Zhu Jinzhi did not expect that a small waiter, a country bumpkin, could recite the Civil Code so proficiently. It was really unexpected.

   "Okay, you can figure it out." Under Xu Xiangzhi's supervision, she had to sit down angrily, with a look of reluctance.

In fact, she has already been terrified by the detention of five to ten days, so she doesn't want to go to the police station. Besides, if she is a thousand-dollar lady, if she is taken into the police station by the police, she will be ashamed Ah.

  Therefore, no matter how reluctant she was, she dared not continue the trouble.

"Thank you Madam for your generosity, then this matter will be like this." The foreman accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately flattered Xu Xiangzhi, and pulled Zhang Xiaoxian and said, "Xiao Zhang, let's go, other tables have to serve food Woolen cloth."

   After speaking, Zhang Xiaoxian couldn't help but pull Zhang Xiaoxian out.

  Zhang Xiaoxian didn't want to cause extra problems, so she could just let it go.

  But half of his face was in burning pain, and he stood in the corner stroking half of his face, tears streaming down uncontrollably.


  A hand stretched out and pulled her to walk outside.

  Zhang Xiaoxian was taken aback, before she realized it, she was already pulled outside.

   "Xiaoxian, when did you come to the imperial capital?" Zhu Qixiong looked at her with surprise on his face.

  He remembered that Shen Ning had said that he was going to be invited to pick up Zhang Xiaoxian's family when they came to the imperial capital. Afterwards, he was locked up and had no time to go out.

"Young Master Zhu, it turned out to be you." Zhang Xiaoxian raised her eyes and saw that it was Zhu Qixiong, her heart sank a little. If she guessed correctly, the woman who beat her just now was Miss Zhu's family. It should be his younger sister. Surnamed Zhu, they are all high-ranking capitalists, people all the way, she replied faintly, "I have been in the Imperial Capital for almost a week, and my sister sent someone to pick me up."

   Shen Ning?

  A trace of doubt flashed in Zhu Qixiong's eyes, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, he promised her but failed to do so. She must have been too worried about Xiaoxian, and really wanted to help her before taking her over.

   "Qixiong, Qixiong." At this moment, Xu Xiangzhi's voice came from inside.

  Zhu Qixiong suddenly pulled Zhang Xiaoxian into the corridor.

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked at him strangely.

   "Shh." Zhu Qixiong put his fingers to his lips and hissed at her.

   Soon, Xu Xiangzhi couldn't find him and walked in another direction.

   "Let's go." Zhu Qixiong pulled Zhang Xiaoxian and walked towards the street. A Palaca luxury car was parked there, and he took Zhang Xiaoxian into the car.

   "Young Master Zhu, I still have to work." In the car, Zhang Xiaoxian was very anxious.

   "You are a dignified graduate student serving dishes in this restaurant." Zhu Qixiong frowned, "Stop doing it here, the environment here is too complicated and not suitable for you."

   "Yes, I really didn't know that the rich people in the imperial capital would be so difficult and domineering." Zhang Xiaoxian sneered.

  Zhu Qixiong turned around, looked at her face, stretched out his hand to turn her face away, stroked the fingerprints on her face with his fingers, and gave the driver an address.

  The driver immediately took them to the front.

   "Young Master Zhu, where are you taking me?" Zhang Xiaoxian was very dissatisfied that she was forcibly taken away by Zhu Qixiong.

She has worked for three hours today, and she can get 300 yuan if she works another three hours. This amount of money is not worth mentioning to them rich people, but to her, it is the food for their whole family for several days What about Fei, and she is penniless now, money is too important to her.

  Zhu Qixiong didn't speak, the car stopped in front of a hospital, and he took her to an office of the dermatology department.

  Inside, a young man in a white coat is busy in front of the computer.

   "Young Master Qi, apply an ice compress to the wound on her face." Zhu Qixiong brought Zhang Xiaoxian in front of him, "What a beautiful face, it will be troublesome to leave marks on it."

   Young Master Qi looked up at Zhang Xiaoxian, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Zhu Qixiong.

   "My friend." Zhu Qixiong replied lightly.

friend? Qi Shao glanced at Zhang Xiaoxian again, okay, we haven't seen each other for a few days, Zhu Qixiong is getting better and better, this girl looks pure and clean, she doesn't seem to be hanging out with men all day, she seems to be from the countryside.

   "Okay, I'll help her deal with it." Qi Shao personally applied the ointment on Zhang Xiaoxian's face, asked some questions while applying it, and knew within a few seconds that the girl was being bullied in a restaurant.

  Zhu Qixiong is a hero to save the beauty tonight! he thinks!

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