Li Zhenting was silent for a while, and said: "Nothing happened to me and Xiaofeng..."

   "That's enough. I don't want to hear the name of that disgusting woman, and I don't want to hear your explanation. I'm not blind, I have eyes to see." Shen Ning immediately interrupted him in a cold voice.

  Leaving aside what about Xiaofeng, what about Lan Lan, she is the child Shen Mei gave birth to him, and he still wants to explain something, it's really disgusting!

   She has disgust on her face!

   Li Zhenting was beaten into a dog, lowered his head, suddenly took a bite of an apple, reached out and put his arm around her shoulder, hugged her into his arms, lowered his head and bit her lip.

   Shen Ning didn't react for a while, when he came back to his senses, the dead man had already pushed the apple into her mouth.

  She never expected that he would suddenly make such a move, shaking her head and struggling in anger, wanting to spit out the apple in her mouth.

  But Li Zhenting knew her thoughts long ago, one hand supported the back of her head, the other hand went around and hugged her arm tightly, and his lips tightly blocked hers.

  Shen Ning couldn't breathe, and felt so uncomfortable that he had to bite the apple into pieces and swallow it. Li Zhenting let go of his lips when she saw that she had eaten the apple, and smiled triumphantly.

  Fresh air came in, Shen Ning opened his mouth to breathe.

   At this time

   Li Zhenting suddenly lowered his head, kissed her mouth fiercely, and kissed skillfully, with the tip of his tongue poking in... Shen Ning stared at him with eyes widened in anger, broke free with both hands and waved to hit him.

   Fists fell on his shoulders and back, like raindrops.

   Li Zhenting simply hugged her, kissed her for a while, and then buried his head in her arms, breathing in her heart, and closed his eyes as if his heart, which had no place to rest, had found a home.

   "Get out." Shen Ning was so angry that he pushed him to get out.

   But Li Zhenting is just a pug, Lai is in her arms and doesn't want to get up, let her beat her or scold her, anyway, there is only one word: Lai.

  Shen Ning was so angry that he had no choice but to reach out and press the calling bell.

   Not long after, the nurse ran in panting.

  Li Zhenting let go of Shen Ning.

  The clothes and hair of the two were a little messy, and their faces were flushed. Shen Ning's ears and neck were flushed, and fine sweat was oozing from his forehead.

   "President Li, Ms. Shen, what can I do?" Seeing the two of them like this, the nurse understood something, smiled awkwardly, and asked politely.

   "Yes." When Li Zhenting was about to let her go out, Shen Ning spoke.

   "May I ask what's the matter, Ms. Shen?"

   "Isn't it time to turn off the lights here?"

   "Yes, lights out at ten."

   "Okay, someone here is disturbing my rest, please invite him out." Shen Ning didn't even look at Li Zhenting, but told the nurse.

  The nurse lady immediately turned her eyes to Li Zhenting.

   "President Li, it's almost ten o'clock, and the lights are going to be turned off here." She smiled and was very polite.

   Li Zhenting pursed his lips tightly, but there was still Shen Ning's unique fragrance on his lips.

  He knew that Shen Ning must hate her very much now, who made him forcefully kiss her just now.

  He didn't dare to stay here anymore, for fear of being retaliated by her, he glanced at her with attachment and smiled: "Okay, I'll leave right away."

  He packed his things and left under Shen Ning's disgusted eyes.

   "Miss nurse, this man is not allowed to appear in my ward in the future, and he must never be allowed to come in again." Li Zhenting left, and Shen Ning immediately instructed the nurse.

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