“Xiao Xian.”

Zhang Xiaoxian stood at the gate looking at the majestic and luxurious Li's Castle gate, feeling timid in her heart. The security guard just told her that she needed an invitation letter to enter, but she had never received any invitation letter at all. Therefore, she was Unable to get in, just when she was about to turn around and leave, a luxury car drove over, the door opened, and a man called her nickname.

Zhang Xiaoxian was a little surprised. No one in the imperial capital knew her at all, let alone a man who drove a luxury car.

 She turned around.

The handsome and free-spirited man was sitting in the cab and smiling at her.

 “Master Zhu.” Zhang Xiaoxian was a little surprised when she saw Zhu Qixiong.

 “Silly girl, come here.” Zhu Qixiong waved to her.

 Zhang Xiaoxian walked over uneasily and forced a smile.

“Master Zhu, are you here to attend the wedding of Sister Ning and Mr. Li?”

 “Yes, you too?”

"I didn't receive the invitation letter." Zhang Xiaoxian lowered her head. Zhu Qixiong had received it, but she hadn't, and Shen Ning didn't even tell her. It was obvious that she was not qualified. After all, she was just a country girl.

“It’s okay, come up, I’ll take you in.” Zhu Qixiong smiled.

"This is not good. Will uninvited people lose their face if they come in?" Zhang Xiaoxian was uneasy.

 “Then why did you come here?”

 “I just want to express my feelings, I have no other ideas.”

“That’s it, just follow me in and don’t worry about anything else. Maybe I’ll ask you for help.” Zhu Qixiong smiled and reassured her.

 “Can you please help me?” Zhang Xiaoxian was surprised and thought he was making a joke on her, but he just wanted her to get in the car.

"Yes, get in the car quickly, don't stop others." Someone behind her was honking the horn, and he urged her. Zhang Xiaoxian had no choice but to open the door and get in the car.

"Xiao Xian, don't blame Shen Ning for not inviting you to their wedding banquet, because she lost her memory after being injured." In the parking lot, Zhu Qixiong parked the car, his face full of solemnity.

"Lost your memory?" Zhang Xiaoxian screamed, grabbed Zhu Qixiong's arm and said, "Master Zhu, tell me quickly, what happened to Sister Ningning?"

 “Hey.” Zhu Qixiong sighed and told what happened.

“No wonder I heard that two members of the Li family were taken to the police station some time ago. It turned out to be because of this incident. Oh my God, my poor Sister Ning, why are you so miserable?” Zhang Xiaoxian shed tears after hearing this.

"So, this time, she must be happy." What happened between him and Shen Ning that night flashed through Zhu Qixiong's mind, and he felt extremely guilty and lowered his head.

“Yes, Sister Ningning must be happy this time. Mr. Li will never let her down again.” Zhang Xiaoxian wiped her tears.

“Xiao Xian, you can be my girlfriend for these three days.” Suddenly, Zhu Qixiong said.

 “What? Girlfriend?” Zhang Xiaoxian thought she heard wrongly and looked at him in surprise.

"Yes." Zhu Qixiong nodded affirmatively, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Because Ning Ning and I are close, Li Zhenting has always been very suspicious of me. If I have a girlfriend, he will be relieved. , this way you will treat Shen Ning wholeheartedly, can you understand what I mean?"

He told everything, but he hid only what happened between him and Shen Ning that night and the photos, because he really couldn't tell him!

 Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned and suddenly realized.

 “Okay, I promise you.” She agreed immediately.

If there is suspicion in a love, it will be detrimental to both parties no matter what. She really doesn't want to see Shen Ning in pain anymore.

 “Okay, thank you, I can pay you.”

"No need." Zhang Xiaoxian replied very loyally, "We are all doing this for Sister Ningning's good. As long as she is good, I will be willing to bear it even if I am misunderstood or abused."

"Xiao Xian, you are so kind." Zhu Qixiong looked at her. The little woman's eyes were bright and her face was open and honest. The corners of his lips were slightly raised and he praised sincerely.

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