  Her hands stroked her stomach, and a chill ran through the soles of her feet.

"I'm sorry, baby, Mommy was too impulsive today and completely forgot about your safety. Mommy is really not a competent mommy. Don't worry, Mommy will put you first and never do that kind of thing again. It's a stupid thing." Shen Ning stroked his stomach in fear, feeling guilty.

  How could she be angry because of that **** man? Isn't he hurting her badly enough? Why would he implicate the children?

  How could she be so stupid!

   But when he thought of tonight, he actually forcibly kissed her! A wave of anger rushed up again, wishing to run out and slap him a few more times!

  This **** dog man! It's really a grievance that lingers, and I don't know when I will give up and leave!

   However, in the end, reason prevailed over anger, and she stood up and walked towards the window.

  The yard was dark, and the shadow of the dead man could no longer be seen.

   He should have left.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly swore in her heart that no matter what she did in the future, she would have to consider the safety of the children, and she would never do that kind of stupid thing again. She would give birth soon, and the children were her fate. .

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