Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1116: What kind of fairy sister is Shen Ning?

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Just as Shen Ning picked up the phone, suddenly a young man's voice came from outside the yard, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the fence door.

  Shen Ning was startled for a moment, and was soon overjoyed.

   Really said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived!

  Ji Qingshan finally came.

   "Qingshan, here I come." Shen Ning quickly got up, got off the bed carefully and walked outside.

   "Sister, be careful, don't go so fast, I'll help you." Zhang Xiaoxian also woke up, and immediately followed to help Shen Ning walk out.

   "Ning Ning, this place is so hard to find." Ji Qingshan looked around with a big medicine box in his hand, and smiled helplessly.

  He has walked back and forth in this village several times.

   "Yes, but the environment here is good, you should call me so I can come and pick you up." Shen Ning said embarrassedly.

  Ji Qingshan is a doctor after all, the first thing he looked at was Shen Ning's stomach.

   "I called you, but I couldn't get through. Well, it's quite big, and it's about to give birth."

   "Yes, my stomach was still a little sore just now."

   "Then you have to pay attention, but don't worry, I'm ready to make sure you're okay." Ji Qingshan followed Shen Ning and walked inside.

   "Xiaoxian, please pour a glass of boiling water for Professor Ji." Shen Ning was talking to Zhang Xiaoxian while walking.

   who knows

   She didn't get a response even after saying a few words, she looked back and saw Zhang Xiaoxian standing aside, silly, she looked like a nympho!

  Hey, this little woman, she shook her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, so she had to bring Ji Qingshan in.

  Here, Zhang Xiaoxian fell into an unimaginable shock.

  Oh my god, what kind of fairy sister is Shen Ning? The men she dates with are more handsome and elegant than the other, and they are all dragons.

  Although she hasn't seen much in the world, she also met many male classmates when she was in college. She has never seen such handsome, handsome, noble and rich, not even one in ten thousand. This time, it was an eye-opener.

  Shen Ning led Ji Qingshan into the living room, Ji Qingshan was startled as soon as he entered.

  I saw Li Zhenting sitting on the wooden sofa in the living room, crossing his legs and talking on the phone. He should be arranging work. When he saw them, there was calm emotion in his eyes.

   "Ning Ning, it seems that I came at a bad time." Ji Qingshan, who had always been aloof, only became tense when he saw Li Zhenting, without any expression.

  He has never had a good impression of Li Zhenting.

"No, Professor Ji, you came at just the right time. My due date is coming soon. You must help me. Only you know what's wrong with me. Some people are begging for nothing, and they can't be driven away. , I can't help it." Shen Ning immediately explained, looking at him beggingly.

   Giving birth to the baby in her womb is her only wish at present, and she hopes that Ji Qingshan can help her like last time.

   "You." Ji Qingshan shook his head and patted her head, "Don't worry, if you come, you'll be fine, I won't just leave you alone."

   "Thank you Professor Ji." Shen Ning smiled happily.

   "Come on, I'll give you a checkup first." Ji Qingshan is worthy of being a famous doctor, as soon as he came in, he dragged Shen Ning into the bedroom and gave her a big checkup.

  Shen Ning's worries just now disappeared soon. With a good friend like Ji Qingshan, what else is she afraid of.

   "Well, yes, the fetal position is normal, and the children are developing very well, much better than last time." After a while, Ji Qingshan retracted the stethoscope and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you."

   "But the amniotic fluid is a little low. According to the current situation, I suggest you go to the hospital tomorrow." Ji Qingshan solemnly put forward his suggestion.

   "Okay, I think so too." Shen Ning nodded in agreement, and was going to pack up and go to the hospital tomorrow.

   After a while, Zhu Qixiong walked in.

  Ji Qingshan and Zhu Qixiong were considered acquaintances, and chatted for a few words.

  In the afternoon, Aunt Dong and Zhang Xiaoxian started to cook, and they made a big table full. Everyone sat around and ate happily.

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