"Brother Kang, can't you feel it? We never took any measures when we were together. Moreover, when I was with you, I was a virgin. At that time, I only had you." Shen Mei then spoke. , "If it weren't for Lan Lan, do you think I would still stay with you now? It doesn't matter what you want, and you can't even give me safety. I am thinking about my future life and Lan Lan's future. She will definitely not be better off following you than following Li Zhenting, so I didn't tell you all this. Now, I want Lan Lan to live a life of a master, and I am preparing to play a big game of chess. You still don't believe me? It’s so disappointing.”

With that said, Shen Mei picked up her phone and pulled out many photos of Lan Lan.

"Take a good look. Lanlan's eyes and nose look so much like yours. They are just like you. Could she not be your daughter? Because of this, I'm worried that Lanlan's identity won't be hidden for long. So, I must act immediately to get the best interests for Lan Lan."

 Brother Kang seemed to understand.

“Meimei, you are really my treasure. Thank you for giving birth to my daughter. Thank you for your hard work.” Brother Kang pressed Shen Mei under him and began to move his hands up and down...

 The next day.

 In Blue Whale Kindergarten.

 After class, Lan Lan and Ke Ke walked around in a showy manner, feeling very proud.

"Coco." Xiaomei was holding a toy in her hand, which she was going to give to Coco, because Coco had given her many delicious and fun things, and she wanted to repay him as a token of her gratitude. Seeing Coco following Lan Lan, she had to walk up cautiously, because since yesterday, she couldn't find Coco alone. Coco was always followed by Lan Lan, the annoying follower.

"Xiaomei." Keke heard Xiaomei calling him, turned around and was about to walk towards her.

"Keke, stop." Lan Lan shouted and stopped Keke, refusing to let him pass.

Coco had no choice but to stand and looked at Xiaomei helplessly.

 Xiaomei’s clear eyes were full of disappointment.

 Keke actually listened to the words of the little evil girl Lanlan.

“Xiaomei, I’m warning you, Coco is mine, and you are not allowed to come to play with Coco in the future.” Lan Lan walked up to Xiaomei and ordered forcefully.


"No reason, cocoa is mine and has nothing to do with you. You can't steal other people's things." Lan Lan said proudly. "Nonsense." Xiaoxiao happened to see it at this time and ran over immediately, "Cocoa is my brother, not yours. Why do you say that cocoa is yours? It's so shameless."

"Xiaoxiao, how dare you talk back to me." Lan Lan got angry and suddenly raised her hand and slapped Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Xiao had already taken precautions, and with a quick dodge, he caught Lan Lan's hand with his backhand, and slapped him conveniently.

 There was a crisp "pop" sound, and Lan Lan was slapped **** the face.

She was stunned for a moment, and it took her a while to realize what she was doing, and she started crying loudly.

 “Xiaoxiao, hurry up.” Keke immediately winked at Xiaoxiao.

"Brother, I'm not afraid of her." Xiaoxiao is full of justice, this Lanlan is so disgusting, she wants to treat her.

 There was anxiety in Keke’s eyes.

"Keke, do you see? If Xiaoxiao hits me, you beat her back for me." At this time, Lan Lan ordered to Coco.

 Keke lowered his head and stood motionless.

"Keke, if you don't hit Xiaoxiao, I will tell mommy to teach you a lesson." Lan Lan cried and yelled.

Hearing this, Coco's eyes were flustered and she was at a loss what to do.

At this moment, Xiaoxiao on the side seemed to understand something. Could it be that Mommy taught Keke a lesson, so Keke was so kind to Lanlan and listened to Lanlan in everything? If this is the case, then it is no wonder that Coco became like this.

"Keke, do you hear me? I asked you to hit Xiaoxiao." Seeing that Keke didn't hit Xiaoxiao, Lan Lan was already very impatient and yelled even more hysterically.

 Keke looked at Xiaoxiao helplessly, feeling very sad.

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