Li Zhenting strode over, sat down on the seat opposite Shen Ning, scooped a bowl of porridge for himself, picked up the buns and ate them.

   Shen Ning stared at his eyeballs as if he wanted to kill someone.

  But Li Zhenting didn't see it, just ate breakfast generously and calmly, and didn't talk to anyone, not even Shen Ning.

   Shen Ning suddenly felt that he had hit a soft nail.

  During this period of time, as long as she teased him, even a glance would make him panic, but now he doesn't even look at her, and he doesn't know whether he really gave up, or it's just superficial.

  She deliberately refused to let him have breakfast, but it was obvious that he would not want to.

  Thinking of almost hurting the child in his belly when fighting with him last night, seeing that he is ignoring her now, he probably gave up. As for him, he can eat as much as he wants, anyway.


  She ignored him, bowed her head and went to eat.

"Ning Ning, this sauerkraut steamed stuffed bun is delicious, it's definitely suitable for you." Zhu Qixiong glanced at Li Zhenting who lowered his head and was wolfing down his breakfast. He didn't know how long he hadn't eaten. It seemed that he was abused by Shen Ning. With a slight smile on his lips, he picked up a sauerkraut bun and sent it to Shen Ning's bowl.

   "Thank you, Qixiong." Shen Ning smiled at him.

   "You're welcome, the capers are so refreshing, crunchy, so delicious, come, eat this." Zhu Qixiong moved another plate of capers from Li Zhenting to Shen Ning.

  Shen Ning smiled sweetly at him: "Thank you, you can eat quickly, we have to go out and play quickly while the weather is not hot."

   "En." Zhu Qixiong stared at the corners of his eyes again and was shocked. Although he was eating as if nothing had happened, his side face was obviously much darker.

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked at Li Zhenting for a while, and then at the intimate way Zhu Qixiong took care of Shen Ning for breakfast, a little unclear.

   Finally finished breakfast.

  Zhang Xiaoxian went to wash the dishes.

Shen Ning hurriedly went to prepare things, and after a while she came out wearing a bamboo hat and sun protection clothing, but just as she came out, she saw Li Zhenting walking in front of her with a briefcase and bowed her head. He had a broad and steady back, and walked quickly Yes, as if to do something.

  He should be leaving, so it's best.

  She gave him a cold look and walked towards the living room.

  Zhang Xiaoxian has finished washing the dishes and came out, and Zhu Qixiong is on the phone.

   "Let's go." After a while, Zhu Qixiong put down the phone and smiled at them.


  The three of them walked outside, and when they got out of the fence in the yard, they saw a tricycle parked there with a farmer sitting on it.

   "Uncle Huang, why are you here?" Zhang Xiaoxian asked in surprise.

   "I invited him here. It's too hard to walk in the hot weather. I asked him to drive us away." Zhu Qixiong answered with a smile first.

   "Then how did you know Uncle Huang?" Shen Ning was surprised.

  Zhu Qixiong smiled: "I have clairvoyance and can talk through the air."

  Actually, when he came here yesterday, because he couldn't find Shen Ning and was walking around the village, he happened to see Uncle Huang's car, so he paid for it and rented it out, which happened to come in handy today.

   "Cut, who will believe you." Shen Ning rolled his eyes at him.

   "Both ladies, get in the car quickly, it will be hot when the sun comes out." Zhu Qixiong urged them to get in the car with a smile, and he himself jumped into the car first.

  So, Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian also came up.

  Uncle Huang started the car and took the three of them around the village.

   "Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful." Shen Ning looked at the beautiful scenery outside and kept praising.

   In fact, she has been here for so long, and she has never had time to go out to play, and it is the first time to see it now. It is very fresh and very happy.

  Uncle Huang was very responsible, he took them around and went to every place.

  Two hours later, he took them to the moonlight of the lotus pond in the neighboring village.

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