Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1193: Fortunately, it was sent to the hospital in time

   "Oh, it's so itchy." While everyone was eating and drinking, suddenly, Chen Qianqian started to scratch her body with her fingers on her arms.

   "What's going on?" Ji Qingshan, who was sitting next to him, immediately asked with concern.

   "I don't know. It was fine just now, but suddenly it started to itch." Chen Qianqian said while scratching, her face full of pain.

   "Ah, Dean Chen, your face and neck are red, are you allergic?" Shen Ning looked up, and saw that Chen Qianqian's face and neck were all red, and she was shocked instantly.

   "Dean Chen, aren't you allergic to seafood?" Ji Qingshan also changed color, and asked worriedly.

  Chen Qianqian scratched and shook her head: "No way, I usually eat seafood, and I have never had a history of allergies."

   "What's the matter?" Li Zhenting also felt that something was wrong.

   "No, I have a stomachache and I'm going to have diarrhea." At this moment, Chen Qianqian stood up and ran towards the toilet.

   "I'll go with you." Ji Qingshan panicked and hurriedly ran behind her.

  Li Jiaojiao gave the two of them a cold look and snorted disdainfully.

  Shen Ning hurriedly said to Aunt Dong: "Aunt Dong, hurry up and get the medicine box, there are plasters to relieve itching."

  Aunt Dong hurriedly went upstairs to get the medicine box.

   "Ah, I feel so uncomfortable, I have difficulty breathing." In the bathroom, Chen Qianqian felt her feet were soft and her hands were soft after she had diarrhea, so she walked out while holding onto the wall.

  As soon as she came out, she saw Ji Qingshan standing at the door waiting for her.

  She went limp and fell forward.

  Ji Qingshan hastily stretched out his arms and hugged her.

   "Dean Chen, how are you doing now?"

   "I feel bad, my stomach hurts, my body is itchy, I have no energy, and I have shortness of breath." Chen Qianqian spoke weakly as she fell into Ji Qingshan's arms.

   "Trouble, this must be a severe allergy, I'll take you to the hospital immediately." Ji Qingshan was so anxious that he picked her up and walked outside.

  As soon as they walked to the door, they saw Shen Ning, Li Zhenting, and Li Jiaojiao all standing here waiting for them, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"President Li, Ning Ning, Dean Chen must be allergic to something. The symptoms are very serious. I will send her to the hospital immediately and leave first." Ji Qingshan said to Li Zhenting, and Shen Ning hugged Chen Qianqian and left .

  Chen Qianqian huddled in Ji Qingshan's arms weakly, her face pale.

  Li Jiaojiao looked at her thoughtfully, her face gloomy and uncertain.

  Ji Qingshan carried Chen Qianqian into the car, started the car and drove towards the hospital.

   "Professor Ji, Dean Chen, this is an allergic reaction. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise it will cause heart and kidney failure." The doctor looked at some examinations with lingering fear.

  On the hospital bed, Chen Qianqian had fallen into a coma.

   "What is the cause of the allergy?" Ji Qingshan's eyelids twitched, and he detailed the meal he ate at noon.

  The doctor fell into deep thought and said:

   "Professor Ji, we have to ask Dean Chen about her allergy history after she wakes up. Many people are allergic to seafood."

   "But she said that she is not allergic to seafood."

   "If it's not seafood, it's very likely to be something else, and it's also very likely that something else has mixed with the seafood and a chemical reaction has occurred. Let's see the test results later." The doctor replied.

  Ji Qingshan is proficient in medical theory, so he naturally understands these principles. Right now, he can only wait for the test results to come out.

  Shaw Villa.

   "It's fine, how could you be allergic?" Shen Ning watched Ji Qingshan take Chen Qianqian to the hospital with lingering fear.

   "Ning Ning, don't worry, Dean Chen and Ji Qingshan are both doctors, they know how to deal with it." Li Zhenting comforted Shen Ning.

Shen Ning's face sank, and he said angrily: "It's all the food you sent, I was going to cook it at home, but you came up with this bad idea, if anything happens this time, it's all your responsibility. "

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