Zhu Qixiong finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the bed.

 But the heat in the body kept coming up, my throat was dry, my tongue was dry, and my body felt like it was going to explode.

He gritted his teeth and climbed up and rushed to the bathroom, turned on the cold water faucet, and stood under the shower head. The cold water temperature gradually extinguished the desire in his body.

 Two hours later, he finally walked out of the bathroom reluctantly and lay down weakly.

But he was exhausted and still couldn't fall asleep. All he could think of was Shen Ning actively teasing him and being wild and wild. He was extremely shocked inside.

 Shen Ning turned out to be like this after losing his memory? !

 But a person just has amnesia, and those moves to tease her are very skillful and sophisticated. If she has not experienced a lot of things between men and women, it is impossible for a woman to do them.

 According to common sense, shouldn’t amnesia mean that the memory is weaker? How could it be...


 He climbed up and sat up.


The last time Shen Ning came to look for him at Zhu's house, Shen Ning did not lose her memory that time, and she was also so proactive and skillful...

That time, because he was in a coma after taking a lot of medicine, he thought he was hallucinating. He really couldn't believe that she would do that.

Hence, he blamed himself for all the mistakes, but after this time, he felt unprecedentedly confused.


 The next day.

Early in the morning, with dark circles under his eyes, he hurriedly left Li's Castle without even having time to see off Zhang Xiaoxian.

Here, his hair stood on end.

 In the wedding room.

In the darkest moment before dawn, Shen Ning felt moist lips kissing her, and a big palm lingered on her skin to light up the fire. Wherever the palm touched, it brought out strings of numbness, and she moaned softly. Come on, open your eyes, Li Zhenting is kissing her eagerly.

 “Shanshan.” A voice like a thin cat moaned from between her teeth. Li Zhenting bit her earlobe with his lips and whispered warmly in her ear: "Ning Ning, you fell asleep so early last night and I didn't get a good night's sleep."

 Last night?

 Shen Ning's face was red.

 Yes, she felt drowsy as soon as she returned to the room last night and couldn't open her eyes. She didn't know why she was so sleepy.

"I fell asleep first last night, and you fell asleep last night. We are even, it doesn't matter, let's make up for it now." Li Zhenting smiled softly in her ear, and the passionate kiss swept over her again. Covered her whole body.

Shen Ning was trembling all over, and in an instant they both climbed up to the colorful clouds.


"Mom, those little **** are so disgusting. They ruined my good deeds again." In the living room of the Shen family, Shen Mei was so angry that she threw things around the house.

"You can't fight a few children as an adult, so why are you so angry here?" Lan Feiyun picked up the things and comforted her: "Don't worry, take your time, as long as you can freely enter and leave Li's house now, and Li Zhenting We are in love with Shen Ning. If you suddenly penetrate her, it will easily arouse Li Zhenting's alert. It's better to take your time and find the right time. This time, we must get enough capital."

Shen Mei scratched her chest frantically. She felt so uncomfortable. How could the fire all over her body subside?

"Mom, I know." She suddenly remembered something and smiled evilly, "I'm going to rest first."

 She ran into her bedroom, took out her mobile phone and made a call.

“Brother Kang.” She said seductively.

 “What? Little slut, do you miss me?” There was a lewd laughter from the other side.

 “Disgusting.” Shen Mei made a kissing sound on her phone.

 “Wait for me, I’ll come right away.”

“Then I’ll wait for you.” She laughed and hung up the phone.

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