What a couple of dogs and men!

   How disgusting!

  In Li Jiaojiao's heart, a wave of anger ignited!

  She turned sharply and rushed towards the other bedroom.

   With a "bang", over there, she slammed the door shut.

   "Qingshan, who is it?" Chen Qianqian turned her head to the side and asked.

"Crazy." Ji Qingshan frowned and looked at Li Jiaojiao who had rushed over recklessly, then ran away in a hurry, muttered something, turned around, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, it's just that little sister. "

  Chen Qianqian rolled her eyes. In fact, she had already seen Li Jiaojiao standing at the door just now.

   "Qingshan, do you think she is really just a little sister?" She looked at him and asked with a smile.

  Ji Qingshan smiled disapprovingly: "Otherwise, he would be self-willed and arrogant, unable to understand the situation, immature and unreasonable, and even more unreliable than a young lady."

  Chen Qianqian smiled and said, "Why do I think she has a crush on you?"

   "That's because she's willful and ignorant. She's just a little girl who just turned eighteen. She hasn't experienced the beatings and experiences of society, so she doesn't know what love is. It's just curiosity."

   "But at the age of eighteen, it is also the age when love first begins."

   "So, this is a normal physiological reaction for her, and she will wake up after a while." Ji Qingshan smiled helplessly. He always felt very innocent to be favored by such a young lady.

  Because he doesn't have the energy to deal with her!

  It's time to eat.

   Li Zhenting ordered someone to deliver a large table of sumptuous meals, with everything you need.

  Fresh prawns, crabs, lobsters, salmon... If this is normal, Li Jiaojiao will definitely have a big appetite and can't stop eating.

   But today, she was really disgusted! I have no appetite for these delicacies!

   But Ji Qingshan and Chen Qianqian were sitting across from her, they couldn't see each other when they looked up, they felt disgusted no matter what!

   "Dean Chen, come, try this lobster." As soon as the meal started, Ji Qingshan thoughtfully picked up the lobster and sent it to Chen Qianqian's bowl.

   "Thank you." Chen Qianqian blushed slightly and thanked with a smile.

   "Ning Ning specially asked Yan to thank you, you don't have to thank me." Ji Qingshan smiled.

   "Thank you so much, Mrs. Li." Chen Qianqian looked at Shen Ning, "You are so kind."

   "It should." Shen Ning smiled politely.

  Everyone talked and laughed kindly, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

   "Hypocrisy, disgusting." But Li Jiaojiao couldn't swallow that breath, and muttered softly.

  Shen Ning was sitting next to her, and she listened straight to her. She looked back at Li Jiaojiao who was full of unwillingness, and shook her head slightly.

   So far, she has been stalking Ji Qingshan, but Ji Qingshan still doesn't show any sign of loving her. If this little girl doesn't come out, she will suffer a lot.

  During the banquet, Li Zhenting toasted Ji Qingshan and Dean Chen.

  The two of them also returned the wine to Li Zhenting, singing like husband and wife, looking very much like a loving couple.

  Li Jiaojiao felt even more panicked when she saw it.

"Miss Li, I offer you a toast, I wish you more and more beautiful, and find a favorite Prince Charming." Ji Qingshan didn't even look at Li Jiaojiao out of the corner of his eyes, just drank wine with Li Zhenting, holding food for Chen Qianqian from time to time, Instead, Chen Qianqian took the initiative to toast Li Jiaojiao.

   "Thank you, Dean Chen." Even though Li Jiaojiao hated Chen Qianqian even more, she was specially toasted to her, and she still had to drink it.

  If Chen Qianqian took the initiative to toast her, she would have to pay back, right?

   "Professor Ji, Dean Chen, I offer you a toast." She poured a full glass of wine, but respected Ji Qingshan and Chen Qianqian at the same time.

  Ji Qingshan had no choice but to raise his glass: "Thank you."

   "Professor Ji, Dean Chen, when can I drink your wedding wine?" After the three of them clinked glasses, Li Jiaojiao asked with a smile after drinking the wine in one gulp.

   This made Ji Qingshan very embarrassed.

  The current relationship between him and Chen Qianqian is far from getting married, and the window paper between them has not been pierced, but Li Jiaojiao's direct question not only embarrasses him, but also embarrasses Chen Qianqian.

  It's okay for him to be embarrassed, after all, he is a man, but Chen Qianqian...

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