Zhujia Study Room.

"Qiming, what's going on here? What about Zhu's Group's big orders? Why did they all run away? Also, where did the money go? Now that there is no cash, how is the company going to run?" Zhu Dong Jin took the newspaper and was furious.

Zhu Qiming cleared his voice, and said in a low voice: "Dad, the two major companies Qiangsheng and Qiangwei suddenly tore up the agreement, and all the customers of Canton Branch also ran to Li's Group. Now the investment in the land in the east of the city has been invested." So much money has gone in, it can’t be recovered in a short time, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

"Qiangsheng and Qiangwei are our old customers. They have always had a good relationship. Why did they suddenly do this? Why did the customers of the trade fair suddenly go to Li's Group? How did you become the president?" Zhu Dongjin Angrily questioned.

   "Dad, you should ask your elder brother about this."

   "What does it matter to him?"

"Dad, anyone with a discerning eye will know that this is Li Zhenting deliberately trying to punish us. Some time ago, Li Zhenting was not in the company. He ran thousands of miles to chase his wife. His wife, Shen Ning, disappeared after she became pregnant. In the city, he didn't think about eating and drinking, so he put down his work and went to chase his wife and children. Originally, this was their family's business, but the elder brother insisted on being ambiguous with Shen Ning, so he went to Licheng to live with Shen Ning. Together, you think, who is Li Zhenting? He is the toughest man and the richest man. How can he bear the hatred of taking his wife? Right now, as soon as he comes back, he will attack the Zhu Group and vent all his anger on our company Body, what do you think I can do?" Zhu Qiming spread his hands and said clearly.

  Zhu Dongjin was so angry that his eyes turned black, his whole body was shaking, he slapped the desk heavily, and cursed loudly: "This bastard, he did all kinds of bad things, I can't spare him this time."

   When he was angry, a man's voice came from outside: "Mr. Zhu."

   Zhu Qiming had an inscrutable smile on his lips, and asked outside, "What's the matter?"

   "The young master is here, he wants to see Zhu Dong."

   "Beast, he dares to come to see me." Zhu Dongjinzheng wanted to beat Zhu Qixiong up, and yelled at him.

  Zhu Qiming turned around with a sinister smile on his lips, and hurriedly replied: "Brother, Dad just wanted to see you, and you just came." He immediately opened the door.

  Outside the room door, Zhu Qixiong was holding his wrist with a cold face.

  After the men in black escorted him over, they untied him from the rope.

Looking at this suffocating study room, he remembered how he longed to come here when he was a child, so he wanted to shout: "Dad, take me to play for a while, Dad, I am so afraid of the dark, you can let me stay here for a long time." stay a while? '

  But he never fulfilled his wish!

  Seeing this now, I just feel suffocated and terrible.

  He raised his eyes and glanced at Zhu Qiming, who was surrounded by thousands of pets, flushed and full of vigor, and walked past him indifferently, walking towards the study.

  Zhu Qiming's eyes flashed a sly smile.

   With a bang, Zhu Qixiong had just arrived in the study and hadn't spoken yet. Suddenly, Zhu Dongjin rushed over without asking any questions, and slapped Zhu Qixiong **** the face with a 'slap'.

  Zhu Qixiong's face was turned to one side.

  He turned his face in a daze for a moment, then turned his head, his eyes were full of angry flames, and asked sharply, "Mr. Zhu, why did you hit me?"

  When Zhu Dongjin heard this, he raised his hand angrily and wanted to hit him again.

   Yes this time

   Zhu Qixiong grabbed his hand forcefully.

   "I ask you, why did you hit me?" Zhu Qixiong roared angrily, his voice trembling with explosion, shaking the whole study room.

  Facing his son who was a head taller than him, Zhu Dongjin suddenly felt inexplicable timidity and guilt.

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