Li Zhenting stood still.

   A burst of pain struck, Shen Ning frowned, and pressed his hands on the side of his calf. Both legs were already swollen, and they were cramping, excruciatingly painful.

   "Ning Ning." Li Zhenting's big warm palm touched her calf, stroking her gently.

   "No, go away." Shen Ning stubbornly pushed his hand away, not wanting to see him accompanying her in the delivery room, let alone seeing her suffering.

  She doesn't need this belated care! Compared with the harm to her at the beginning, how hypocritical this kind of care seems!

   "Ning Ning, please let me take care of you, don't reject me." Li Zhenting was in great pain, begging bitterly.

   "Go out." Shen Ning's body was bent into a ball, his hands pressed his calves vigorously, and he refused to let go, chasing him.

  Li Zhenting was helpless, and refused to go out like a child.

  At this moment, Chen Juexiu and Ji Qingshan walked in.

   "Sister-in-law, how are you doing now?" Chen Xie looked at Shen Ning and asked.

   Shen Ning clenched his teeth: "Both legs are cramped, it hurts."

  Ji Qingshan looked at her with unbearable eyebrows.

"Dean Chen, Ning Ning is in too much pain. How long will it take for her to give birth? Could you please let her give birth to the children quickly?" Li Zhenting hurriedly approached a few steps, and grabbed Chen Yuxie's hand Arm, very anxious.

After pondering for a while, Chen Yuxi called Li Zhenting aside, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Li, my sister-in-law was malnourished during pregnancy, lacking calcium and some vitamins, and the trauma left by her uterus when she gave birth six years ago is more She is big and her uterus is thin, so she was not suitable for pregnancy, but she is recovering well, and she got pregnant, and now it seems that there will be some risks in a normal delivery."

   "Then immediately have a caesarean section." Li Zhenting felt pain in his heart when he heard the words, and he didn't even think about opening his mouth.

"I have to ask my sister-in-law's opinion on this." Chen Yuxie said softly, "But don't worry, I have discussed it with Professor Ji. Before I came here, I brought two experienced midwives here. The medical equipment and facilities of this kind of county-level hospital are not good enough. I brought some equipment, so there should be no major problems. Now we all wait patiently. It is best if the birth can be natural, so that the uterus will not be damaged again. If you lose your fertility permanently after the trauma, natural delivery is better for the child, of course, it also depends on the perseverance of my sister-in-law."

"Okay, okay, thank you very much." Li Zhenting's heart was twisted like a knife, and he kept thanking him, "Please do your best to help my wife give birth, and I will definitely thank you afterwards, and if there is any difficulty in the normal delivery, please Have a caesarean section as soon as possible, I don't care if she is fertile or not, as far as I am concerned, as long as she is healthy."

   "Well, I understand, don't worry, doctors are parents, I will see the situation."

   "Thank you, thank you." Li Zhenting murmured.

"Mr. Li, giving birth to a woman is a journey through the gates of hell. Sister-in-law's physical and mental health and emotions are also very important. Just now we came in and saw her emotional. You have to do some ideological work on her to stabilize her emotions. "

  President Chen's words shot into Li Zhenting's chest like a sharp arrow. He was stunned, his head drooped gradually, and he stood dejectedly.

  Shen Ning didn't forgive him, and was very resistant to him, but he really just wanted to be by her side and let her give birth to their child smoothly!

   "Qingshan, will I be able to give birth smoothly?" Shen Ning looked at Ji Qingshan standing in front of him with a pale face and asked.

  Ji Qingshan had pity in his eyes: "Cesarean section, would you like it?"

  Shen Ning's vision was a little confused. Six years ago, because of Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, he had to have a caesarean section, which caused a lot of damage to the uterus. What about now?

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