
 Shen Ning finally returned to the bedroom.

 Just entered.

 She felt that something was not right. The usually clean and tidy big bed now looked fluffy and messy. There seemed to be a different smell of perfume in the air, which she usually disliked.

She frowned and looked around again. The other furnishings in the house were still the same, and there were no changes.

It seems that some nanny came in temporarily to clean the house!

 Normally she doesn't need nannies to come over to clean the room, she can do it herself, and she doesn't like others to come in to her bedroom.

She went out today, and the nanny took the initiative to come over and clean up.

 She was already very tired after a hard day's work, so she didn't take it seriously and washed herself up early and went to bed.

 The next day.

 She returned from picking up the children from kindergarten. Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao rushed straight to the living room. Sister Wang prepared sugar water and exquisite pastries for them, and they ran in to enjoy them.

Shen Ning drove the car to the parking lot and then walked in.

"Ning Ning, where is Lan Lan?" Unexpectedly, Li Wanqing asked her as soon as she entered.

Shen Ning was stunned.

Didn’t Lan Lan come back with Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao?

 She quickly looked into the dining room.

Sure enough, there were only three little guys eating, and Lan Lan was not seen.

"Mom, I just picked up Lan Lan and went home with her. I parked the car and she should be at home." Shen Ning replied.

"But I searched all over and couldn't find her." Li Wanqing had a displeased look on her face, as if Shen Ning deliberately didn't pick Lan Lan back.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll go look for you." Shen Ning smiled bitterly, it was really difficult to be a stepmother.

 She immediately started looking upstairs and downstairs.

 However, after looking around, Lan Lan was still nowhere to be found.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, where did Lanlan go?" She immediately walked over and asked.

“I don’t know, I didn’t see it.” Coco and Ding Ding both shook their heads.

"Mommy, I saw her walking towards the back garden." Xiaoxiao thought about it and recalled it, and replied hurriedly.

Upon hearing this, Shen Ning turned around and walked towards the back garden.

 Under a big banyan tree. "Mommy, today Keke would rather give the toy car to Xiaomei to play with than to me, and he even beat me." Lan Lan complained with her lips curled up.

"What a little brat, you are so impatient that you dare to hit my daughter." Shen Mei was filled with anger when she heard this, and she gritted her teeth and cursed, "Wait until I get there to deal with him."

"Mommy, can you make Coco listen to me? Let him like me and play with me, okay?" At this time, Lan Lan suddenly begged.

In fact, the conflict in the kindergarten today was because there was a very cute little girl named Xiaomei in their class. Xiaomei was gentle and beautiful, with big eyes that were always shining. She usually admired Coco and liked to follow behind him. run.

Coco also likes this gentle and beautiful little sister.

 Therefore, in normal times, he always plays with her and brings her whatever good food and fun things he has.

 In this way, Lan Lan was very unhappy.

 After all, Lan Lan has always liked Ke Ke, so she felt that Ke Ke should play with her.

Lanlan was very angry when she saw that Keke was getting better and better towards Xiaomei and didn't even want to look at her.

Today, when Coco gave a toy car to Xiaomei, she couldn't help but snatched it away and hit Xiaomei on the head.

Coco was furious and immediately snatched the car away and slapped Lan Lan.

Lanlan was so angry that she cried, but Keke took Xiaomei's hand and went to the other side to teach her how to play with cars.

Lanlan couldn't stand the bad temper, so when she got home, she secretly ran to the back garden and called Shen Mei.

"Let's do this, Lan Lan, you open the small west door for me at eight o'clock tonight. I want to come over to see you and teach Ke Ke a lesson." Shen Mei ordered there.

 “Really?” Lan Lan blinked her big eyes.

“Of course, mommy can still lie to you.”

"Okay." Lan Lan was very happy, "You must let Coco play with me alone."

"Lanlan." At this moment, Shen Ning's voice came from the other side.

“Mommy, Aunt Shen Ning is here. I’m hanging up the phone.” Lan Lan turned around and saw Shen Ning walking towards her, and immediately hung up the phone.

"Lan Lan, why are you here again?" Shen Ning came over and asked in confusion, "The wind here is very cold, and you will catch a cold. You can go upstairs to make a call."

Lanlan lowered her head and said nothing.

"Go back quickly, Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao is eating delicious food." Shen Ning took Lan Lan's hand and led her towards home.

Lanlan thought that her mother would come to see her tonight and make Coco like her. She was in a good mood and followed Shen Ning obediently.

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