"Baby, my baby." In the ward, Shen Ning finally saw his twins.

  Unfortunately, through the glass door, I can't see clearly.

  I saw two small balls, with pink and tender faces, lying on the crib, sleeping with their eyes squinted, very cute.

   However, they are too small!

  Such a weak group, in this cold ward, there is no mother and relatives to follow.

  Shen Ning's heart became a ball in an instant, and he really wanted to rush up and hug them into his arms and kiss them! Give them mommy love!

  Her fingers grasped the glass, pressed against her face, her eyes were moist.

   "Baby, don't be afraid, Mommy is watching you outside, you must be strong." She murmured.


  A warm and generous palm reached out to hold her hand, and embraced her in his arms.

   "Ningning, don't worry, they'll be fine in two days, we'll take them home together." Li Zhenting kissed her on the cheek and spoke softly.

   When I first walked into the ward, I guessed that she was here without seeing her.

   Sure enough, she was still far away and saw her standing outside the glass door and looking intently at the children inside, her face full of concern.

   She was holding on to the glass door with one hand, and she was still supporting her stomach with the other.

  At this time, she is not suitable for walking, but in order to see the children, she insisted on walking over by herself.

  At that moment, his heart also ached!

  A mother's love for her child, this is the best interpretation, what a beautiful and kind woman, he missed and owed her for so many years!

  Shen Ning's big eyes stared wide open all the way to the children's faces, so focused that Li Zhenting didn't even realize that Li Zhenting hugged her into his arms.

  She just wants to see the facial features of the children clearly, to see if they look like her.

   But it's really far away and I can't see clearly.

   It wasn't until being hugged by a pair of powerful big hands that he turned around in shock, and was facing Li Zhenting's affectionate black eyes.

  For a while, I was a little dazed, as if I was attracted by a deep pool, and my heart and soul were about to fall into it.

   But soon, she woke up.

   "Please let me go." She said coldly, with a full face of rejection.

"Ningning, you are in confinement now, and you are not suitable for walking for three days after giving birth, let me hold you." Li Zhenting begged softly and affectionately, "I hold you higher, so you can see the cute little children Where's the face?"

   After speaking, he lifted her up.

   Shen Ning saw the faces of the two little guys clearly at once.

  Her eyes stayed on the little guy's face and looked greedily.

The two little guys had beautiful features and black hair, but soon, she felt a little lost, because one of them was carved out of the same mold as Li Zhenting, very similar to Coco and Ding Ding, and it was unclear whether it was a brother or a sister , this man's genes are really strong.

  As for the other one, it still looks like hers, which makes her a little relieved.

   "Are you ready?" After Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning for a long time, seeing that she was still watching and didn't intend to come down, his arm was really sore, so he had to ask.

   Shen Ning came back to his senses and found that he was still in Li Zhenting's arms. He held her up high, quickly retracted his head, and struggled to get down.

   "I'll carry you back to the ward." But Li Zhenting's powerful arms clamped down on her struggling arms, and he carried her towards the ward.

   Shen Ning struggled, the tighter he clamped.

  The two were fighting, because Shen Ning was weak, and his fists fell on him as weak as cotton, which made Li Zhenting's whole body tense and his face flushed.

  Nurses and patients who didn't know the truth looked at them like a loving couple playing and playing, and they all smiled slightly.

   Shen Ning was very embarrassed, his face was a little red, knowing that he couldn't hold him back, he could only close his eyes and pretend to sleep.

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips curled up slightly.

   After entering the ward, when Li Zhenting put her down to distract her, Shen Ning pushed him violently, pushed him out of the ward, and quickly locked the door of the ward.

  Li Zhenting had no choice but to leave.

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