Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1152: Others are not as disgusting as you

  In the morning, because Shen Ning was worried about Zhu Qixiong, he called him again.

   This time, the call got through, but it was a woman who answered the phone.

   "Who, who?"

  Shen Ning was taken aback, Zhu Qixiong could be with some woman or something, if so, she would disturb him!

   "Excuse me, I'm Young Master Zhu's friend, surnamed Shen, is Young Master Zhu here?" Shen Ning asked politely.

   "Are you that Shen Ning?" Suddenly, the woman's voice became very sharp and sharp, very unfriendly.

   "Yes, I am." Shen Ning didn't know what was going on there for a while, so he had to answer truthfully.

"Mrs. Li, let me say that you are a married woman, a middle-aged woman who has five children, why do you always ask Qixiong from our family to do something? Do you think this is okay? Qixiong is still a golden bachelor , are you worthy of him?" The woman immediately fired at her like a cannonball.

  Shen Ning was stunned by the scolding, unable to react for a long time.

   "Who are you?" She asked after thinking for a while.

"I'm his relative, you don't have to worry about who I am, just take care of yourself, I hope you don't call Qixiong again, you are a married woman who has given birth to seduce my unmarried youth , I feel ashamed and ashamed for you, I hope you will cleanse yourself in the future, and don't do something that violates morals and ethics, otherwise, I will ruin your reputation and make you unable to stay in the imperial capital." Xu Xiangzhi was sarcastic and threatening , wishing to lift Shen Ning to his feet and trample him to death.

  Shen Ning finally recognized who this woman was, and suddenly understood something.

"Madam, please don't be so arbitrary. What do you call me, a middle-aged married woman? Please remember that I was born in the same year as Zhu Qixiong. We are just friends, very ordinary friends, and there is no such thing as you said. Ugly things, please don't use your own ugly thoughts to imagine others, others are not as disgusting as you." She retorted calmly.

   "You bitch, you dare to talk back and tell you that Qixiong already has a new girlfriend, please don't bother her in the future, otherwise, I will be rude to you." Xu Xiangzhi shouted angrily.

  At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and Zhu Qixiong came out.

  As soon as he came out, he saw Xu Xiangzhi talking on his mobile phone, and immediately became furious.

   "Auntie, how can you use my mobile phone to talk to others? Who is he?" He asked dissatisfied.

  This hypocritical woman is getting more and more shameful, she dares to interfere in his affairs at will, using his mobile phone, doesn't she know that this is privacy.

  Xu Xiangzhi panicked when she heard Zhu Qixiong's voice, she quickly hung up the phone, turned around, and smiled all over her face: "I'm sorry, Qixiong, I used your phone to call Xueying just now."

Is it?

  Zhu Qixiong glanced at her calmly.

   There was obviously anger in her eyes, and she was obviously lying.

   "Auntie, please remember, I don't like other people using my mobile phone." He warned coldly.

   "Okay, I won't use it next time." Xu Xiangzhi changed his face really quickly, and immediately replied flatteringly.

   Zhu Qixiong took the phone and looked at it, put the phone aside, sat down lazily by the side, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

   "Yes." Xu Xiangzhi smiled, "Your father is worried about you, so let me come and see you. Hey, your father actually cares about you."

  Zhu Qixiong had a sneer of disdain on his lips: "That's it?"

   "Also, Xueying will come to our house tomorrow, let me tell you, let you make preparations, you can have a good talk tomorrow."

   "Oh, I see." Zhu Qixiong frowned, fell on the bed, turned sideways, and ignored her.

  Xu Xiangzhi was happy to see that he had no objection, and ignored his indifference, turned around and left. "

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