"Stop, why do you hit someone?" Ji Qingshan smiled sullenly, "In order to seduce me, you went to my room to take a shower, and deliberately left the door open, and now you hit someone, how can you be so thick-skinned? What? Have you never seen a man before? How sarcastic are you?"

I go!

Li Jiaojiao was almost furious after hearing this!

Is this **** still a human? It was obvious that he was spying on her taking a shower, but he said she was seducing him!

 She is the one who suffers now! She is still a yellow flower girl!

"You bastard, you got an advantage and acted like a good boy." She tried hard to take her hand out and slap him hard, but the man was so powerful that she couldn't get out no matter how hard she struggled. In anger, she raised her foot and hit him. He stepped down and kicked hard.

 Actually, she didn't mean to kick him under his ass, but the height of the kick was just at that position!

"Zhou Cao, you vicious woman, you dare to let me cut off my queen." Ji Qingshan dodged and became furious. He grabbed Li Jiaojiao's wrist and pulled it back. He stretched out his other arm and pushed Li Jiaojiao directly. He reached the wall and pressed his wrist on the throat of her neck.

Li Jiaojiao’s back suddenly felt sore and she had difficulty breathing.

Instinctively, she spread her fingers with her other hand and grabbed Ji Qingshan's face.

Ji Qingshan had already suffered a loss once, so he was on guard. He let go of her hand, reached out to grab her wrist, and turned it back.

"Ouch." Li Jiaojiao burst into tears from the pain, "You bastard, let me go."

At this time, Li Jiaojiao was restrained from the neck down by Ji Qingshan, unable to resist at all.

"Li Jiaojiao, let me tell you, I have no sexual interest in girls like you. Don't seduce me again. I won't be fooled." Ji Qingshan not only didn't let go of her, but clamped harder. .

Li Jiaojiao was in pain and angry. She was so angry that she had a sudden awakening.


She burst into tears with a loud cry, and shouted loudly: "Cousin, cousin, come and save me, I'm being harassed, someone is molesting me."

She has no other abilities, but her voice is quite loud.

This shout was beyond Ji Qingshan's expectation, and for a moment, he was a little panicked.

 “Shut up.” He shouted angrily.

“Cousin, cousin, come and save me, I’m about to be raped by a beast.”

Ji Qingshan has always had a high self-esteem and does not bother to be associated with such a willful fool like Li Jiaojiao. When she cried like this, he was worried that they would get involved. He shouted with a cold face: "Li Jiaojiao, this is me This is a lesson for you, if you dare to seduce me again in the future, I will make your life worse than death."

After saying that, he let her go, grabbed her arm and pushed her out until Li Jiaojiao fell to the corridor, and locked the door behind her with a bang.

"Ouch, you bastard." Li Jiaojiao's **** was smashed, her elbow hit the ground with a sharp pain, her whole body was in pain, and she was so angry that she was smoking.

 There was no way she could win against him because of the huge disparity in power.

"You bastard, go to **** for daring to molest me." She got up unwillingly. The anger in her heart could not be eliminated, so she had to raise her foot and kick the door hard several times.

Ji Qingshan listened to the door banging and heard Li Jiaojiao scolding outside. He sneered and went to the bathroom leisurely to rinse his mouth.

 He did not want to deal with this willful little girl, and he was too lazy to argue with her.

As a top leader in the medical field, he disdained to get involved with an inexperienced girl. Besides, she was already crazy. If there were rumors that he had molested her, he would not be able to defend her.

 Of course reputation is important!

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