Today Mr. Li wore his favorite national uniform, and Mrs. Li also wore a dark red festive suit.

The old couple held hands and got into the car, accompanied by Li Zhenting and Shen Ning.

Li Jichun knew that this should be his last trip away from home, so he held his wife's hand tightly.

 With a huge salute, the convoy to welcome the bride started.

Li Zhenting held Shen Ning's hand tightly and sat in the RV.

Beside them, Tehu and Aunt Dong were taking the children.

 At this moment, Shen Ning was very happy and joyful. She was immersed in the beautiful wedding and forgot everything.

 Li's Castle.

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao are putting on makeup in the dressing room, very happy.

Lan Lan sat aside, her eyes full of envy and jealousy.

Originally, she was going to be a flower girl, but Li Jiaojiao said that she didn't need so many children, and she was not Shen Ning's biological child. It was a bit unethical to appear at Shen Ning's wedding, so she let it go.

“Hmph, it’s so ugly.” Lan Lan looked at Xiao Xiao wearing a beautiful wreath with disdain, snorted coldly, and walked out.

Li Jiaojiao is currently concentrating on dressing up the three little ones and has no time to care about her.

 Full of loneliness and jealousy, she walked out alone.

Not long after I left, the phone in my hand rang.

 She saw it was Shen Mei calling and quickly picked it up.


 “Lanlan, what are you doing now?”

“Mommy, I have nothing to do. I’m just walking outside.”

"No one cares about you?" Shen Mei asked with a cold face. "No, they are all around Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, putting makeup on them. No one pays attention to me. I am so pitiful." Lan Lan complained pitifully.

"Is it lively? How many guests are here?" Shen Mei's eyebrows were full of jealous anger.

She once dreamed that Li Zhenting could marry her like this, but his heart was still taken away by Shen Ning.

“It’s very lively. There are many guests here, all dressed up beautifully.” Lan Lan’s eyes were filled with tears of grievance.

"What's this? Mummy will give you something better when the time comes. Don't be angry. Mummy has something important to tell you now. Is there anyone else around you?" Shen Mei comforted Lan Lan and asked in a low voice.

"There is no one else." Lan Lan looked around. Some of the guests were playing around on their own, and no one noticed her.

“Well, be good, go to a corner where no one is around, and then I’ll tell you.” Shen Mei ordered.

"Okay." Lan Lan looked at it and walked under a grape trellis. "There is no one here. Mommy, if you have anything to say, please tell me."

There will be a lot of fresh pastries coming later. Although she feels aggrieved, she cannot resist delicious food.

"In this way, Lan Lan, mommy will go to Li's Castle to see you today, but your daddy won't let mommy in, and mommy doesn't want others to know. When you arrive at 7:00 pm, quietly Go and open the small door on the west side, so that mommy can go in through the small door." Shen Mei ordered in a low voice.

Ke Lanlan was a little confused: "Mommy, which one is Ximen?"

"That's the one. That's where you and Ding Ding went out to play hide-and-seek once." Shen Mei reminded.

Lan Lan thought for a while and then replied: "Mommy, I know, but I don't have the key."

"The key is in the utility room behind the kitchen. There is one tied with a red rope. Go look for it. If you find it, tell me. Mommy can see you today. Mommy will sleep with you tonight. ." Shen Mei was tempting over there.

“That’s great.” Lan Lan was very happy to see her mommy and immediately cheered.

 Then she hung up the phone and went to the kitchen and opened the utility room.

Sure enough, there was a key hanging there, tied with a red rope.

She immediately brought a small chair, climbed up and took it down

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