"It's okay, I just want to ask you, when will you be able to help me with the lawsuit, I'm getting more and more worried now, after all, the Li family is too powerful, I'm afraid you won't be able to beat Li Zhenting's lawyer team." Shen Ning was incomparable over there worry.

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips curled up slightly.

   "I've said it before, you don't have to worry about confinement, and leave everything to me. What is Li Zhenting, he's just a paper tiger. I will definitely let you win the lawsuit and completely defeat him."

   "That's good, thank you, Lawyer Niu, I'll treat you to a meal when you have time." Shen Ning was very grateful.

   "You're welcome, as a lawyer, this is my duty."

   "Actually, we haven't signed the agreement yet, how about we sign the agreement someday?" Shen Ning seemed worried, and asked additionally.

   "Well, the 10,000 yuan deposit you gave me last time didn't have a receipt yet, so you can indeed sign an agreement first." In order to make her feel at ease, he immediately cooperated.

"It's okay, it's only 10,000 yuan, I believe you, besides, there are certificates for WeChat transfers, I just want to sign an agreement on the matter of asking you to file a lawsuit, so that it will be more formal. "Shen Ning is hypocritical, but in fact, she is afraid that he will go back on his word, so she won't help her with the lawsuit.

   "Okay, I'm going to make preparations in the next few days. After the agreement is completed, we can sign it online." Li Zhenting sent a message very considerately.

   Shen Ning looked at it, completely relieved, and sent a 'OK. ’ Then I sent him a bow and thank you emoji.

  Just as she was about to hang up the phone, Lawyer Niu sent another greeting:

   "Miss Shen, how is your health now? You have to rest well after giving birth."

   "Thank you, I'm alright. This time is no better than last time. Last time was really hard. This time, with Aunt Dong taking care of me, it's much better."

   Li Zhenting's heart sank.

   "You shouldn't underestimate a woman's confinement, otherwise the root cause of the disease will fall. You confine yourself well and leave the rest to me. Don't worry about the lawsuit. I will definitely help you win that scumbag."

  This time, he was really scolding himself.

  Last time, when she gave birth to Keke, Ding Ding and Xiaoshi didn't know how they got here, he felt very guilty when he thought of it.

   "Well, well, thank you."

   "Oh, by the way, is there anything you want to eat or lack? I have someone buy it for you and send it to you. If you have a baby, I should buy some gifts for you. After all, we are also good friends." He asked sincerely.

   "No, I am thankful that you can help me with the lawsuit. If you can really help me win the lawsuit, I will thank you then."

   "Thank you?" Li Zhenting actually got jealous.

  After all, Shen Ning trusts this strange lawyer Niu very much. Although Lawyer Niu is himself, in Shen Ning's mind, he doesn't know, but he is a man worthy of her trust.

   "We'll talk about it at that time." Shen Ning sent a big smile, "Okay, the children are awake, I'm going to breastfeed, let's do this first."

   "Okay, um."

  Her profile picture faded away.

  Li Zhenting imagined that the two little ones had woken up, and felt inexplicably kind in his heart, but when he thought of the picture of her breastfeeding the children, his body actually felt hot.

   Only then did I realize that he hadn't had that need for several months. He is a normal man after all, okay!

  In the hospital.

  When Zhu Qixiong opened his eyes, he found that he had a severe headache and was dizzy, but what appeared in his eyes was all white.

where is this place? what happened?

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