Lanlan took out the key.


Xiao Ximen's door was not often opened, and the keyhole was a bit high. She stood on tiptoe for a long time without opening the key, and even the lock hole was not aligned. She was panting from exhaustion.

 She has never done any work, let alone opened a door, so her hands-on ability is very weak.

"Lanlan, are you ready? Our car will be here as soon as it's ready." Shen Mei called after a while and asked.

Lan Lan was so tired that her neck and hands hurt, and she suddenly burst into tears.

 Shen Mei panicked.

“Lan Lan, can’t you even open the door?” she asked anxiously.

“Mommy, I really can’t open it.” Lan Lan cried out of breath inside.

"What should I do?" Shen Mei looked at Lan Feiyun with a panicked face.

“Hey, a five or six-year-old child is unreliable.” Lan Feiyun shook her head, and had no choice but to call Liang Ruqi.

“Leave this matter to me.” After receiving the call, Liang Ruqi immediately sent her confidants to the west gate and opened the door.

 Shen Mei drove towards Li's Castle.

Beside the pavilion.

"My Grandpa Mao, where have you been?" After a while, Li Jiaojiao became dizzy from drinking, lying on the stone table, slapping her hands on the tabletop and wailing, "Crown, where have you been? Please show up quickly, okay? Don't scare me, a little girl, I won't scare you."

"Do you like money so much?" She was drinking and crying alone. After making trouble for a while, a man came to her and asked with a gloomy face.

"Who doesn't like money? Don't you like money?" Li Jiaojiao shouted with a wave of her hand and glanced sideways at the man in front of her.

 Under the bright street lights, the man is wearing a peaked cap, with fair skin and sharp features.

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like that stupid Jijing beast?" Li Jiaojiao opened her eyes wide with her hands and shouted at Ji Qingshan angrily.

Ji Qingshan’s lips twitched for a moment.

 In fact, he has been paying attention to Li Jiaojiao since he took away her red envelope.

  After all, he was the one who took her things and was the one who started this prank.

If something happens to her out of mind, it will make his conscience uneasy. Although there are some minor frictions between them, there is no deep hatred.

 After an afternoon of observation, he discovered that she really loved money, so much that she loved it!

Such a cheerful and smiling girl became depressed and depressed after the red envelope was taken away by him. The tragic situation made him suspect that she was about to commit suicide by slitting her wrists. Although she has not committed suicide yet, she just drank herself. With Gan's depraved appearance, there's no guarantee that he won't make any extraordinary moves next.

 He couldn't bear it anymore and walked up.

"Money is a good thing, but a gentleman loves money in a proper way. I don't love money as much as you do, as long as it is enough." Ji Qingshan sat down opposite her.

"I am guilty of loving money. If I had no money, what would I eat or use?" Li Jiaojiao stared at him as if he were an idiot, picked up the beer next to her and poured it into her mouth.

"That's enough." Ji Qingshan reached out and snatched the beer bottle from her hand, threw it to the ground, and said, "Tell me how much money you lost, and I'll give it to you."

 He ​​took out his mobile phone and wanted to transfer it to her. He had taken the red envelopes originally, and he was embarrassed to return them to her. It was a good choice to let her not pursue them in this way.

"Ah, who do you think you are? Why should I ask for your money? Get out of here, you are as disgusting as that **** Ji Jingshou." Unexpectedly, Li Jiaojiao slammed the table and shouted angrily.

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