"Brothers, please don't embarrass the bride and groom. After all, today is their bridal night. What's the point of getting drunk? In this case, I will drink this glass of wine for them." Zhu Qixiong rushed. He went in and stood in front of Shen Ning. He turned around and said to Shen Ning: "Ning Ning, help your husband go in quickly. Leave this place to me."

“Thank you.” Shen Ning glanced at him gratefully, then helped Li Zhenting and walked inside.

The guys saw that the bride and groom had left, so they had no choice but to walk away and go have their own fun, eat, drink and have fun.

Shen Ning helped Li Zhenting walk into the living room and was about to get on the elevator when he suddenly saw a chubby little girl walking over with two large plates of food.

“Lan Lan, aren’t you full yet?” Shen Ning asked.

 “Yes, I’m hungry.” Lan Lan replied.

"It's so late, don't eat too much, it will affect your sleep. Eat again when you get up tomorrow." Shen Ning saw that her plate was full of high-protein foods such as lobsters and crabs, as well as a bunch of desserts, a small How can a girl eat so much? He hurriedly warned her.

"Okay, I understand." Lan Lan agreed and looked at Li Zhenting. The elevator on the right happened to be coming, so she walked in first and pressed the door button as soon as she entered. Obviously she didn't want to be in the same elevator with them. .

Shen Ning smiled. Of course, they wouldn't push through. After all, Li Zhenting's body smelled not good at all.

After a while, the elevator door on the left opened, and she helped Li Zhenting in.

Lan Lan waited until the elevator door opened, immediately took the plate and walked to the stairs at the back. It wasn't until Shen Ning helped Li Zhenting into the wedding room that she knocked on the door of her bedroom.

 Soon, the door opened.

 Some hands took the food in her hand, and then the door was quickly locked.

"Lan Lan is so good." Shen Mei looked at the food that was brought to her, kissed Lan Lan hard, and then started to devour it.

Today she came here without even having dinner, just to have a big meal. Later, she would have to ask Lan Lan to bring a few plates to eat.

Lan Lan was lying on the bed, taking out a crown and playing with it.

“Lan Lan, what’s that in your hand?” Shen Mei was eating crabs when she suddenly felt a bright light in the room. She turned around and her eyes widened. I saw Lan Lan holding a shining golden crown in her hand, which was covered with diamonds and jewels.

God, this is worth a lot of money!

 “It’s a crown.” He picked up a diamond on it with his little fingers and replied lightly.

 “Who gave it to you?” Shen Mei asked anxiously.

"No one gave it to me, Xiao Xiao, I stole it." Lan Lan replied. She didn't know that the crown was valuable, but she thought it looked very good. At that time, Xiao Xiao's shoelaces were untied and the crown was a bit heavy on her head. She took it off first and put it on the table, and then she took it away.

Shen Mei even forgot to eat the crabs. She snatched them away and looked at them carefully, her eyes shining brightly.

This crown is estimated to be worth at least tens of millions!

Li Zhenting was really biased. He gave such an expensive crown to Xiaoxiao, but Lanlan got nothing.

She was jealous and sour, holding the crown and didn't want to let go.

“Mommy, give it to me quickly.” Lan Lan didn’t have enough fun and reached out to her for it.

“Lanlan, give this crown to Mommy, don’t play with it anymore.”

"Why?" Lan Lan was very unhappy. She brought this, so of course she had to play with it.

"Lan Lan, this crown is very valuable. If you stole it, Xiaoxiao will definitely look for it everywhere. If he can't find it, he will have to tell the adults. If they come and find out that you took it, then you will be in trouble. , you will definitely get beaten. Stealing is not a good thing, and Mommy can’t help you. Why don’t you give it to Mommy now, and Mommy will help you hide it, so that even if they come looking for it, they can’t find it. Even if they find it, they will blame Mommy. Take it, I won't blame you, mommy is doing this for your own good." Shen Mei followed the instructions.

When Lan Lan heard this, she was frightened and had no choice but to agree.

Shen Mei hurriedly packed the crown and hid it in Lan Lan's mattress, preparing to take it out in the next few days.

 Just after hiding the crown, the mobile phone on her body vibrated.

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