"Yes, let's go back, who cares about playing in this kind of place." Shen Ning stared fiercely, and demanded to go back decisively.

   "Hey, well, we can only go back." Uncle Yang had no choice but to turn the bow of the boat and row towards the shore.

Zhu Qixiong watched Li Zhenting use this kind of child's play to force Shen Ning to submit, and he found it more and more interesting. There was an unfathomable smile on the corner of his lips. When he looked at Li Zhenting, he was completely superior, as if Li Zhenting was his Like a defeated general.

   How could Li Zhenting not understand his thoughts, his sharp eyes stared at him, his teeth itching with hatred.

   "Hey, you can't take the water chestnut away, it's Mr. Li's." Just as they were about to go ashore, Zhang Xiaoxian picked up a basket of water chestnuts they picked, but Aunt Xie screamed.

   "If you don't want it, you don't want it, what's so great about it." Zhang Xiaoxian was so angry that her stomach hurt, she threw it away with a wave of her hand.

   "Ning Ning, come, I'll carry you aboard." At this moment, Zhu Qixiong hugged Shen Ning from behind and walked towards the shore.

   Li Zhenting's eyes looked like he was going to kill someone. The once weak body belonged to him only, but now it was held in his arms by another man in front of him.

  Damn Zhu Qixiong!

  Looks like he hasn't taught him enough lessons last time! How dare he touch his woman.

"Thank you, Qixiong." On the side of the road, Zhu Qixiong gently put Shen Ning down. Shen Ning helped him stand firmly and thanked him in a low voice, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that Zhu Qixiong was looking at her affectionately. The sticky light seemed to be laced with sugar, and she couldn't help but feel a burst of warmth on her face.

  Zhu Qixiong looked at her predicament, smiled softly, and turned around. Li Zhenting was standing on the boat, his eyes were piercing, as if he was about to execute Ling Chi!

"President Li, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that you had already bought this lotus pond. It's so offensive. In this case, I will transfer 2,000 yuan to you immediately to make up for your loss." Zhu Qixiong took out his phone and took a quick click , and soon transferred two thousand yuan to Li Zhenting.

  Then he turned around and said to Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian:

   "Let's go, the weather is getting hot, so it's not suitable for playing for a long time."

   "Yes." Both of them nodded at the same time.

  Zhu Qixiong Shi turned around and walked in the direction he came.

  Both Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian turned their heads and gave Li Zhenting an unfriendly look, then turned and left.

   Li Zhenting was stunned for a while, shook a bit, and almost fell into the water.

  Zhu Qixiong, you mean and shameless villain, how dare you insult me, let's see how I deal with you!

  For the first time, he felt that money could not solve the problem.

  Today, he listened to Aunt Dong’s advice, cleaned himself up first, and bought a lot of things back. As soon as he came back, Aunt Dong said that the three of them had gone to play in the lotus hall of the neighboring team.

He immediately walked over, and sure enough, he saw Zhu Qixiong taking Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian playing in the lotus pond. For a moment, a deep jealousy welled up in his heart, and he immediately called Captain Wang and said he wanted to buy it. That piece of lotus fish pond.

  This place was originally abandoned and long lotus roots. It would be good if someone bought it, and what made Captain Wang happy was that the price was so good, they signed the contract immediately.

  Li Zhenting took the contract and left. Originally, he just wanted to drive away Zhu Qixiong, but obviously, Shen Ning really hated seeing him. Once he came, they all wanted to leave!

  Seeing her flirting with Zhu Qixiong, as if they were in love, he was furious!

   "Go ashore." As soon as the three of them left, Li Zhenting was immediately bored, and asked Aunt Xie to row the boat to the shore.

  Li Zhenting went ashore, and the three of them were still walking ahead talking and laughing.

  Because Shen Ning was pregnant, they walked extremely slowly.

   Li Zhenting glanced coldly at Zhu Qixiong and followed him with strides.

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