"Let me tell you, I found Xiaofeng for Li Xuexi. She is Shao Meiqi and your father's biological daughter. Her name is not Xiaofeng at all, but Xiaoxi."

  Shen Mei's eyes widened in shock.

   "Then who is Shen Ning? What's going on?"

"Hehe." Lan Feiyun sneered, and said, "This has to start from the day Shao Meiqi gave birth. That day she had a postpartum hemorrhage and passed out after giving birth to a baby girl. Then, I bribed the nurse inside to pick up the baby girl." Don't blame me for being ruthless because I lost my baby. You think, at that time, the Shen Group was not bad, and Gucci perfume was also popular. With such a wealth of property, how could I allow Shao Meiqi to give birth to a child and steal our property? I was also pregnant at that time, and I went to the hospital with your father, and I was present from the beginning to the end of Shao Meiqi's delivery, and everything was planned by me seamlessly, and no one ever doubted it."

   "Ah." Shen Mei was so startled that her jaw almost dropped, she just sat there speechless.

   "Then who is Shen Ning now?" After a long time, she asked curiously.

"On the day Shao Meiqi gave birth, a woman happened to give birth to twins. The woman died after giving birth. At that time, the delivery room was in chaos, and I secretly heard the nurse say that the younger sister of the twins was having a difficult labor. It seemed that I was out of breath. At that time, I thought that Shao Meiqi would give birth to a stillborn baby, so I hugged that younger sister and handed over Shao Meiqi's daughter. Unexpectedly, the girl was so lucky that she came back to life , So, without knowing it, Shao Meiqi raised her as her own daughter, who is now Shen Ning."

At that time, Lan Feiyun didn't expect Shen Ning to come back to life, but she wasn't afraid of it. After all, when the time came to divide the family property, as long as her true identity was revealed, Shen Deshun would definitely be furious and would never give her a dime. Yes, in this way, there is no threat to Shao Meiqi's child. Besides, watching her love rival Shao Meiqi raise a child for others and treat her like a treasure, I am so happy, as long as I see her, I am happy.

   "Mom, how do you know that Xiaofeng is the daughter born to Dad and Shao Meiqi?" Shen Mei never dreamed that there would be such a complicated process.

  Lan Feiyun smiled and spoke proudly.

  It turned out that the woman died after giving birth to a pair of twins. As for the father of the child, no one knew.

   Not long after, the girl was adopted by a family.

  Lan Feiyun's full attention was on Shao Meiqi's own daughter, and she didn't pay attention to the boy. Secretly, she had been silently paying attention to her. Later, she found out that a couple in Shenzhen had adopted her.

  She specially went to investigate the couple. It turned out that they were just an ordinary family without children.

  Unfortunately, the man of the couple got liver cancer and died of the disease not long after.

  In this way, only that woman lives with Xiaoxi.

   In this way, Shao Meiqi's children have been living at the bottom of the society, living a life without enough food.

  Growing up, that woman also fell ill, and the young Xiaoxi could only go to work to support herself and her mother. She often hung out in nightclubs and bars, and lived a very hard life.

  Lan Feiyun was so happy to see her rival's daughter living so badly!

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