Outside the delivery room.

  Ji Qingshan just walked out.

   "Hey, Ji Mingshou, how is my cousin?" Li Jiaojiao, who was guarding the door, immediately grabbed his arm and asked loudly.

   "Girl, please pay attention to your image, don't tease me casually." Ji Qingshan frowned, and shook off her hand.

Li Jiaojiao didn't take it seriously, and asked sourly: "There are so many obstetricians and gynecologists in the world, why did you ask that woman to deliver my cousin? How is her medical skill? Can you guarantee my cousin's safety? If there is something wrong with my cousin, let me tell you, I will not spare you. "

   "Boring." Ji Qingshan gave her an annoyed look, and walked outside.

   "Professor Ji, how is Ning Ning?" Aunt Dong and Zhu Qixiong immediately greeted Ji Qingshan when he came out and asked.

   "Aunt Dong, don't worry, we are all under control inside, nothing will happen, the baby hasn't been born yet, we have to wait, she wants to give birth naturally." Ji Qingshan said politely.

   "That's good. Please make sure that the baby in her belly is born smoothly. This baby is too hard." Aunt Dong clasped her hands together and begged.

   "Don't worry, we will." Ji Qingshan nodded and walked outside.

   "Hey, Ji Mingshou, let me go in to accompany my cousin." Li Jiaojiao followed and demanded.

  She doesn't want to see Ji Qingshan chatting with that woman inside, she also wants to go in!

  But Ji Qingshan just pressed the elevator and looked at his phone, ignoring her.

  Li Jiaojiao rolled her eyes at him, and was about to reach out to grab his cell phone when the elevator opened and he walked in.

  Li Jiaojiao finally saw Ji Qingshan come out, so she wanted to follow.

  But I don't want to.

  Ji Qingshan pushed her, she was pushed far away, the elevator door closed, Li Jiaojiao had no way to run in, the elevator went down, Ji Qingshan had already gone downstairs.

"Death is a beast, if something happens to my cousin sister-in-law, I will definitely not let you go, especially since you have invited that woman over, so you can't be kind." Li Jiaojiao stomped her feet and cursed, and had no choice but to Went back outside the delivery room.

  The gate of the Imperial Capital Women's Prison.

   "Let's go, be a good person, and don't look back." A prison guard quickly closed the door after sending a young girl out.

"No, don't hit me, please don't hit me, I don't want to drink urine." The young girl has fluffy hair, dirty face, dull eyes, holding a coarse cloth bag, standing tremblingly in the wind, mouth He kept talking.

  A commercial vehicle drove over.

  The car door opened, and a middle-aged woman got out of the car.

   "Meimei, mom came to pick you up." Lan Feiyun saw her daughter in such a state, her heart ached, and she hugged her and wept.

   "Mom." It was not until she was hugged by her mother for a long time that Shen Mei smelled the breath of safety, threw herself into her arms and burst into tears.

   "Don't cry, didn't mom release you on bail? Don't worry, no one will bully you again." Lan Feiyun's gloomy eyes flashed coldly, and he patted his daughter's back lightly, comforting her.

  A man stuck his head out of the car and shouted: "Get in the car, if you have something to say in the car."

   "Okay." Lan Feiyun quickly carried Shen Mei into the car.

   "Mom, don't leave me, I'm afraid." In the car, Shen Mei hid in Lan Feiyun's arms and trembled all over.

   "Don't be afraid, good girl, mother will protect you in the future." Lan Feiyun patted his daughter's shoulder, his eyes were bloodshot.

  It turned out that after Lan Feiyun and Shen Mei were imprisoned, during this period of time, Lan Feiyun used her natal family's relationship to release herself on bail, and then released her daughter Shen Mei.

  The car headed towards the suburbs.

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