"Tsk tsk, that's all right, don't cry poor, don't worry, I won't borrow it from you." Zhang Xiaoxian replied, took out a gold card from her pocket and put it in front of him and said, "Master Zhu, this is the card you gave me that day." Mine, I'm useless, but this is the bill you were discharged from the hospital today, there is no way, I have no money, otherwise, I will help you advance the payment. "

   "This is for you, if you give it away, it's for you." Zhu Qixiong didn't raise his head, his eyebrows were light.

   "No, I won't ask for other people's money. You should collect it quickly, so that others won't mistake me for being taken care of by you." Zhang Xiaoxian recalled the way the waiter looked at her just now, feeling a little helpless.

  Zhu Qixiong could only smile, and picked up the card.

   After dinner, Zhu Qixiong paid the bill, went out and called a car, and left without looking back.

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked at his back, inexplicably felt that his back was heavy and sad, as if hiding a lot of thoughts, she frowned, but because she was going to work as a part-time job in a restaurant in the afternoon, she left without thinking.

  After many years, she didn't know that this meal was actually paid for by Zhu Qixiong with all his belongings at that time. At this time, he was penniless except for the card.

   And that card, after he returned by car, he hid it in her mother's carry-on package, which contained 200,000 yuan.

  Shaw Villa

   At noon, a black Bentley car parked outside.

   Li Zhenting walked down from the inside.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Ning was breastfeeding two babies. Li Zhenting walked in with his long legs and a luggage bag in his hand. He was shocked and turned around immediately. Rebuke.

   Li Zhenting smiled brazenly and said, "I'm here to see the baby."

   "Go out, and if you come in later, you have to knock on the door and ask for my permission before you can enter."

   "Ning Ning, I am the father of the children."

   "If you have any objections, you can file a lawsuit. I'll wait." Shen Ning is confident, anyway, with the help of Lawyer Niu, Lawyer Niu has signed a contract with her online these days, and she has a good chance of winning this lawsuit.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting gritted his teeth, "I agree to let Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao come and live with you. Why are you so ruthless to me? Anyway, you can't stop me from watching the children."

   After finishing speaking, he put the luggage bag in his hand aside, and Shen Ning didn't care because he had to breastfeed the two babies.

   At this time, the baby in the cradle must be hungry, and cried sadly.

   Li Zhenting quickly picked her up, because his brother was hungry quickly, and usually he ate first.

"Hurry up and prepare the milk powder." As the little ones grow up day by day, Shen Ning is also in a hurry. Usually, this one will cry when he is hungry, and the other one will cry before he finishes drinking the milk. Seeing the children crying, she feels distressed. He couldn't care less about driving Li Zhenting away.

  As the children grow up day by day, the milk is not enough, and they are already preparing complementary food.

   "Okay." Li Zhenting hurriedly prepared milk powder.

   "Quick, change the diaper."

   "Feed the baby plain water."

   "Put some baby powder on baby's bottom."


   Once he was busy, Li Zhenting was in a hurry. Fortunately, the little ones fell asleep after eating and drinking.

   "Now you know that raising a child is not easy." When he raised his head, he saw Shen Ning looking at him coldly.

   "Yes, Ningning, you have worked hard these years." He immediately gave her a thumbs up.

   "You don't need to say this, you go out, and remember to send the children over in the afternoon." Shen Ning turned his head and said coldly.

"what about me?"

   All the children are here, is he alone in that house!

   "Just stay and take care of Lan Lan." Shen Ning said with a cold face, "I don't need you here, don't worry, I will let the children go home after staying for a few days."

   Li Zhenting pursed his lower lip, and glanced at the luggage bag!

   Oh, if you want him to stay in that house alone, he won't do it!

  From now on, he will live here, unless Shen Ning can go home with him!

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