"What are you doing?" She frowned, trying to shake off his hand.

   "What? Are you going to get rid of me so soon?" Li Zhenting was a little dissatisfied with her attitude.

   "Then what do you want? The babies are going to drink milk."

   "I want to drink too." Li Zhenting suddenly smiled brazenly, and even lowered his head to kiss her lips.

  Shen Ning rolled his eyes at him, this man must be crazy, it's this time, but he still comes here, is it itchy, and wants to be chased away by her!

  She turned and walked away.

   "Ning Ning, slow down, I was joking just now, here, this is for you." Li Zhenting suddenly took out a beautiful jewelry box from his pocket as if conjuring and handed it to her.

   Shen Ning was stunned.


"open to take a look."

   "No, I don't want it." Shen Ning knew that it was expensive jewelry, she didn't want it, so she pushed his hand, turned around and left.

"Ning Ning, this is a big diamond ring. I specially ordered it for you in Paris. It is the only one in the world." Li Zhenting grabbed her arm, pulled her to her chest, and forced it into it. In her hand, "You have worked hard to give birth to the babies. This is my reward for you. There is also a villa. The transfer procedures have been completed, and the real estate certificate will be sent in two days."

  Shen Ning was startled.

  What kind of tricks is Li Zhenting playing? These days, sending flowers, diamond rings and villas, trying to buy her off?

   "Thank you, I don't need it, you can give it to someone else." She refused indifferently, turned around and walked in.

  Li Zhenting stuck on it like a dog skin plaster, stuffed the jewelry box into her bag, and held her hand with his hand.

  Shen Ning wanted to get rid of it, but the man was so strong that he couldn't get rid of it at all.

   At this time, Keke and Xiaoxiao saw that Daddy and Mommy hadn't come in yet, so they looked out.

   Shen Ning couldn't resist when he saw the children, so he had no choice but to hold her hand.

  The two of them walked inside.

  Ke Ke and Xiao Xiao saw Daddy and Mommy holding hands, very loving and happy. They were very happy, and followed them into the room bouncingly.

  Under the big tree outside the villa.

  A young man stood there looking straight at everything inside.

  He is Zhu Qixiong.

  I delivered an order of takeaway in the evening and stopped here.

   It happened that Li Zhenting's car came back.

  He stood there blankly and saw Shen Ning and Li Zhenting coming out of the car. The two were pulling each other sweetly and affectionately, envious of others.

   She forgave him after all.

  Even if he hurt her so much, she wanted to escape several times, but once he returned to her side and bowed his head to him, she would forgive him like a child.

   Maybe this is true love!

  Actually, ever since Shen Ning asked him to take her to escape, his heart was throbbing.

   Shen Ning's resoluteness when he left Li Zhenting once let him see hope and opportunity.

  However, Shen Ning's intentional or unintentional rejection and alienation of him also made him feel inferior and unconfident.

   So far, Shen Ning is the first woman who made him look forward to marriage and family.

   How much he wants to cherish this woman!

At that time, when Shen Ning fled to Yuhe Village in Licheng, when he sent him the location address, he set off without any hesitation, not for anything else, just to catch a glimpse of her, to see if she was living well .

   But later...

  A wry smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

  Li Zhenting has already held Shen Ning's hand and walked towards the house intimately, surrounded by only indifferent air.

  He turned around and was about to step on the electric scooter to leave.


   A force hit the back of his head.

  He hasn't reacted yet.

   There was a sharp pain in the back of his head, his eyes went dark, his body shook, and he fell down.

  Here, when Shen Ning was led away by Li Zhenting, he always felt flustered.

  When he was about to enter the living room, his eyelids jumped inexplicably, as if something bad was about to happen, he turned around and took a look.

   "What's the matter?" Li Zhenting was walking, seeing that Shen Ning turned his head away, thinking that something was left behind, he hurriedly asked with concern.

   Shen Ning looked around, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, and shook his head.

   "Come in, the babies are waiting for milk." Li Zhenting held her hand tightly and led her into the living room.

  Seeing her son and Shen Ning coming back holding hands, Li Wanqing burst into laughter.

"Ning Ning, the two babies are well-behaved today, they don't cry or fuss, each drank more than a thousand milliliters of milk powder, they may be hungry now, and they are whimpering, you should go and see them. " she said with a smile.

  When Shen Ning heard it, his heart immediately flew to the children, he broke free from Li Zhenting's hand, and ran inside.

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